Month: December 2014

25/12/14: Happy Christmas from the Israeli Army: Army invades Nablus on Christmas morning, kidnapping youth

As Christians around the world were celebrating Christmas, the homeland of Christianity, Palestine, the Israeli Army invaded the city of Nablus kidnapping 7 young men from their homes. The Army attacked the Old City, Al Ein refugee camp and the predominantly Christian area in the west of the city, Rafidia.

Ahmed Alhbeira whose home was invaded in the early hours of Christmas Day, explained to SFP members how the soldiers vandalised his home, stole 7000 Shekels in cash and kidnapped his son, taking him to an unknown location. The soldiers remained in the city, firing tear gas and stun grenades at residents who sought to resist the invasion. They did not leave the city until approximately 04:30am.

As Christmas morning broke around the world and Christians everywhere celebrated, SFP members visited the homes of those harassed by the Israeli Army. In the homeland of Jesus and Christianity, Palestine is under attack. SFP asks those around the world to join the struggle for freedom for Palestine in 2015, whether by getting involve in the movement to Boycott, Divest and Sanction (BDS) Apartheid Israel or assisting those on the ground in their resistance.

From SFP we wish all our Christian friends a very Merry Christmas and everyone a very Happy New Year. Help us make 2015 the year of a free Palestine, from the river to the sea.

جنود الاحتلال الإسرائيلي يقتحمون نابلس ويقوموا بعمليات تخريب داخل البيوت وخاصة في البلده القديمه وينفذون حملة اعتقال طالت سبعه شبان .
حيث اقتحم عشرات من جنود الاحتلال الإسرائيلي البيوت وقاموا بعمليات تخريب همجيه داخل البيوت بحجه البحث عن سلاح” حسب ادعائهم”  وقال احد أصحاب البيوت ان جنود الاحتلال دخلوا الساعة الثانية فجرا واستمروا بالبحث حتى الساعه الرابعه والنصف ,وطالبوا أصحاب البيوت بالبقاء داخل غرفه واحده .كما ادعي احد اصحاب البيوت “احمد الشبيري  أن الجنود سرقوا مبلغ 70 سبعون الف شيكل  اثناء اقتحام  بيته واعتقال ابنه  .
نشطاء المقاومه الشعبيه SFP  زاروا البيوت  التي تم اقتحامها  وقالوا في الليله التي يحتفل العالم بعيد الميلاد المجيد ويصلي الناس من اجل السلام ,يقوم الاحتلال يقتل أحلام الاطفال و بزرع الكراهيه والحقد في نفوس الأطفال الذين ينتظرون هدايا سانا كلوز .

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Olive christmas tree 2This Christmas SFP is appealing for donations to fund our “Reclaiming the Land” campaign. The campaign seeks to support villages and farmers to reclaim their land under threat from illegal settlers and the Israeli Occupation by planting the land with olive trees and zatara (the Palestinian herb made famous for being the main ingredient of the delicious Palestinian tea).

With less than a week to go before Christmas is celebrated around the world and in Palestine, the home of the Christian faith, SFP is offering gift certificates for each donor in the name of their choice. So instead of buying presents for your loved ones this Christmas why not donate ot our appeal on their behalf and we will send you a gift certificate with their name on that you can print out and give to them for Christmas.

Spread some love and solidarity this Christmas season and help us reclaim Palestine.

If you would like more details please email us through our contact us page or head to our donate page to donate via PayPal and send us an email with the name you would like on the gift certificate.

On behalf of the all of us in SFP we would like to wish all our supporters a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.

SFP Steering Committee


19/12/14: Memorial for Zaid Abu Ein in Turmus’ayya attacked by the Israeli Army

On Friday 19 December SFP joined other Palestinian activists in the village of Turmus’ayya, just north of Ramallah, to march in memory of Zaid Abu Ein. Abu Ein was murdered by an Israeli Army soldier, who choked him and hit him in the chest at a olive tree planting activity in the same village on 10 December. The Israeli Army attacked the demonstrators firing live ammunition, tear gas, “skunk” water and rubber-coated steel bullets. One Palestinian was also arrested and his arm broken during the arrest.

The activists marched towards the land in order to plant olive trees and erect a memorial for Zaid Abu Ein on the land. The awaiting soldiers attacked the peaceful demonstrators with dozens injured and suffering tear gas inhalation.

SFP is continuing to support villages across the West Bank area of Palestine plant their land with olive trees and Zatara (a Palestinian herb) to reclaim their stolen land from the Occupation. To help us help more villages please donate to our campaign to buy more trees and herbs. Also, if you would like to make a donation as a Christmas present then if you email us the name of the recipient we will send you a gift certificate to let your loved one know you brought olive trees for Palestine for them for Christmas.

