Jordan Valley

10/05/15: SFP donates olive trees and thyme to the women of Biddiya in support of feminist cooperatives

Thanks to continuing kind donations from around the World and from SFP members we have been able to puchase more olive trees and thyme for the Women’s cooperative in Biddiya, Salfit governorate.

This is part of a campaign by SFP to support Palestinian feminist agricultural cooperatives, supporting Palestinian women to be economically independent and acknowledging the leading role Palestinian women play in the resistance and liberation of Palestinian land.

SFP has already supported women’s groups in the Jordan Valley, Salfit and villages around Nablus city. We are determined to support more groups and would be very grateful for any further donations and for you to share our campaign widely.

Palestinian women are at the forefront of the resistance and SFP reaffirms their support for these female leaders as they cultivate the land and reclaim it from the Occupation and Zionist settlers.

حركة تضامن من اجل فلسطين حرهSFP  تستمر بتوزيع اشتال الزعتر والزيتون

بديا –سلفيت –SFP

قامت حركة تضامن من حل فلسطين حره SFP بتوزيع آلاف الاشتال من الزعتر وأشجار الزيتون على النساء في بلدة بديا –قضاء سلفيت .

حيث توجه النشطاء إلى بلدة بديا – سلفيت. وقاموا بزيارة الى مركز نساء ضد الجدار وتم الاتفاق معهن على تشكيل تعاونيات نسويه ودعمهن بالزعتر والزيتون   وقد تم توزيع الاشتال على مجموعة من النساء .اللواتي قمن بزراعتها في الأرض .

يأتي هذا التوجه ضمن خطه تقوم بها حركةSFP مع المؤسسات الفلسطينية لبناء تعاونيات نسويه و دعم النساء الفلسطينيات وتعزيز صمودهن على الأرض في المواقع الريفية وقد تم توزيع العديد من الاشتال في العديد من المناطق في الأغوار ونابلس ورام الله وسلفيت .

النساء الفلسطينيات عبروا عن شكرهن لكل من تبرع وطالبوا بالاستمرار بدعم النساء الفلسطينيات , خاصة أن هناك الكثير من النساء ابدوا استعدادهن للتوجه للأرض من اجل زراعتها .

يذكر ان زراعه الزعتر مشروع مربح ويساهم في تخفيف العبء الاقتصادي على العائلات الفلسطينية ويساهم في حماية الأرض الفلسطينية من المصادرة   من قبل الاحتلال الإسرائيلي .

حركه SFP تشكر كل من تبرع ,وساهم معنا في شراء الزعتر والزيتون و تناشد الجميع بالاستمرار في دعم النساء الفلسطينيات من اجل تعزيز صمودهن على الأرض .

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31/03/15: SFP, JVS and the Women’s Union reaffirm their steadfastness on the land in Fasayil

On 31 March 2015 SFP activists joined Jordan Valley Solidarity campaign, the Union of Palestinian Women’s Committees, the Tanweer Centre and villagers to plant olive, citrus and thyme in Fasayil in the Jordan Valley. The action came as part of SFP’s action to commemorate Land Day, reaffirming the right and steadfastness on the land. Activists were accompanied by international activists from the Internation Women’s Peace Service (IWPS).

Fasayil is located in the Jordan Valley, an area designated Area C under the Oslo Accords. This means Apartheid Israel has full civil and military control over the lives of the Palestinian villagers. They are unable to access their water, farm their land, or live without constant harrassment and risk of home demolitions. Activists planted in an area of the village under imminent threat of demolition to assert their right to their land.

Following planting the activists then helped the villages move homemade mud bricks used for building. Building materials, such as concrete, is prohibited by Apartheid Israel, forcing the villagers to improvise, making their own mud bricks for construction, in defiance of the Occupation.

SFP’s sister organisation, JVS, works tirelessly in the Jordan Valley helping Palestinians remain steadfast on the land. SFP reaffirmed their commitment today to further supporting the communities in the Jordan Valley area with more crops and support.

We would like to thank everyone that has already donated to our campaign to raise funds for olive trees and thyme. We would be very grateful if you would consider continuing to donate so we may help more communities and villages. Please share our campaign with your friends and colleagues and encourage donations via our dedicated PayPal account. Please click here for details on how to donate.


