Month: February 2015

SFP official Facebook page

Dear Friends,
Our old page was hacked and we have not been able to get it back. So we would like to welcome to the new and official Facebook page for Solidarity Movement for a Free Palestine (SFP).
Please ‘like’ and share this page with your friends and colleagues. This is where we will be posting about all our activities in Palestine.
Please note anything posted on the old Facebook page after December 2014 was not us.
From the river to the sea Palestine will be free.
SFP Steering Commitee
الى كافة الاصدقاء
مرحبا بكم في صفحتنا الجديده والرسميه لحركة تضامن من اجل فلسطين حره SFP
مع العلم انه تم اختراق صفحتنا القديمه وحاولنا جاهدين استعادتها ولكن لم نتمكن من ذلك, وبذلك نعلن ان اي مواضيع يتم نشرها بعد شهر كانون اول 2014 على الصفحه القديمه لا علاقه لنا بها .
هذه الصفحه الجديده سوف يتم نشر كافة الانشطه لحركه تضامن SFP في فلسطين عليها ولهذا ندعوكم للانضمام والمشاركه ودعوة كاقة الاصدقاء
من النهر الى البحر.. يدا بيد من اجل فلسطين حره
اللجنه التوجيهيه لحركة تضامن من اجل فلسطين حره sfp

Official SFP Facebook page –


27/02/15: SFP honour the martyr Muataz Washaha 1 year on from his brutal murder

One year after the brutal murder of 24 year old Muataz Washaha by the Israeli Army, SFP visited his family in Birzeit to pay their respects and honour his memory. In London international SFP volunteers also paid their respects to Muataz, demonstrating outside British-Dutch firm G4S.

On the morning of 27 February 2014 the Israeli Army invaded the village of Birzeit, near Ramallah, and surrounded the home of the Washaha family.  The Israeli Army besieged a the home, forcibly evacuated its residents and those of neighboring houses, destroyed parts of it and set the rest on fire.

Even more cruelly, the military kept the family watching as their belongings and memories burned and as Muataz Washaha, who was active in the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, was attacked.

The Israeli occupation forces had stormed the Washaha family’s house, looking for Muataz. They assaulted members of the Washaha family and detained his brother, Ramiz, as well as his friends Fadi Sedqi and Samir al-Qaisi.

A few months had only just passed since 24-year-old Muataz Washaha was released from an Israeli prison. He knew very well what being imprisoned meant for he refused to surrender to the Israeli military. He prefered to barricade himself in a corner of his house and resist arrest. He chose to die within his home, where he had spent his childhood and youth.

Do not worry. I will be free here. Leave and do not worry about me. I will stay here and not surrender. I will not return to prison.

These were the last words Muataz Washaha uttered to a civil defense worker, who was the last person to have access to him before the house was evacuated of everyone else.

The civil defense man had no choice than to kiss Muataz’s forehead and leave, respecting his wish.

Soon afterwards, the Israeli military located Muataz with its sophisticated technology and started shooting live bullets and shells at him. He was called on to turn himself in but Muataz would not. After the withdrawal of the Israeli forces, Muataz’s body was found torn by tens of live bullets.

Shortly after Muataz’s murder SFP activists visited Muataz’s family. They had this to say to the world:

SFP pays tribute to Muataz and all Palestine’s freedom fighters who have lost their lives in the struggle. SFP reaffirmed our commitment to freedom and justice and said “we will never surrender”.

اليوم الجمعه -27-2-2015 ذكرى السنويه لاستشهاد معتز وشحه- بيرزيت – رام الله
توجه نشطاءالمقاومه الشعبيه SFP بزياره تضامنيه لعائله الشهيد معتزوشحه اكدوا فيها على العهد والوفاء للشهداء وعبروا عن اعتزازهم بعائله الشهيد وشحه وبالشهيد معتز متذكرين ما قاله الشهيد(ابدا لن استسلم )
ثائر وشحه رحب بsfp وشكرهم على هذه الزياره التضامنيه واكد شكره لكافة المتضامنين الدوليين الذين يناصرون القضيه الفلسطينيه ويعملون في كافة المجالات لنصرة القضيه الفلسطينيه

نشطاء المقاومه الشعبيه يستعدون لاحياء يوم المراة العالمي عبر التوجه الى الحواجز

27/02/15: SFP march with Bil’in village on the 10th anniversary of the popular resistance

On Friday 27 February activists from SFP joined the village of Bil’in, near Ramallah, as they marked the 10th anniversary of the popular resistance in the village.

