Month: June 2014

29/06/14: Ramadan starts, the kidnapping continues

In the early hours of Sunday 29 June, as Muslim Palestinians began observing the Holy month of Ramadan, the Israeli Army invaded the village of Madama, just south of Nablus. The Army terrorised residents and ransacked the home of Abu Uday, kidnapping his son, Muhammad Naeem Faraj. The Army interrogated the members of the family, using attack dogs, before kidnapping Muhammad and taking him to an unknown location.

Muhammad’s kidnapping brings the total Palestinians kidnapped since the start of Apartheid Israel’s assault on occupied Palestine to well over 500. Many of those kidnapped will be held without trail or charge for an indefinite period. The kidnappings, conducted under the pretext of looking for 3 missing illegal settlers, include 250 children.

During this month SFP will be supporting families of those kidnapped by Apartheid Israel. We will be collecting donations for the families, many of which have lost their main breadwinner. We ask if you would kindly consider donating to support the family of a Palestinian prisoner during this month. For details of how to donate and about SFP’s Freedom Summer campaign please click here.

 قامت قوات الاحتلال يوم امس باتحويل احد الغرف في منزل السيد “ابو عدي ” الى غرفة للتحقيق الميداني , فقامت باستجواب الشاب عدي فرج و “محمد فرج ” , يضاف الى ذلك ان الجنود يقومون بالتفتيش بالمنزل بشكل همجي وبوجود الكلاب البوليسية وقامو بالعتداء على العائلة بضرب .

وبعد ذالك قامو بعتقال الشاب ” محمد نعيم فرج ” وقتياده الى جهة مجهولة

Muhammad Naeem Faraj – kidnapped from his home on the eve if Ramadan

ALERT: SFP launches the “Freedom Summer” campaign

It is 50 years since civil rights activists in America launched a series of actions and events to register African-American voters, historically excluded in the southern states. During those actions activists were violently attacked, arrested, kidnapped and murdered by white terrorists and the State. While it took a number of years for full civil rights to be gained by African-Americans the Freedom Summer’s campaign formed part of the struggle.

Today SFP is launching it’s own Freedom Summer. Palestinian refugees across Palestine and the world are not able to vote or even return to their homes as stated in international law. They are confined to refugee camps for the last 66 years, while Apartheid Israel allows Jewish people around the world full citizenship and voting rights.

Like our African-American friends before us, today we launch our own “Freedom Summer”, to help bring the refugees back home, and end the system of Israeli Apartheid and Occupation.

SFP is not funded by any associations or political parties and therefore we solely rely on the kind donations from people of conscience around the world. We would be very grateful if you would consider donating to our campaign and help us end Apartheid. To donate please click here.

We would also like to say “Ramadan Kareem” to all our Muslim brothers and sisters as they observe their Holy month. The Quran says:

The example of those who spend their wealth in the way of Allah is like a seed [of grain] which grows seven spikes; in each spike is a hundred grains. And Allah multiplies [His reward] for whom He wills. And Allah is all-Encompassing and Knowing. [Al Baqarah 261]

As you may know there are now over 5700 Palestinian political prisoners, including 250 children and 400 being held without trail or charge by Apartheid Israel. During this Holy month of Ramadan SFP will be collecting donations for the families of those prisoners, many of whom have lost their main breadwinner and are now struggling to make ends meet. Palestinian detainees are under intense pressure as they suffer the injustice and torture of the Occupation and their prisons. If we can alleviate some of that pressure by supporting their families this will contribute greatly to alleviating some of their suffering.

If you would like to donate to a prisoners family please mark your donation as ‘prisoners’ and we will keep the money separate from other donations and ensure 100% is given to their families. If you are unable to mark your donation when you transfer please just email us with the amount and we will keep it separate from our main funds.

We also welcome volunteers, both Palestinian and international. To find out how to join us please click here.

If you are unable to donate or join us then we would be very grateful if you could share this article with friends and colleagues and encourage them to support. And of course, share our news and articles.