اليوم الثلاثاء 31-3 2015

إحياء يوم الأرض في الأغوار

نشطاء المقاومه الشعبيه من حركة تضامن من اجل فلسطين SFP بالتعاون مع المؤسسات الفلسطينيه (المجلس الشعبي لحماية الأغوار واتحاد لجان المراة  الفلسطينية والمنتدى التنويري Tanweerومتضامنين من iwps)
توجه النشطاء الى أراض مهددة بالمصادرة في منطقة فصايل  بالاغوار  وقاموا بزراعتها باشجار الليمون وأشجار الزيتون وقالوا أنهم في ذكرى يوم الأرض  ان يوم الارض سيبقى خالدا في ضمير كل فلسطيني ولن ننسى الشعب الفلسطيني  وسيبقى شاهدا على عنصرية الاحتلال الاسرائيلي  .
وبعد الانتهاء من زراعة الزيتون واشجار الليمون  قام النشطاء بنقل الطوب من اجل بناء احدى غرف المدارس  وهذا الطوب هو عباره عن الطين (تراب +القش ) حيث لا يسمح الاحتلال ببناء الغرف بمواد اسمنتيه .
وقد شكر النشطاء كل من شارك في دعم حملات الزراعه اشتال زعتر وزيتون وحمضيات وقال نشطاء المقاومه الشعبيه من sfpا نهم سوف يستمرون بزراعة الزيتون والزعتر وكافة الاشتال  في كافة المناطق المهددة بالمصادرة  في كافة المناطق الفلسطينية

SfP يشكرون كل من ساهم في دعم جملة زراعة اشجار الزيتون والزعتر ويتمنوا من كل من يرغب في الاستمرار في دعم الحمله من اجل تعزيز صمود الفلسطينيين على الارض وحماية اراضيهم من خلال الزراعة .

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04/03/15: Report from JVS – Ethnic cleansing continues in the Jordan Valley

N.B. This report is courtesy of our brothers and sisters of the Jordan Valley Solidarity Campaign.
At 6am this the morning in Ein Kozilia Jiflic, the homes of three brothers from the Zeti Cottua Cosim family, were demolished along with the shelters for their animals. This is the 9th time their homes have been demolished. They were demolished once in 2008, three times in 2012 and five times since 2013, with the last time being only a month and a half ago. In total 23 family members live in these three homes, the youngest being a two month old baby. Their homes have been targeted because of their close proximity to a natural spring, which the families use for water.
We, from the Jordan Valley, went to give our solidarity to these families this morning after the soldiers had left. Other international volunteers from EAPPI were there already giving their support. We spoke to the father of the brothers about possible legal help, and he told us that through the law it is possible only to freeze a demolition order for a few years, but in no case in the Jordan Valley has a demolition order been removed through the courts. When we asked about what we could do to help, he told us he would like us to help build a shelter for their animals so they do not run away. We will try our best to help the families with this in the near future. On our way out, the international volunteers helped to rebuild the road leading to the houses, which the army had destroyed with a bulldozer in two areas.
We asked the father if he would ever consider moving somewhere else. He said no. As in the rest of the Jordan Valley, and around Palestine, remaining on their native lands, despite all of the tactics the Israeli occupation uses to drive them away, is the strongest form of resistance Palestinians can use against the occupation.

Destruction des habitations de trois familles palestiniennes dans la vallée du Jourdain par les forces israéliennes

A six heures ce matin à Ein Kozilia Jiflick, les maisons de trois frères de la famille Zetti Cottua Cosim, ainsi que les abris de leurs animaux, ont été détruites par l’armée israélienne.

C’est la neuvième fois qu’elles sont détruites de la sorte : la première fois en 2008, puis à trois reprises en 2012, et cinq fois depuis 2013. La dernière démolition par l’armée israélienne date d’il y a à peine un mois et demi. Au total vingt-trois membres de la famille vivaient dans ces trois maisons, dont des enfants en bas âge, le plus jeune ayant seulement deux mois.

Ces maisons sont la cible répétée de l’armée d’occupation israélienne car elles se trouvent proches d’une source d’eau naturelle, où la famille Cosim s’approvisionne en eau potable, et que les forces d’occupation veulent confisquer.

En tant qu’habitants de la vallée du Jourdain, nous nous sommes rendus auprès de ces familles ce matin après le départ des soldats. D’autres volontaires internationaux d’EAPPI étaient déjà présents pour apporter leur soutien.