As activists, accompanied by international supporters, marched towards the Apartheid Wall, built on Bi’lin village land, the Israeli Army fired volleys of tear gas, sound bombs, rubber-coated steel bullets and live ammunition directly at them. Dozens suffered suffocation from the effects of the gas and one demonstrator was hit with a bullet and is still in a serious condition. Several activists, including internationals, were also arrested by the Army.

For 10 years the popular resistance in Bil’in has been demonstrating against the illegal annexation of their land. Bil’in, along with all of Palestine, is subject to unrelenting violence, seizures, curfews, and land appropriations that have violated their basic civil and human rights. The residents of Bil’in are now in a constant struggle, diligently attempting to use civil disobedience as a form of nonviolent resistance against the expansion of Apartheid Israel’s illegal wall and settlements, which has confiscated what remains of their already truncated olive groves and farm land.

The Apartheid Wall is largely built, despite being declared “in contravention of international law” by the International Court of Justice, the highest judicial body of the United Nations, along with its trenches, moats, and electric fencing, cutting Bil’in off from two thirds of their land.

Every Friday, after the noon prayers, the villagers of Bil’in march to demonstrate against the violation of their human rights by the formidable Israeli Army. SFP will continue to support villages across Palestine in their resistance until the Wall falls, Palestine is free and the refugees come home.

 نشطاء المقاومه الشعبيه SFP يشاركون في مسيره بلعين –رام الله
اليوم الجمعه 27-2-2015
في الذكرى السنويه العاشره لانطلاق المقاومه الشعبيه في بلعين
شارك نشطاء المقاومه الشعيه من حركة تضامن من اجل فلسين حره sfp المسيره الاسبوعيه في بلعين
-رام الله.
وذلك احياء للذكرى السنويه العاشره لانطلاق المقاومه الشعبيه حيث توجه مئات المشاركون باتجاه جدار الفصل العنصري, وما ان وصل المشاركون الجدار حتى بدأ جنود الاحتلال الاسرائيلي باطلاق العشرات من قنابل الغازالمسيل للدموع والرصاص المطاط والرصاص الحي ,حيث اصيب العشرات بحالات اختناق كما اصيب احد المشاركين برصاص حي في الراس وهو بحاله صعبه ,وقد قام جنود الاحتلال باعتقال بعض المشاركين ومن ضمنهم نشطاء ومتضامنين اجانب
نشطاء المقاومه الشعبيه sfp اكدوا انهم مستمرون في النضال ضد الاحتلال مطالبين بالحريه والعداله للشعب الفلسطيني .

26/02/15: SFP march with the village of Izbat at-Tabib against the Occupation

On Thursday 26 February activists from SFP joined the village of Izbat at-Tabib in Qalqliya district at a rally and march against the Occupation. As activists marched the Israeli Army soldiers attacked the demonstrators firing volleys of tear gas and attacking the demonstrators.

The village of Izbat at-Tabib is in so-called Area C, under the Oslo Accords. This means the village is under full Israeli military and civil rule. The majority of the village has demolition orders issued against it, including the village school. Access to the village is also blocked by earth moulds, erected by the Army, with soldiers regularly stationed at the entrance to the village.

As the 10th anniversary of the popular resistance in Bilin village approaches, SFP remembers the last words of Muataz Washaha, murdered by Apartheid Israel 1 year ago:

I will never surrender

SFP asks people around the world to join our struggle by boycotting Apartheid Israel and stand with us as we say we will never surrender.