With solidarity and thanks,

SFP Steering Committee


لقد مرّ 50 عاما على اطلاق ناشطي حقوق الانسان قي امريكا سلسلة من النشاطات لتسجيل الناخبين من أصول افريقية باستثناء في الولايات الجنوبية .
خلال هذه النشاطات تم مهاجمة الناشطين بعنف و خطفهم و اعتقالهم و قتلهم عل يد البيض الارهابيين و الحكومة الامريكية
لقد استغرق الامر عدة سنوات للحصول على الحقوق المدنية كاملة
كانت حملة صيف الحرية جزءا من الصراع
ان حركة التضامن من اجل فلسطين حرة تطلق اليوم حملة صيف الحرية
اللاجئين الفلسطينيين لا يستطيعون الانتخاب او العودة الى ديارهم كما ينص القانون الدولي, انهم محصورون في مخيمات الشتات منذ 66 سنة بينمايحصل اليهود حول العالم على المواطنة الانتخاب
و كما فعل اصدقاؤنا من الاصول الافريقية فإننا نطلق حملة صيف الحرية لإرجاع اللاجئين الى الوطن و انهاء الاحتلال نظام الفصل العنصري الاسرائيلي.
ان مجموعة التضامن من اجل فلسطين حرة (sfp) لا تحصل على تمويل من اي مجموعات او احزاب سياسية و انما نعتمد على التبرعات من الاشخاص اصحاب الضمير حول العالم و سنكون ممتنين لتبرعاتكم لدعم حملتنا لانهاء الاحتلال, للتبرع اضغط هنا
و اننا نرحب ايضا بانضمام بالمتطوعين الفلسطينيين و الاجانب, لمعرفة كيف يمكنكم الاانضمام اضغط هنا
اذا كنت غير قادر على التبرع او الانضمام الينا , يمكنكم نشر هذه المقالة مع اصدقاءكم و زملاءكم و تشجيعهم لدعمنا.
مع الشكر و التضامن
اللجنة الادارية لمجموعة التضامن من اجل فلسطين حرة
قال تعالى: {مَثَلُ الَّذِينَ يُنْفِقُونَ أَمْوَالَهُمْ فِي سَبِيلِ اللَّهِ كَمَثَلِ حَبَّةٍ أَنْبَتَتْ سَبْعَ سَنَابِلَ فِي كُلِّ سُنْبُلَةٍ مِائَةُ حَبَّةٍ وَاللَّهُ يُضَاعِفُ لِمَنْ يَشَاءُ وَاللَّهُ وَاسِعٌ عَلِيمٌ} [البقرة: 261] .من فلسطين من اكناف بيت المقدس ..الى كافه المسلمين في بقاع الارض , نقول ونحن على ابواب شهر رمضان الفضيل كل عام وانتم بخير, آملين في هذا الشهر ونحن الاقرب الى الله ان نتوجه بالدعاء لنصره الشعب الفلسطيني وحلاصه من الاحتلال الاسرائيلي العنصري وندعوا الله ان تسود الانسانيه والرحمه والمحيه وتتوقف الحرب والاقتتال بين الناس وتعود الالفه والاخوه في العالم ….من فلسطين نقول لكم ان رمضان له طعم آخر فعلى مائده الافطار نتذكر شهدائناالذبن غابوا عنا الى الابد نتذكر اسرانا(5500) اسير والذين منهم من مضت السنين ولم نلتق بهم ونشتاق للافطار معهم . ..يعود علينا رمضان ولا زلنا ننشد الحريه صامدون مرابطون .في رمضان لازلنا نقف على حواجز الفصل العنصري ,ولا زلنا نشتم رائحه الغاز القاتل ,ولا زلنا نشهد الاجتياحات والاعتقالات الليليه ,ولا زلنا
لا نستطيع الوصول الى اراضينا المحتله عام 48 او الوصول الى غزه …ولكننا صامدون على ارضنا نناضل من اجل الحريه والكرامه والعداله …في هذا الشهر ننتظر تقربكم الى الله ودعائكم من اجل حريه الشعب الفلسطيني 

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28/06/14: Bring our boys and girls back home

On Saturday morning activists painted slogans on an Israeli checkpoint in the northern West Bank area of Palestine demanding the release of the 5,700 Palestinian political prisoners kidnapped by Apartheid Israel. Activist wrote “Boycott Israel”, “Boycott G4S” and “5700 Palestinians kidnapped” across the checkpoint and tower.

Since 3 illegal settlers went missing in an area of the West Bank fully under Israeli military control (known as Area C under the failed Oslo Accords) Apartheid Israel has been conducting mass arrests and internment of Palestinians. Since their operation began it is estimated that over 5700 Palestinians are being held by Apartheid Israel, 400 of which are being held without charge or trial (double the amount in May 2014). Included in this number is 250 Palestinian children, from just under 200 in May 2014.

The Army’s terror raids against the civilian Palestinian population, have no obvious connection to Apartheid Israel’s apparent efforts to locate the missing settlers. It is clear this has been used as a pretext to unleash mass terror on the Palestinian population, not seen on this scale since the Second Intifada. The campaign of terror continues and to date as well as over 500 Palestinians kidnapped from their homes and 8 have been murdered.

Activists and SFP will continue to challenge and work towards the end of the Occupation and the freedom of all of Palestine. We ask our supporters, particularly as the holy month of Ramadan approaches, if you would kindly donate to the resistance to ensure our work can continue. Please click here to find out how to donate.

ضمن حملات التضامن  ,توجه نشطاء المقاومه الشعبيه للتعبير تضامنهم مع الاسرى الفلسطينين والذين  بلغوا اكثر من 5700 اسير فلسطيني  في سجون الاحتلال العنصري الاسرائيلي والتعبير عن رفضهم   حملات المداهمات الاخيره بحجه البحث عن الجنود  المفقودين  والتي تم من خلالها اعتقال المئات وجرح واستشهاد العشرات اضافة الى التنكيل اليومي بالاهالي,وقد قام النشطاء بكتابه شعالرات على  الحواجز التي اقامها الاحتلال بين المدن وطالبوا  فيها العالم بمقاطعة الاحتلال الاسرائيلي العنصري  ومقاطعه G4S …..نشطاء المقاومه الشعبيه وحركة تضامن SFP مستمرون في  مقاومهتم الاحتلال  مطالبين كل الاحرار في العالم دعمنا  خاصه اننا في شهر رمضان المبارك من اجل الاستمرار ايجاد  المزيد من الانشطه والفعاليات المقاومه للاحتلال الاسرائيلي  ….للتبرع والمساهمه انقر هنا 

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23/06/14: And the kidnapping continues (updates from Nablus and Hebron)….