To find out how to donate and about our campaign please click here.

اليوم الجمعه 19-12-2014 – شارك نشطاء المقاومه الشعبيبه من حركة تضامن من اجل فلسطين حره sfp في زراعة الزيتون في أراضي ترمسعيا تخليدا ووفاء للشهيد زياد ابو عين الذي استشهد إثناء زراعته الزيتون في نفس الارض وقد قام المشاركون بزراعه شجره زيتون كبيره وأقامه النصب التذكاري الذي يخلد الشهيد زياد ابو عين ,

وبعد اقامة الصلاه على الارض قام المشاركون بالتوجه الى الأرض لاستكمال زراعة الزيتون الا ان الجنود الإسرائيليون واجهوا النشطاء باطلاق قنابل الغاز والرصاص الحي والرصاص المطاط والمياه العادمه ,حيث تم اصابه العشرات من المشاركين وقام الجنود بالاعتداء على المشاركين واعتقال اربعه نشطاء منهم متضامنه دوليه.

نشطاء المقاومة الشعبيه منsfp أكدوا على الاستمرار في المقاومه الشعبيه في مواجهة الاحتلال الاسرائيلي التصدي للمشاريع الاستيطانيه .

Tur 1 Tur 7 Tur 6 Tur 5 Tur 4 Tur 3 Tur 2

15/12/14: Israeli Army attacked children while they are in School

On Monday 15 December the Israeli Army stormed Burin village, just south of Nablus, and attacked the school children as they were in lessons at Burin Boys High School. They fired volley’s of tear gas and bullets as they stormed the school, searching the bags of the terrified children.

The School principal, Mr. Ibrahim Imran, reported to SFP that this is not the first time this has happened. The Army regularly storm the school, disrupting the learning of the children and leaving indelible psychological damage. He further added that the soldiers have erected daily checkpoints at the western and eastern entrance to Burin, to hinder access to the School, where many nearby villages children attend.

SFP attended Burin offering unwavering support to the students and the village. In August SFP Committee member, Ghassan Najjjar, was arrested by the Army after he protected the School from another invasion. He is still being held in Israeli Prisons. Please sign our petition and demand his immediate release. To sign and share with your friends please click here.

اليوم الاثنين 15-12- 2014 الساعه العاشره صباحا
وسط إطلاق الأعيره النارية والغاز المسيل للدموع اقتحم جنود الاحتلال الإسرائيلي مدرسه بورين الثانويه  وقاموا  بتفتيش الطلاب وحقائبهم   وتعطيل العمليه التعليميه  .وقال مدير المدرسه الاستاذ ابراهيم عمران ,أن هذا الاقتحام ليس الأول , بل ان المدرسة تتعرض شبه يوميا لاعتداءات جنود الاحتلال وهذا يؤدي الى تراجع في العمليه التعليميه اضافة الى  الجانب النفسي الذي يتركه هذا الاعتداء على الطلاب .
واضاف ان جنود الاحتلال يقيمون يوميا الحواجز على مدخل بورين الغربي  المدخل الشرقي من قريه مادما  مما يعيق الوصول الى المدرسه .
نشطاء المقاومه الشعبيه من حركه تضامن sfp توجهوا الى المدرسه من اجل تقديم المساعده والوقوف مع  الطلاب المحاصرين , وطالبوا المؤسسات الدوليه والحقوقيه التدخل لحمايه طلاب بورين .


School children outside Burin Boys High School after the Israeli Army attack

School children outside Burin Boys High School after the Israeli Army attack


Burin Boys High School

Burin Boys High School


A selection of the tear gas canisters fired at the children while they were in lessons

A selection of the tear gas canisters fired at the children while they were in lessons


Mr. Ibrahim Imran, School Principal

Mr. Ibrahim Imran, School Principal


Israeli Army just outside the School

Israeli Army just outside the School

12/12/14: SFP pay their respects to the family of Zaid Abu Ein

On Friday 12 December activists from SFP visited the family of the martyr Zaid Abu Ein in Ramallah. Abu Ein was murdered on Wednesday 10 December by an Israeli soldier during an action by Palestinians to plant olive trees in the village of Turmusayya.

Activists paid their respects to his family and promised to uphold the values of freedom and solidarity Abu Ein embodied. Later that day activists planting olive trees in his name in the village of Qaryot.

SFP is continuing to support villages across the West Bank area of Palestine plant their land with olive trees and Zatara (a Palestinian herb) to reclaim their stolen land from the Occupation. To help us help more villages please donate to our campaign to buy more trees and herbs. Also, if you would like to make a donation as a Christmas present then if you email us the name of the recipient we will send you a gift certificate to let your loved one know you brought olive trees for Palestine for them for Christmas.