نشطاء المقاومه الشعبيه (حركة تضامن من اجل فلسطين حرهsfp) يشاركون في مسيره عزبة الطبيب
اليوم الخميس 26-2-2015-عزية الطبيب –قلقيليه
شارك العشرات من نشطاء المقاومه الشعبيه اهالي عزبة الطبيب مسيرتهم الرافضه لاجراءات الاحتلال المتمثله بالاغلاقات المتكرره للشارع والاخطارات بهدم البيوت حيث توجه العشرات من النشطاء الى الشارع الرئيسي الذي يفصل بين محافظه نابلس ومحا فظه قلقيليه ويقوم الاحتلال الاسرائيلي باغلاقه عير السواتر الترابيه ومنع الاهالي من الخروج من القريه قد حضرت الجيبات العسكريه الى الاماكن وقامت بالقاء القنابل الغاز للمسيل للدموع بشكل همجي مما ادى الى اصابه الاعشرات بالاختناق واصابه اخر بعد الاعتداء عليه,وقد رفع نشطاءsfp يافطه عليها شعارات تطالب بالحريه والعداله .
يذكر ان الاحتلال الاسرائيلي وجه اخطارات من اجل هدم الكثير من البيوت وهدم المدرسه الرئيسيه بالقريه وما زالت الفعاليات والانشطه التضامنيه التي يقوم بها نشطاء المقاومه الشعبيه sfp مستمره من اجل رفض القرارات الاسرائيليه .
ومن منطلق وحده المقاومه الشعبيه ودعم كافة الجهود الرافضه للاحتلال الاسرائيلي فاننا ندعوكم للمشاركه في احياء الذكرى السنويه العاشره لانطلاق المقاومه الشعبيه في بلعين.
وتخليدا للشهيد معتز وشحه –بيرزيت – الذي يصادف ذكرى استشهاده يوم غدا 27 -2- فاننا ندعوكم للتوجه الى بيت الشهيد معتز تاكيدا منا على الوفاء للشهيد معتز, ولا ننسى كلمات الشهيد معتز الاخيره(لن استسلم ابدا)
حركه sfp ستبقى مستمره في المقاومه الشعبيه ولن نستسلم ابدا.

23/02/15: JVS report – Nihad Ali Alajul killed after Israeli Police harassment

Today, on the 23rd of February 2015, the Israeli police tried to stop a Palestinian car in order to impose a fine on the driver. While the Israeli police were following the Palestinian driver/vehicle, the car became involved in a collision, and the driver died. His name was Nihad Ali Alajul. He was 32 years old and was a father to four children. This happened in Al-Juflik village in the Central Jordan Valley, after Hamra checkpoint.

Today, as in every other day, the Israeli police work hard to fine Palestinian drivers on the road. Today they also gave a fine to one Palestinian Jordan Valley Solidarity activist for 250 Israeli shekels. This is the third fine this activist has received in the past three months, amounting to 1,500 shekels.

These actions are part of Israel’s apartheid occupation policies, which applies daily pressure on the lives of Palestinian people, families and communities. The police are supposed to enforce the law and to protect the people, but here they are working alongside the Israeli army to enforce the transfer of Palestinians from their lands by scaring the people. The police give Palestinians no opportunity to speak out to protect their rights.

This report is courtesy of Jordan Valley Solidarity Campaign.


22/02/15: SFP visit the family of Ayman Gharib from Tamon, held by Apartheid Israel

On Sunday 22 February activists from SFP visited the family of the prisoner Ayman Gharib from Tamon. Ayman was arrested by Apartheid Israel 3 months ago. Since then he has been held in solitary confinement in Jalame interrogation facility for a month, notorious for the torture of Palestinians at the hands of their Israeli jailers. He has now been transferred to Meggido prison.

SFP spoke to Ayman’s mother and wife and brought gifts for his small children. Ayman’s mother relived her pain to the activists after visiting Ayman a week ago and only being able to see him through the glass divider, while he remained shackled. She explained his harsh treatment at the notorious Jalame facility and his ill health as a result. She spoke of her hope that he would be home with his family soon.

SFP will continue to show support for prisoners and their families. We ask people around the world to join our struggle and raise the issue of Palestinian Prisoners with your respective representatives and organise actions in support around the world.

نشطاء المقاومه الشعبيه من حركة تضامن sfp يقومون بزيارة لعائلة الأسير أيمن غريب –طمون شرق نابلس . والذي تم اعتقاله قبل ثلاثة أشهر وقد قالت والدته أنه تم السماح لها لأول مره بزيارة ابنها أيمن وقالت انها بكت عندما رأت ابنها للمره الأولى وهو مقيد اليدين والقدمين وقالت زوجة أيمن ان زوجها أيمن تعرض للتحقيق في مركز تحقيق الجلمه وعاش ظروف قاسيه أثناء التحقيق واستغربت سبب اعتقاله وقالت أتمنى ان يعود أيمن قريبا ليعيش مع أطفاله مثل كافة العائلات .
حركة تضامن sfp تقوم بزيارة الأسرى في المواقع وتدعوا إلى عمل المزيد من فعاليات التضامن مع الأسيرات والأسرى وخاصة الأسرى الأطفال .

07/02/15: SFP plant olive trees to honour the martyr of Burin

On Saturday 7 February activists from SFP brought olive trees to the village of Burin to plant them in honour of the martyr Ahmed Al-Najjar, murdered a week before by the Israeli Army.

As activists marched towards the land to plant the symbolic trees the Israeli soldiers attempted to prevent them crossing Road 60, claiming only settlers could pass. SFP and the villagers remained steadfast and planted the trees in defiance of the soldiers attempted threats and intimidation.