In the early hours of Monday morning, as they have every night for the last 10 days, the Israeli Army invaded cities across the West Bank area of Palestine. The total now kidnapped by Apartheid Israel well exceeds 400, all in the apparent such for 3 missing illegal settlers. Yesterday illegal settlers from the illegal Psagot settlement opened fire on mourners as they buried the 5th Palestinian murdered by Apartheid Israel since their terror campaign started 10 days ago.

Many of those kidnapped are being held under administrative detention orders, without trial or charge. On 24 April 125 of the then 192 administrative detainees launched an open ended hunger strike, protesting their illegal internment. Today is day 61 of their hunger strike. It is now estimated that the number of administrative detainees has doubled.

Administrative detention is not illegal per se under international law. However, its use must be limited and necessary. Article 78 of the Fourth Geneva Convention stipulates that administrative detention is only used for “imperative reasons of security”. Apartheid Israel is in clear violation of this statute.

SFP encourages all people around the world to, if they haven’t previously, voice their support for a free Palestine. Please use social media and the hashtag#bringourboysbackhome and #Palunderattack to highlight the hypocrisy of the alleged kidnapping of 3 illegal settlers to over 5700 Palestinian political prisoners, many of them children, and the mass terrorism committed against the civilian Palestinian population. 

Below represents reports from SFP activists in the field:


The Army invaded various parts of the city, its refugee camps and villages. In total they kidnapped five residents, including Ahmad Kamal Tanbur from the Dahiyeh area of Nablus.

An SFP activist in the area reported that 7 jeeps and approximately 50 soldiers invaded the Dahiyeh neighbourhood in the early hours of the morning, ransacking homes and kidnapping Ahmad.

نزول مشاة من براكا الى الضاحية ما يقارب ال 50 جندي و مداهمة المنازل في حي الضاحية

مع تواجد ما يقارب ال 7 جيبات

و اعتقال احمد كمال الطنبور من منطقة الضاحية

Soldiers can be seen on the street opposite the home of an SFP activist

Soldiers can be seen on the street opposite the home of an SFP activist


Jeeps invading Nablus city last night/ this morning

Jeeps invading Nablus city last night/ this morning


The Army continues their policy of collective punishment of the people of Hebron and the southern West Bank, in their hunt for the allegedly kidnapped 3 illegal settlers. As well as an ongoing siege the Army has been kidnapping and looting Palestinian homes and businesses.

Last night the Army looted Fadl Abdeen Money Exchange, destroying and stealing property. They also took the surveillance and video recording equipment. They then moved on to Palestinian homes, destroying property and kidnapping Muhannad Nairoukh and Nasser Abu Eisheh.

They also blew the doors off the shop belonging to Ghassan Banat, before ransacking the shops contents.

قوات الاحتلال تقوم باقتحام ملات عادين لصرافة بالخليل وتقوم بتكسير كل محتويات المحل بالاضافة الى مصادرة مسجلات كاميرات المراقبة  وسرقة النقود الموجودة في المحل , كما قامت قوات الاحتلال باقتحام بيت مهند نيروخ وتفتيشه وتحطيم محتوياته ومن ثم اعتقاله كما تم اعنقال ناصر ابو عيشه بعد ان تم تفتيش منزله وتحطيم محتوياته كما قامت قوات الاحتلال باقتحام منطقة كنار بحثا عن الصهاينة المختطفين وقاموا بتفجير ابواب البيت بالاضافة الى مخزن يعود لسيد غسان بنات.

The office of Fadl Abdeen Money Exchange, ransacked by the Israeli Army, Hebron (Monday 23 June 2014)

The office of Fadl Abdeen Money Exchange, ransacked by the Israeli Army, Hebron (Monday 23 June 2014)


Fadl Abdeen Money Exchange, ransacked by the Israeli Army, Hebron (Monday 23 June 2014)

Fadl Abdeen Money Exchange, ransacked by the Israeli Army, Hebron (Monday 23 June 2014)


Fadl Abdeen Money Exchange, ransacked by the Israeli Army, Hebron (Monday 23 June 2014)

Fadl Abdeen Money Exchange, ransacked by the Israeli Army, Hebron (Monday 23 June 2014)

22/06/14: Israel’s insatiable blood lust and looting

As Apartheid Israel’s campaign of terror entered it’s 10th day, the Army’s thirst for Palestinian blood was insatiable. As cities across the West Bank area endured another night of invasions and terror the Army shot dead 30 year old Muhammad Ismail Atallah Tarifi and 27 year old mentally disabled Ahmad Said Suod Khalid.

The Army also kidnapped dozens more Palestinians, bringing the total so far to well over 400. All pretense of a hunt for the 3 allegedly kidnapped illegal settlers seems to have been dropped by Israel as the Army terrorise residents in mass and have began looting, with reports across the West Bank of soldiers stealing thousands of dollars from homes they ransack.

Mean while as Apartheid Israel continues to satisfy it’s thirsty for blood, Palestinian detainees enter their 60th day on hunger strike. Peacefully protesting their illegal internment without trial or charge.

Below provide accounts from SFP activists on the ground:


In scenes not seen since the invasions of 2002, the Army invaded central Ramallah, the home of the Palestinian Authority. As they terrorise residents the youth of Ramallah put up brave resistance. Muhammad was shot dead by what looks like a sniper as he was on the roof of a building. His body was not found until the morning.

SFP activist Muna al-Dalou was also injured in the head when a stun grenade was fired directly at her. Many more we injured during the invasion.