To find out how to donate and about our campaign please click here.

اليوم الجمعه -12-12 -2014

نشطاء المقاومه الشعبيه  يقدمون العزاء لعائله الشهيد زياد ابو عين .

توجه نشطاء المقاومه الشعبيه من حركه تضامن من اجل فلسطين حرهSFP الى رام الله للمشاركه في عزاء الشهيد زياد ابو عين . وقد استقبلت عائلة  الشهيد نشطاء المقاومه الشعبيه ,الذين اكدوا على الاستمرار على درب الشهيد زياد ابو عين  حتى طرد الاحتلال والمستوطنين واقامه الدوله الفلسطينيه

SFP paying their respects to Abu Ein’s family


SFP outside the mourning hall for Abu Ein


SFP paying their respects to the family of Abu Ein

12/12/14: SFP and Qaryot attacked by the Israeli Army as they plant olive trees in memory of Zaid Abu Ein

On Friday 12 December activists from SFP joined the village of Qaryot to plant olive trees along a road closed to them by the Israeli Army since 2002. The trees were planted in the name of Zaid Abu Ein, the Palestinian Authority Minister murdered by Israeli soldiers at a protest earlier in the week. The activists were attacked by Israeli Army soldiers as they attempted to plant the trees, with several being hospitalised due to tear gas inhalation and being hit with rubber coated steel bullets and the gas canisters fired direct at their bodies.

Qaryot, to the south of Nablus city, is surrounded by illegal Jewish-only colonies. The violent Jewish settlers have been attempting to steal more land and link the illegal colonies. The olive tree planting action, arranged by SFP and the village, attempts to prevent them stealing more Palestinian land and affirm the villages right to access to their village, cut off by the various illegal colonies and closed military zones.

SFP is continuing to support villages across the West Bank area of Palestine plant their land with olive trees and Zatara (a Palestinian herb) to reclaim their stolen land from the Occupation. To help us help more villages please donate to our campaign to buy more trees and herbs. Also, if you would like to make a donation as a Christmas present then if you email us the name of the recipient we will send you a gift certificate to let your loved one know you brought olive trees for Palestine for them for Christmas.

To find out how to donate and about our campaign please click here.

اليوم الجمعه-12-12-2014
شارك نشطاء المقاومه الشعبيه من حركة تضامن من اجل فلسطين حره sfp مع اهالي قريوت مسيرتهم من اجل فتح الشارع الرئيسي الذي تم اغلاقه عام 2002 والذي يصلهم بمحافظه رام الله وللتعبير عن رفضهم المخطط الاسرائيلي الاستيطاني والذي يهدف الى مصادره الاف الدونمات من اراضي قريوت من اجل ربط المستوطنات بعضها ببعض وعزل القري الفلسطينيه عن باقي القرى.كما حمل المشاركون صور الشهيد زياد ابو عين Zeyad Abo Eain وقاموا بزراعه اشتال زيتون تحمل اسم الشهيد تخليدا له ولتاريخه النضالي وتاكيدا على الاستمرار في المقاومه الشعبيه ومن اجل طرد الاحتلال والاستيطان .
جنود الاحتلال الاسرائيلي واجهوا وقمعوا المسيره بقوه وقاموا باطلاق الغاز المسيل للدموع والاعيره المطاطيه والرصاص الحي مما ادى الى اصابه العشرات من النشطاء والمشاركين في المسيره .
نشطاء المقاومه الشعبيه اكدوا على الاستمرار في المقاومه الشعبيه والتصدي للمشاريع الاستيطانيه والاستمرار في زراعه الزيتون من اجل الشهداء ,والشهيد زياد ابو عين
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05/12/14: Settlers attack and cut olive trees in Aqraba

On Friday 5 December settlers attacked the olive groves belonging to Aqraba village, cutting dozens of ancient trees and releasing cows onto the land. Aqraba has been under constant attack from the Israeli Army and the surrounding Jewish-only illegal colonies in recent months. The Army has demolished several Palestinian homes, most recently cutting the electricity in the eastern part of the village which borders the Jordan Valley.

Aqraba is located just south of Nablus city and surrounded by illegal colonies, which houses some of the most violent Jewish terrorists. Despite constant attacks on Palestinians and their property complaints are largely ignored by the occupying Israeli Army and rarely are settlers prosecuted for their crimes.

SFP coordinator in Aqraba and Khirbet Yanon (a small village completely surrounded by the illegal colony of Itamar) Yousef Derya stated:

We are always subject to attacks by the settlers and the Army as they attempt to push us from our land. But every time they attack we replant more saplings, renewing our steadfastness that we will not leave our land.

