29/09/14: Israeli Army cuts electricity to Aqraba homes

At approximately 6am on Monday morning, bulldozers accompanied by the Israeli Army demolished 60 electricity pylons, providing electricity to homes in Aqraba village, just south east of Nablus city. The electricity grid was part of an initiative to support the villagers by the Belgium Government in 2004.

Aqraba, which borders the Jordan Valley area of Palestine, is constantly attacked by the Israel Army. Earlier in the year the Army destroyed several homes and the local mosque, claiming they were built without permission.

Much of the Jordan Valley, and bordering villages are designated Area C under the Oslo Accords. This gives Israel full military and civil control. As such Israel as implemented a policy of ethnic cleansing, attempting to force out residents by demolishing their homes, destroying vital infrastructure and constant intimidation and attacks.

اقدمت جرافات وآليات الاحتلال الاسرائيلي  الساعه السادسه صباحا من يوم الاثنين بهدم واقتلاع ما يقارب 60 عامود كهرباء على امتداد 3كم  في منطقة خربة الطويل –عقربا  مما ادى ذلك الى حرمان الاهالي من ابسط الحقوق الانسانيه وهي الكهرباء ,علما بان هذه الشبكه انشئت بدعم من بلجيكا عام 2004 .
الجدير بالذكر ان منطقة خربة الطويل تتعرض دائما لعمليات هدم وتدمير للبيوت وخطوط المياه بهدف تهجير السكان في المنطقه.

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