On Sunday as mourners carried Muhammad’s body for burial, illegal settlers opened fire on mourners with live ammunition. Several were thought to have been injured but we do not have accurate figures at the time of writing.

The street of central Ramallah covered in stones as young people resist the Army invasion (photo courtesy of Maan News)

30 year old Muhammad Ismail Atallah Tarifi found shot dead by an Israeli sniper on a roof on Sunday morning (photo courtesy of Al Quds media)

SFP activist Muna al-Dalou’s head wound after being shot at with a stun grenade in Ramallah


SFP activist Muna al-Dalou


SFP activist Muna al-Dalou and others recover after being shot at with stun grenades by the Israeli Army in Ramallah


The Army invaded and ransacked and kidnapped several Palestinians from Nablus villages, including: Madama, Urif and Salem. As their thirst for terror continued their again turned their attention to Nablus’s refugee population and camps.

In the early hours if the morning they invaded Al Ein refugee camp to the west of the city. As morning broke and residents woke to perform dawn prayers the Army shot dead 27 year old Ahmad Said Suod Khalid.

Witnessed stated that Ahmad had wanted to enter the mosque to pray and had been prevented by the Army. His family stated he was mentally disabled. The Army claim that he approached them ‘in a threatening manner’, however it is not clear how this justified his shooting in what appears to be an execution. Particularly as it should be noted that dawn had broken and Nablus by then would have been light, therefore the soldiers would have been able to clearly see Ahmad and judge that he was not carrying anything or pose any threat.

SFP join mourners as they buried Khaled in a cemetery Nablus. Another young life murdered by the same Occupiers that forced his grandparents at gunpoint from their homes in 1948 Palestine.

مرحبا ..ممكن نقول الى الاصدقاء في كافه انحاء العالم ..الى كافه الاحرار …الى الراغبين بالانضمام الى حملات التضامن مع الشعب الفلسطيني فان حركه تضامن من اجل فلسطين حره تدعوكم للانضمام والمشاركه للتضامن مع الشعب الفلسطيني الذي يتعرض يوميا لاجتياح واعتقالات وقتل حركة تضامن جاهزه لاستقبال كافة المتضامنين في كافه المواقع

27 year old Ahmad Said Suod Khalid shot dead while trying to pray on Sunday morning (photo courtesy of SFP activist and photographer Ahmad Talat)

27 year old Ahmad Said Suod Khalid shot dead (photo courtesy of SFP activist and photographer Ahmad Talat)

Ahmad’s body being carried through Al Ein refugee camp

Ahmad’s body being carried through Al Ein refugee camp

Ahmad’s body being prayed over in the mosque

Ahmad being buried by his family in a Nablus cemetery

21/06/14: Day 9 of Apartheid Israel’s terror campaign

Apartheid Israel has unleashed a wave of terror and kidnappings of the Palestinians in the West Bank since 3 illegal settlers allegedly went missing on Thursday 12 June. Last night the Army continued to terrorise villages and cities across the West Bank.

To date nearly 370 Palestinians have been kidnapped from their homes. This brings the total of Palestinians in Israei Apartheid prisons to 5700. Today marks day 58 of Palestinian detainees hunger strike against their internment without trial or charge. The detainees announced that after day 60 they will also be refusing water.

Apartheid Israel has admitted that their ‘campaign’ has wider objects than just the return of the 3 allegedly kidnapped illegal settlers. They have also admitted parts of the current wave of terror was planned prior to the alleged kidnapping. They state their objective is to destroy the Palestinian Hamas movement, democratically elected by the Palestinian people in 2006.

However, the pattern if arrests and arbitrary destruction of property and killings indicate that their objectives are even wider than those admitted to by the Army. As a soldier admitted in Jenin refugee camp, they want to provoke a response from the Palestinians in order to have a pretext to kill. So far 3 Palestinians have been murdered in this current wave of terror from Apartheid Israel. Many more have been injured.

Below is an update from the regions over the last 24 hours. The updates below just represent updates from SFP activists based in those areas. However, there are attacks across the West Bank, Al Quds and Gaza area of Palestine.


The Army continue to brutalize and terrorise the city and surrounding areas. On Thursday 19 June they shot dead a 15 year old child, Mahmoud Jihad Muhammad Dudeen, in the village of Dura.

As villagers and Palestinians across the area came to bury Mahmoud the following day, the Army attacked and tried to prevent people joining the march. Despite the Army’s efforts they were unable to prevent thousands joining the funeral march. The Army still attacked the mourners with tear gas and stun grenades.

Helicopters are still in the skies over Hebron and thousands of soldiers are continuing to attack and kidnap Palestinians, destroying property and stealing thousands of dollars in cash from homes.