SFP recently planted more trees near Aqraba and will continue to support the villagers in their resistance. SFP is supporting villages across the northern West Bank area of Palestine to reclaim their land, particularly land settlers have or are trying to steal. We are doing this by planting olive trees, zatara (a Palestinian herb) and assisting farmers and villages to work their land. To help us with this we are asking for donations. If you would like to donate or learn more about the campaign please click here and share it with your friends and colleagues.

اليوم الجمعه – 5-12 -2014-

المستوطنون يعتدون على الأراضي في عقربا ويقتلعون اشجارالزيتون.

لا زالت اعتداءات المستوطنين مستمره على الأهالي وعلى أراضيهمالزراعيه حيث قام المستوطنين باقتلاع عشرات أشتال الزيتون  وقاموابإطلاق الأبقارcow لتدمير اشجار الزيتون  وقال الناشط في حركهتضامنsfp  منسق قريوت” يوسف ديريه ان عقربا بشكل عام ومناطق خربة الطويل ويانون تتعرض دائما لاعتداءاتالمستوطنين والجيش الإسرائيلي من اجل ترحيلنا عن أرضنا ولكنفي كل مره نقوم بزارعه اشتال جديده لان صامدون على ارضنا ولن نرحل.

نشطاء المقاومه الشعبيه وجهوا نداء لكافة الاصدقاء في العالم من اجل دعم حملة الزعتر والزيتون  من اجل زراعتها على الأراضي ودعم صمود المزارع

ويذكر ان  نشطاء المقاومه الشعبيه من حركة تضامن قاموا مؤخرابزراعه  الزعتر والزيتون في اراضي عقربا ويانون

ChildChildren of Aqraba hold up the broken branches of olive trees


Olive tree branches lay in the ground after being cut by illegal settlers


Domestic cows roam the land after being released by illegal settlers

Ancient olive trees of Aqraba village attacked and cut by illegal settlers

Ancient olive trees damaged by illegal settlers

05/12/14: SFP joins Salem village to reclaim their land

On Friday 5 December activists from SFP joined villagers from Salem, just east of Nablus city, to reclaim their land boxed in between two illegal Jewish-only colonies. Bringing farming equipment to plough and prepare the land the villagers were confronted by the Israeli Army, which claimed they did not have permission to work their own land. The Army forced the villagers from the land by promising them access at a later, unspecified date.

Salem village, along with it’s neighbouring Palestinian villages, is boxed in between the illegal colonies of Elon Moreh to the north and Itamar to the south. The village is also separated from their ancestral lands by a settler-only road, monitored by an Israeli Army watchtower that prevents farmers from crossing the road and accessing their lands and olive trees on the other side. The Jewish settlers have been attempting to steal more and more land with the aim of forcing out the native Palestinian population and connecting the two illegal colonies.

In an act of defiance and resistance the villagers crossed the illegal settler road and attempted to start ploughing their lands to the north. The Israeli Army immediately prevented the villagers from continuing and forced them from the land claiming it was a military restricted area. Despite this the villagers still performed the noon prayers on their land in a sign of their determination to remain steadfast in the face of the Occupation and colonialists.

SFP is supporting villages across the northern West Bank area of Palestine to reclaim their land, particularly land settlers have or are trying to steal. We are doing this by planting olive trees, zatara (a Palestinian herb) and assisting farmers and villages to work their land. To help us with this we are asking for donations. If you would like to donate or learn more about the campaign please click here and share it with your friends and colleagues.

نشطاء المقاومه الشعبيه يشاركون الاهالي الوصول الى اراضيهم والعمل فيها
اليوم الجمعه -5-12 توجه نشطاء المقاومه الشعبيه من حركة تضامن من اجل فلسطين حره sfp الى قرية سالم – شرق نابلس للمشاركه في حراثة وزراعه الارض الممنوع الوصول اليها من قبل الاحتلال الاسرائيلي , وقد ذكر بعض الاهالي انهم كانوا ممنوعين من الوصول الى ارضهم منذ سنوات بحجه انها منطقه عسكريه او انه لا يوجد تنسيق او تصريح للوصول الى الارض .
بعد الوصول الى هناك تمكن الاهالي مع النشطاء من تنظيف الارض وحراثتها والصلاه هناك تاكيدا منهم على ان الارض تابعه لهم ويملكونها هم , وقد حضر الجنود الاسرائيليين الى المنطقه وطالبوا الاهالي مغادره المنطقه ووقف اعمال الحراثه فيها الا ان الاهالي استمروا بالعمل على ارضهم .
يذكر ان المستوطنون يحاولون بطريقه او اخرى السيطره على الارض من اجل ربط المستوطنات المقامه على الجبال بعضها البعض