Nous avons évoqué avec le père des trois frères dont les maisons ont été démolies la possibilité de demander une aide judiciaire. Mais il nous a répondu qu’il est, selon la loi israelienne, uniquement possible de geler temporairement un ordre de démolition. Jusqu’à présent, concernant les habitations situées dans la vallée du Jourdain, il n’a jamais été possible de faire annuler ces décisions par la Cour de justice.

Lorsque nous lui avons demandé la façon la plus adéquate de les soutenir, il nous a répondu qu’ils auraient besoin d’aide pour reconstruire un abri pour les animaux, afin qu’ils ne puissent pas se disperser, et pour les protéger du soleil. Nous ferons de notre mieux pour aider ces familles dans les semaines qui viennent.

Avant de repartir, des volontaires internationaux ont aidé à reconstruire la route menant aux maisons de la famille Casim, que l’armée israélienne avait détruite au bulldozer à deux reprises.

Nous avons enfin demandé au père de famille s’il considérait la possibilité de partir. Mais, malgré de telles conditions de vie, et la récurrence des attaques et harcèlements de la part des forces d’occupation, il nous a assuré qu’ils ne bougeraient pas.

A l’instar des autres communautés de la vallée du Jourdain, et de la Palestine dans son ensemble, rester vivre sur ses terres, en dépit de toutes les stratégies mises en œuvre par l’armée israélienne pour les faire fuir, est l’action la plus ferme pour les habitants palestiniens de résistance par la non violence à l’occupation.

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23/02/15: JVS report – Nihad Ali Alajul killed after Israeli Police harassment

Today, on the 23rd of February 2015, the Israeli police tried to stop a Palestinian car in order to impose a fine on the driver. While the Israeli police were following the Palestinian driver/vehicle, the car became involved in a collision, and the driver died. His name was Nihad Ali Alajul. He was 32 years old and was a father to four children. This happened in Al-Juflik village in the Central Jordan Valley, after Hamra checkpoint.

Today, as in every other day, the Israeli police work hard to fine Palestinian drivers on the road. Today they also gave a fine to one Palestinian Jordan Valley Solidarity activist for 250 Israeli shekels. This is the third fine this activist has received in the past three months, amounting to 1,500 shekels.

These actions are part of Israel’s apartheid occupation policies, which applies daily pressure on the lives of Palestinian people, families and communities. The police are supposed to enforce the law and to protect the people, but here they are working alongside the Israeli army to enforce the transfer of Palestinians from their lands by scaring the people. The police give Palestinians no opportunity to speak out to protect their rights.

This report is courtesy of Jordan Valley Solidarity Campaign.


05/12/14: Settlers attack and cut olive trees in Aqraba

On Friday 5 December settlers attacked the olive groves belonging to Aqraba village, cutting dozens of ancient trees and releasing cows onto the land. Aqraba has been under constant attack from the Israeli Army and the surrounding Jewish-only illegal colonies in recent months. The Army has demolished several Palestinian homes, most recently cutting the electricity in the eastern part of the village which borders the Jordan Valley.

Aqraba is located just south of Nablus city and surrounded by illegal colonies, which houses some of the most violent Jewish terrorists. Despite constant attacks on Palestinians and their property complaints are largely ignored by the occupying Israeli Army and rarely are settlers prosecuted for their crimes.

SFP coordinator in Aqraba and Khirbet Yanon (a small village completely surrounded by the illegal colony of Itamar) Yousef Derya stated:

We are always subject to attacks by the settlers and the Army as they attempt to push us from our land. But every time they attack we replant more saplings, renewing our steadfastness that we will not leave our land.

SFP recently planted more trees near Aqraba and will continue to support the villagers in their resistance. SFP is supporting villages across the northern West Bank area of Palestine to reclaim their land, particularly land settlers have or are trying to steal. We are doing this by planting olive trees, zatara (a Palestinian herb) and assisting farmers and villages to work their land. To help us with this we are asking for donations. If you would like to donate or learn more about the campaign please click here and share it with your friends and colleagues.

اليوم الجمعه – 5-12 -2014-

المستوطنون يعتدون على الأراضي في عقربا ويقتلعون اشجارالزيتون.

لا زالت اعتداءات المستوطنين مستمره على الأهالي وعلى أراضيهمالزراعيه حيث قام المستوطنين باقتلاع عشرات أشتال الزيتون  وقاموابإطلاق الأبقارcow لتدمير اشجار الزيتون  وقال الناشط في حركهتضامنsfp  منسق قريوت” يوسف ديريه ان عقربا بشكل عام ومناطق خربة الطويل ويانون تتعرض دائما لاعتداءاتالمستوطنين والجيش الإسرائيلي من اجل ترحيلنا عن أرضنا ولكنفي كل مره نقوم بزارعه اشتال جديده لان صامدون على ارضنا ولن نرحل.