ما زالت الخليل تعيش تحت المداهمات والاقتحمات التي مستمرة في محافظة الخليل,حيث قامت قوات الاحتلال باقتحام قرية تفوح وبعض الحياء في مدينة الخليل مثل حي جبل الرحمة,الحاووز, شارع السلام كما قاموا بحملة واسعة النطاق في مدينة دوار اشتدت حدتها بعد زيارة رئيس الكيان الصهوني بنيامين نتنياهو وقاموا بالانتشار بالمئات وقاموا بتفتيش البيوت وتدمير بعض محتوياتها
ببتفتيش كما قامت ثلاث طائرات هوليكبتر بعملية انزال لجنود الاحتلال في قرية صوريف , ولقد اندلعت المواجهات بشكيل عنيف في منطقة باب الزاوية في الخليل اطلق قوات الاحتلال قنابل الغاز والصوت والرصاص المعدني والمطاطي والحي بشكل غزير وفي اليوم التالي تكررت اعتداءات جيش الاحتلال ووصلت الى قذارتها الى ان تم اطلاق النار على الطفل محمود دودين5 1 سنه بعد اجتياح جيش الاحتلال للمدينة اندلعت مواجهات عنيفة بين اهالي دورا وجيش الاحتلال الذي اطلق النار بكثافة مما ادى الى استشهاد الطفل محمود وتم تشيعه جثمانه من وسط مدينة دورا شارك بها الألاف وبعد ذلك اندلعت مواجهات بعد صلاة الظهر في منلطقة باب الزاوية بالخليل مع جيش الاحتلال الذي استخدم قنابل الصوت والغاز المسيل لدموع

Thousands of Israeli soldiers are all across Hebron

Soldiers have been kidnapping children from Hebron and it’s surrounding villages

13 year old Mahmoud, murdered by the Israeli Army

Soldiers attempting to prevent SFP activists from attending the funeral of Mahmoud


On Thursday evening the Army invaded Qalandiya refugee camp, on the way to Palestine’s capital city, Al Quds (Jerusalem in English). While attempting to break into homes and kidnap Palestinians the camp put up brave resistance against the terrorist soldiers.

Five Palestinians were shot with live ammunition during the invasion and 23 year old Mustafa Aslan was shot in the head. Palestinian doctors are working very hard to save Mustafa, who is in a critical condition in hospital.

The Army has also been targeting the Birzeit area of Ramallah, including invading and kidnapping students from Birzeit University.

Mustafa Aslan as he is taken in for surgery



They have invaded the city every night and it’s surrounding villages. On Thursday evening the Army invaded the village of Beit Furik to the east of the city. They rounded up residents on mass, holding them in the local school, in actions reminiscent of the Second Intifada. After terrorising hundreds they eventually kidnapped 25 people from the village.

On the same evening they invaded the village of Zwarta, in the west of the city. They were unsuccessful in their attempts to kidnap the released former prisoner Hasan Jodi from his home. However, they did not leave before destroying property in the home and stealing computers.

Last night the Army invaded the centre of Nablus again and the surrounding refugee camps. The Army invaded at around 1am firing tear gas and sound bombs all night until they eventually pulled out at around 04:30am. Several young people were injured in Asker refugee camp, including a young female radio journalist.

Many of those kidnapped are still being held at Huwwara Military camp, just south of Nablus city.

The Army invading central Nablus on Friday 20 June (photos courtesy of SFP activist and photographer Ahmad Hasan Talat)


Tear gas fired in Nablus, Friday 20 June (photos courtesy of SFP activist and photographer Ahmad Hasan Talat)


Jeeps invading central Nablus, Friday 20 June (photos courtesy of SFP activist and photographer Ahmad Hasan Talat)


Invasion of Nablus, Friday 20 June (photos courtesy of SFP activist and photographer Ahmad Hasan Talat)


Invasion of Nablus, Friday 20 June (photos courtesy of SFP activist and photographer Ahmad Hasan Talat)


Soldier outside the Municipality of Nablus, Friday 20 June (photos courtesy of SFP activist and photographer Ahmad Hasan Talat)

Youth defending Nablus from invasion, Friday 20 June (photos courtesy of SFP activist and photographer Ahmad Hasan Talat)

Youth defending against invasion of Balata refugee camp, Thursday 19 June (photos courtesy of SFP activist and photographer Ahmad Hasan Talat)

Youth defending against invasion of Balata refugee camp, Thursday 19 June (photos courtesy of SFP activist and photographer Ahmad Hasan Talat)


The Army invaded the village of Hares last night in Salfit. As they invaded homes a terrorised residents they caused Jamil Ali Abed Jabir, a man in his 60s, to have a heart attack. He died in the hospital later that night.

SFP encourages all people around the world to, if they haven’t previously, voice their support for a free Palestine. Please use social media and the hashtag #bringourboysbackhome to highlight the hypocrisy of the alleged kidnapping of 3 illegal settlers to over 5700 Palestinian political prisoners, many of them children, and the mass terrorism committed against the civilian Palestinian population. 

18/06/14: Israeli terrorism continues…. Teenager left for dead

As Apartheid Israel conducts mass terrorism across the West Bank area of Palestine in their alleged search for 3 missing illegal settlers, they invaded Nablus city again last night, badly beating a teenager and leaving him for dead. The Army also kidnapped a further 51 Palestinians bringing the total arrests across the occupied West Bank to nearly 300 in 5 days.

The Army attacked across Nablus city in the early hours of the morning, firing volleys of tear gas into sleeping residents homes and firing live ammunition at young children who bravely attempted to resist their acts of terror. As well as kidnapping Palestinians the Army have been stealing and destroying property and homes, and attacking Palestinans. Below details one such example.

Qusi Mahmoud Qandeel, 19 years old, left his home on the south mountain just opposite Balata refugee camp, at around 03:30am as usual to go to his work in a local bakery. Despite the massive Army presence in the city, Palestinians bravely and resolutely will not allow the Occupation to prevent them from attempting to conduct their daily lives. So despite the Army being all around and sound bombs and shooting being heard across the city Qusi left for work to help his family as normal.