SFP will continue to support the village of Burin in the face of fatal attacks from the illegal Occupation. SFP is also appealing to international supporters to sign and share our campaign calling for the release of SFP member Ghassan Najjar, interned by the Occupation without charge for almost 6 months. Please click here for more details.

نشاط الوفاء للشهداء في بورين ورفض سياسة الاحتلال الإسرائيلي العنصري
اليوم السبت -7-2-2015
تعبيرا عن الوفاء للشهداء ورفضا لسياسة الاحتلال الإسرائيلي وممارساته ألعنصريه ضد الشعب الفلسطيني من قتل وأعتقال للأطفال والاستيطان والحواجز فقد نظمت “حركة تضامن من اجل فلسطين حره SFP “نشاط تضمن زراعه زيتون في بورين –جسر مادما –المكان الذي اطلق فيه الجنود الاسرائيلييون على الشهيد احمد النجار, الذي استشهد يوم السبت الماضي 13-1-2015.
وقد قام النشطاء برسم لوحه تعبيريه للشهيد وزراعه اشتال زيتون ووضعوه عليها صورا له ولملاك الخطيب اصغر طفله أسيره في السجون الاسرائيليه -14 سنه
وقد حاول الجنود الإسرائيليون منع النشطاء الا أنهم استمروا وتوجهوا إلى شارع 60 هذا الشارع الذي يتم إغلاقه احيانا امام الفلسطينيون ,ويسمح فقط للمستوطنين من استخدامه .
نشطاء المقاومه الشعبيه sfp سوف يستمروا في زراعة الزيتون في كافة الأماكن المهددة بالمصادرة ومساعدة الفلاحين للوصول الى ارضهم .
نشطاء المقاومه الشعبيه من ” sfp” يشكروا كل من يساهم في شراء الزيتون ويقوم بالزراعه معهم .










31/01/15: Israeli Army murder a Burin teenager

On Saturday 31 January a group of Israeli Army soldiers ambushed children from the village of Burin, just south of Nablus city, and opened fire, killing 19 year old Ahmed Ibrahim Najjar, near the bridge connecting Burin with its neighbouring village of Madama. He was killed instantly after being shot in the head by the soldiers, who then detained his body for several hours before allowing Palestinian medics access and eventual transfer to Rafidia hospital in Nablus, where the young man was declared dead.

The Israeli Army regularly harasses the villagers of Burin and neighbouring Madama, which are surrounded by illegal colonies, home to some of the most violent Jewish extremists. As SFP reported last year, the youth of the village are regularly detained and imprisoned, including SFP Steering Committee member Ghassan Najjar who is still imprisoned by Apartheid Israel.

On Sunday 1 February SFP joined mourners in Burin to bury Ahmed and pay our respects and reaffirm our commitment to the village and its brave resistance. SFP will shortly be planting olive trees in Burin to reclaim their stolen land from the Occupation and settlers and will continue to provide support to the village and particularly families of those imprisoned. If you would like to donate to help SFP continue our activities please click here.

اليوم السبت -31-1-2015حنود الاحنلال الإسرائيلي يطلقون الرصاص على مواطنين فلسطينيين مما ادي الى استشهاد احد المواطنين
أطلق جنود الاحتلال الإسرائيلي الرصاص الحي على مواطنين فلسطينيين من قريه بورين  -جنوب نابلس ,وذلك خلال كمين نصبه جنود الاحتلال  على جسر قرية مادما  الذي يفصل قريه بورين وقريه مادما ,  مما ادى الى استشهاد الشاب  احمد ابراهيم النجار  19  عاما من قرية بورين  في رأسه  واستشهاده على الفور  حيث تم نقله الى مستشفى رفيديا نابلس بعد   احتجازه من قبل الجنود الإسرائيليين لفتره طويله وعدم السماح للطواقم الطبيه من اسعافه .

يذكر ان  جنود الاحتلال الاسرائيلي يقيمون  الحواجز بشكل شبه  يومي ويقوم بتوقيف المواطنين  وتفتيشهم  بشكل استفزازي ويمنع الأهالي الوصول الى أراضيهم 

حركة تضامن sfp  التي تتواصل مع الأهالي في بورين  ومادما وعصيره القبليه  بشكل دائم  أشارت ان بورين تتعرض دائما لاعتداءات المستوطنين وجنود الاحتلال   وانها تعرضت منذ فتره قريبه لحملات اعتقال كبيره