At 04:30am, around the time the Army withdrew from Nablus, his brother Khames also left for work at the bakery. On his journey he heard a rasping sound, like someone trying to breath. As he investigated he found his brother lying on the ground unconscious, covered in blood. As he attempted to wake him and call for help his brother came round just enough to whisper to him that the Army had attacked him with wooden planks, before he fell unconscious again.

SFP visited Qusi is hospital (he also happens to be the cousin of an SFP member) where he is unconscious in Intensive Care Unit of Rafidia Hospital after undergoing an operation. Doctors confirmed that the next 72 hours he would be under intensive observation. Qusi was admitted with a serious head wound and blood was seen flowing from his ear. This can be a sign of a fractured skull or worse. Qusi also had a broken left hand, swelling on his neck and cuts all over his forearms, where he had clearly tried to defend himself from the blows.

Qusi was found near his home one hour after he had left. The soldiers had attacked him and then pushed him down the hill, leaving him for dead. Qusi is one of three brothers, but Qusi and Khames older brother was killed by the Army in 2004. SFP was very relieved that today his family are not mourning another son lost.

Nablus and across the West Bank area of Palestine is under heightened terrorism since the alleged disappearance of 3 illegal settlers last Thursday. Apartheid Israel has used to opportunity to unleash mass terror on the Palestinian population! not just targeting Hamas activists, which it claims kidnapped these illegal settlers, but any and all Palestinians. At the time of writing the southern city of Hebron is still under siege by the Army, with all entry and exit points blocked. Below also shows checkpoints south of Nablus, Huwwara, closed today causing massive disruptions. SFP understands Zatara checkpoint, between Nablus and Ramallah was also randomly closed by the Army, aiming to cause massive disruption and difficulty for the occupied Palestinian population. The closure and siege on Palestinian cities is reminiscent of the Second Intifada, when Apartheid Israel attacked Palestinians and their cities as they rose up in defiance of the illegal Occupation of their land. This was also noted by Palestinians yesterday in Balata refugee camp, which describe Monday nights invasion as like the Second Intifada.

Like Hebron and across the West Bank Palestinians are bracing themselves for another night of terror. SFP ask that you all share the truth and challenge the mainstreams media coverage of 3 illegal settlers alleged kidnapping, compared to the hundreds and thousands of Palestinians kidnapped daily by Apartheid Israel. We ask you to use the hashtag on social media #bringourboysbackhome to highlight to kidnapping of Palestinians, which is being used by Zionist to dominate social media feeds with false news about the alleged kidnappings of the illegal settlers.

في سياق الممارسات الاسرائيليه العنصريه بحق الشعب الفلسطيني وما يمارسه من اجتياحات ليليه واعتقالات فقد اقدم الجنود الاسرائلييون على اغلاق حاجز حواره وزعتره والتي تفصل بين نابلس ورام الله جنوب نابلس دون معرفه الاسباب وادى ذلك الى حدوث ازمه مروريه خانقه سيما ان سياسة الاغلاقات والتشديد على الحواجز اعادت الى الاذهان الاغلاقات والممارسات العنصريه ابان انتفاضه الاقصى
وعبر نشطاء المقاومه الشعبيه عن رفضهم لهذه الممارسات مطالبين المجتمع الدولي بتحمل مسؤلياته ومؤكدين على ضروره تصعيد المقاومه الشعبيه في وجه الممارسات العنصريه الاسرائيليه وعن ضروره الاستمرار بالانشطه التضامنيه مع الاسرى المضربين عن الطعام



Khames Qandeel covered in the blood of his brother Qusi


Qusi Qandeel in ICU today (18/06/14)


Qusi Qandeel after being left for dead by the Israeli Army

Qusi Qandeel’s initial doctors assessment

Huwwara checkpoint, just south of Nablus today

Hundreds of commenters left stranded at Huwwara checkpoint as the Army arbitrarily close Nablus


Army firing indiscriminately in Nablus (18/06/14)


Army jeeps invading Nablus city (18/06/14)


17/06/14: Israeli terrorism continues up north, Nablus

Following on from the attacks and siege on the southern city of Hebron, the Israeli Army invaded the northern city of Nablus terrorising residents across the city, particularly targeting Balata refugee camp. At approximately 1am dozens of Israeli jeeps invaded the camp, destroying property and kidnapping residents. The residents liken the attacks on the camp to the mass Israeli terrorism against the Palestinian people in 2002, when dozens of cities were invaded and homes destroyed.

The Army attacked with dogs, allowing them to destroy and urinate all over the furniture and clothes. One of the homes invaded and vandalised was the Director of the Yaffa Cultural Centre, Fayez Arafat. Fayez described how the soldiers had no regard for his terrified children, who as a result were unable to sleep all night.

The Army kidnapped 8 camp residents, while also conducting raids across the city. Hebron has been under siege since 3 illegal settlers disappeared from the occupied West Bank area of Palestine. The Israeli Army announced today that they would be focusing their terrorism on the city of Nablus next, despite a complete lack of evidence as to the whereabouts of the missing illegal settlers.

This has all been within the backdrop of Palestinian detainees, who entered their 54th day on hunger strike, protesting their kidnapping by Apartheid Israel and detention without trial or charge in violation of international law.

SFP asks everyone around the world to not allow the co-opting of the media by Apartheid Israel, and continue to raise the issue of Palestinians (including nearly 200 Palestinian children) kidnapped by Apartheid Israel and interned in Apartheid prisons. Zionists have been using the Twitter hashtag #bringtheboysbackhome to spread their propaganda. We ask social media users to use this handle to highlight the truth about the hundreds of Palestinians being kidnapped by Apartheid Israel.

في حوالي الساعه الواحده من صباح يوم الثلاثاء -17/6 اقتحم  المئات من جنود الاحتلال الاسرائيلي  مواقع متفرقه من محافظه نابلس وكان مخيم بلاطه من اكثر المناطق تضررا حيث اقتحم مئات الجنود مخيم بلاطه في حوالى الساعه الواحده وقام بتدمير محتويات اكثر من ثلاتون بيتا  وكان يرافق الجنود كلاب وذكرت احدى السيدات التي اقتحم الجنود بيتها ان طريقه الاقتحام كانت همجيه  ووحشيه تذكرها باجتياح نيسان 2002  وقالت  ان الجنود دمروا كافة المحتويات  والجدران  بحيث لم يعد يمكن الاستفاده من اثاث البيت  وقالت ان الكلاب البولسيه دخلت البيت وقامت بالتبول على اثاث  البيت  والفراش الامر الذي يجعل اعاده استخدامه امرا مستحيلا  كما ذكرت زوجه فايز عرفات مسؤول مركز يافا الثقافي والذي تم اقتحام بيته وتدمير محتوياته ايضا ان هذه الحمله عنيفه جدا ولم تراعي او تحترم حتى حقوق الاطفال فالطريقة الوحشيه باقتحام  البيت ارعبت الاطفال  وهم لا زالوا بحاله رعب من هول الصدمة وعنف الجنود تجاه الجميع يذكر انه تم اعتقال 8 اشخاص من المخيم

10452501_10203450334313240_13635004_o 10453303_10203450337193312_1416918216_n 10459941_10203450366874054_2031195520_o 10467547_10203450368794102_1091062886_o 10473582_10203450335833278_703687233_o 10477576_10203450366594047_1472360402_n 10479375_10203450365074009_1954268077_o 10489170_10203450329993132_1062122832_n 10494404_10203450372594197_51510753_o


16/06/14: Israel unleashes mass terrorism on the people of Hebron

On Sunday 15 June (ongoing at the time of writing) Apartheid Israel had unleashed a mass terror campaign on the people of Hebron and the southern occupied West Bank area of Palestine. On Thursday evening 3 illegal settlers were allegedly kidnapped while they trespassed on Palestinian land, in an area the Israeli Army fully control (known as Area C under the failed Oslo Accords). Despite the lack of evidence the Israeli Army has unleashed a mass terror and kidnapping campaign against the Palestinians in the occupied West Bank area.  

To date nearly 150 Palestinians have been kidnapped from their homes, a 21 year old man from Al Jalazone refugee camp has been killed and the Gaza Strip has been bombed several times. At the time of writing the southern West Bank is under closure and siege and kidnappings by the Israeli Army are continuing. Apartheid Israel has vowed to escalate further their campaign of terror despite no evidence of the kidnappings of the three illegal settlers. Below is an account from an SFP member in Hebron.

On Sunday 15 June the Israeli Occupation Forces detained the 13 year old child Mohammed Yazouri at the checkpoint between Tel Rumeida neighbourhood and Shuhada Street. Later, led by the criminal settler Anat Cohen, well known for her attacks on Palestinians, illegal settlers attacked the Qakor family in Tel Rumeida. SFP member Imad Abu Shmssih went to assist the family against the terrorist and was himself attacked and his wife was also assaulted as she attempted to film the settlers. 

Palestinians are sadly use to the daily harassment and attacks by the criminal illegal settlers that occupy their city but in recent days the attacks by both soldiers and settlers have become more violent. Imad and his wife were attacked in front of the Israeli Border Police by Anat Cohen and her group, and the police just looked on. The terrorist settler then proceeded to go to Imad’s home and attacked his 15 year old daughter Madeleine. The settler then claimed to the police that Madeleine had attacked her and so the Israeli police arrested both Imad and his daughter. They were taken to Kiryat Arba police station, in the illegal settlement of the same name, and finally released as it was clear Anat Cohen had lied. 

At all the entrances to Hebron there is a heavy presence of Israeli Army, preventing movement in and out of the city. Nightly kidnapping campaigns have been taking place with members of the Palestinian Legislative Council, such as Aziz Dweik, arrested. Today, Monday 16 June, despite this repression shops and businesses closed on strike in solidarity with the Palestinian administrative detainees now on their 54th day on hunger strike. As the Army tried to stifle the support for prisoners they fired tear gas and stun grenades at youth resisting their repression. At the time of writing this report there is still confrontations ongoing.

As SFP we ask people around the world to not allow the media and Israeli Government to hijack the issue and dominate the news with allegations of kidnappings, while there is now hundreds of Palestinians kidnapped by Apartheid Israel and languishing in prisons. Detainees have been held without trial or charge for years and in response and demand for freedom they launched a peaceful hunger strike. Apartheid Israel is determined to use any means possible to suppress the call for freedom from the prisons. We ask you all to hear that call and demand an end to the Occupation and the freedom for all of Palestine.


قامت قوات الاحتلال يوم الاحد 15-06-20214 باحتجاز الطفل محمد اليازوري في حاجز تل الرميدة في شارع الشهداء والبالغ من العمر 13 عاما وفي نغس الوقت قامت مجموعة من المستوطنين بقيادة الارهابية عنات كوهن المعروفة بعداءها الشديد للعرب بمهاجمة عائلة قعقور في تل الرميدة وبعد ان حضرت الشرطة الاسرائلية قام المستوطنين بالاعتداء على الناشط في المقاومة الشعبية عماد ابو شمسية الذي كان يوثق مع زوجته الاعتداءات بالكاميرا في المنطقة التي تشهد عنفاً متزايد بالاضافة الى بالاضافة الى المضايقات المستمرة من قبل جنود الاحتلال ولقد قام الارهابية عنات كوهن مع مجموعة من المستوطنين بمهاجمة عماد وزوجته امام عيون جيش الاحتلال وشرطته وبعد ذلك حاولت الارهابية عنات التوجه الى بيت عماد وقبل ذلك قامت بالاعتداء على ابنته مادلين البالغة من العمر 15 سنة وادعت بانها قامت بالاعتداء عليها وبعد ذلك قامت الشرطة باعتقال عماد ومادلين ونقلهم الى الشرطة المتواجدة بالقرب من كريات اربع وتم الافراج عنهم بعد التأكد من كذب ادعاءات عنات كوهن بالاضافة .

في نفس السياق شهدت بعض مداخل الخليل تواجد مكثف لجنود الاحتلال وقامت باقتحام المدينة في الليل بالاضافة الى حملة اعتقلت في ساعات صباح الاثنين 16-06-2014 وكان من بين المعتقلين اعضاء بالمجلس التشريعي الفلسطيني مثل د. عزيز الدويك رئيس المجلس بالاضافة الى باسم الزعارير وغيرها من الاسماء وشهدت الخليل اليوم اضرابا تجاريا عاما لدعم الاسرى المضربين عن الطعام في اضرابهم 54 على التوالي وهذا ولقد دعت حركة التضتامن من اجل فلسطين حره الفلسطنين الى التنبه بعدم السماح للاعلام الاسرائيلي لاختطاف الاعلام باتجاه الحديث عن قضية المستوطينين الذين تقول اسرائيل انهم اختطفوا و الاستمرار بالفاعليات لدعم الاسرى والابقاء عليها القضية الاولى حتى لا تنسى معاناة الاسرى هذا وفي النهار قام جنود الاحتلال بالتواجد بشكل مكثف في بعض المناطق كما اندلعت المواجهات ما بين جنود الاحتلال والشباب الفلسطيني في وسط مدبنة بالمنطقة المعروفة باسم باب الزاوية حيث تستحدم قوات الاحتلال قنابل الصوت والغاز و الرصاص المعدني والمطاطي بكثافة وما زالت المواجهات مستمرة حتى اعداد هذا التقرير.

08/06/14: SFP Hebron continues to support detainees on their 46th day on hunger strike

As Palestinian detainees entered their 46th day on hunger strike, protesting their internment without charge or trial, members of SFP Hebron continued to support the strikers and their families by staging a sit-in at the protest tent in Hebron.

Activists held up photos of the hunger strikers, particularly Ayman Atabich who has been on hunger strike for 100 days, and George Ibrahim Abdullah who recently launched a solidarity hunger strike from his French prison cell. Activists also showed their solidarity with Shireen Issawi, the lawyer and sister of the longest hunger striker Samer Issawi, who has been held by Apartheid Israel since 6 March 2014.

Activists saluted the strength of the prisoners and vowed to carry on with their solidarity and awareness raising activities. Hebron has arranged various activities to support the strikers, since the strike began on 24 April. Protest tents have been erected across the West Bank and occupied East Jerusalem in support of prisoners, detainees and their families.

SFP cautiously welcomes the recent statement by the Dutch/ British firm G4S that they will discontinue their work for Apartheid Israel, supplying much of the infrastructure and security, including illegal transfers of Palestinian prisoners. However, SFP encourages activists around the world to maintain pressure on G4S and other firms complicit in war crimes against Palestinian political prisoners until their involvement ceases entirely. To find out more about the Stop G4S campaign please click here.


اعتصام في خيمةا لتضامن مع الاسرى
شارك نشطاء من حركة التضامن من اجل فلسطين حرة الاعتصام في خيمة الاعتصام
التي تم اقامتها في الخليل تستقبل الوفود التي تأتي معلنة تضامنها ودعمها
لابناءهم الاسرى السياسين المضربين عن الطعام في سجون الاحتلال الاسرائيلي منذ 46 يوم بالاضافة الى الاسير ايمن اطبيش المضرب عن الطعام منذ اكثر من 100 يوم وتم رفع صور المناضل المعتقل جورج ابراهيم عبد الله الموجود في السجون الفرنسية والذي اضرب عن الطعام تضامنا مع اخوته الاسرى الفلسطينين بالاضافة الى رفع صور الاسيرة المحامية شيرين العيساوي الموجوده في سجون الاحتلال منذ 6-3-2014 , بالاضافة الى العديد من صور الاسرى .هذا وتشهد الخليل اكبر حملة دعم وتضامن في فلسطين بحيث يوجد كل يوم نشاط مساند وداعم للاسرى الفلسطينين في سجون الاحتلال بالاضافة الى خيمة التضامن التي تستقبل الوفود بالنهار والليل لتضامن مع الاسرى السياسين
هذا ووجه المعتصمون التحية الى جميع الاسرى بالاضافة وتحية خاصة الى الاسير جورج عبد الله في سجون فرنسا الذي قدم حريته حتى تعيش فلسطين حره .