نشطاء المقاومه الشعبيه وجهوا نداء لكافة الاصدقاء في العالم من اجل دعم حملة الزعتر والزيتون  من اجل زراعتها على الأراضي ودعم صمود المزارع

ويذكر ان  نشطاء المقاومه الشعبيه من حركة تضامن قاموا مؤخرابزراعه  الزعتر والزيتون في اراضي عقربا ويانون

ChildChildren of Aqraba hold up the broken branches of olive trees


Olive tree branches lay in the ground after being cut by illegal settlers


Domestic cows roam the land after being released by illegal settlers

Ancient olive trees of Aqraba village attacked and cut by illegal settlers

Ancient olive trees damaged by illegal settlers

03/11/14: Israeli Army continues its policy of ethnic cleansing in Khirbet al-Tawil

On Monday 3 November a large force of the Israeli Army entered Khirbet al-Tawil, just south of Nablus, and demolished homes and agricultural buildings. This is not the first time the Army has targeted the ancient village, home to Palestinians for hundreds of years. In recent months the Army has consistently attacked and demolished homes and structures in the village trying to force villagers from their ancestral lands.

The homes, belonging to Bahaa Maroof, Bani Fadil and Osama Bani Fadil, and shelters for animals were vital for the stability of the village. The villagers had recently raised money renovate the homes and structures. Last month the Army destroyed electricity pylons, and with Winter months approaching the safety of the villagers is in peril.

SFP is working to support villages such as Khirbet al-Tawil remain steadfast on their land and rebuild where the Occupation demolishes. If you would like to donate to SFP to help us support more villages please click here.


اليوم الاثنين 3-11-2014  : قامت  آليات الاحتلال الاسرائيلي  بهدم ابنية وشبكة المياه  في خربة الطويل شرق نابلس يزيد عمرها عن مائة عام. حيث حضرت قوه كبيره من جيش الاحتلال  الاسرائيلي ترافقها  الاليات الضخمة حيث قامت  بعمليات الهدم للبيوت ولشبكة المياه في منطقة تقع وسط خربة الطويل . يذكر ان هذه البيوت القديمة تعود للمزارعين بهاء معروف بني فضل مسكن ,واسامه انس بني فضل وهي  عبارة عن منازل عمرها اكثر من مائة عام  وتتكون  من غرفة واحدة يستخدمها الرعاة والمزارعين المتواجدين في خربة الطويل, وتم مؤخرا جمع اموال لترميمها. ونحن اليوم على ابواب فصل الشتاء حيث لا  يوجد اماكن بديله لهم  مما يعني  مزيدا من المعاناة للأهالي الذين تم هدم بيوتهم

Pictures courtesy of SFP contacts in Aqraba local Council

Pictures courtesy of SFP contacts in Aqraba local Council

Pictures courtesy of SFP contacts in Aqraba local Council

Pictures courtesy of SFP contacts in Aqraba local Council

Pictures courtesy of SFP contacts in Aqraba local Council

Pictures courtesy of SFP contacts in Aqraba local Council

Pictures courtesy of SFP contacts in Aqraba local Council

Pictures courtesy of SFP contacts in Aqraba local Council

29/09/14: Israeli Army cuts electricity to Aqraba homes

At approximately 6am on Monday morning, bulldozers accompanied by the Israeli Army demolished 60 electricity pylons, providing electricity to homes in Aqraba village, just south east of Nablus city. The electricity grid was part of an initiative to support the villagers by the Belgium Government in 2004.

Aqraba, which borders the Jordan Valley area of Palestine, is constantly attacked by the Israel Army. Earlier in the year the Army destroyed several homes and the local mosque, claiming they were built without permission.

Much of the Jordan Valley, and bordering villages are designated Area C under the Oslo Accords. This gives Israel full military and civil control. As such Israel as implemented a policy of ethnic cleansing, attempting to force out residents by demolishing their homes, destroying vital infrastructure and constant intimidation and attacks.

اقدمت جرافات وآليات الاحتلال الاسرائيلي  الساعه السادسه صباحا من يوم الاثنين بهدم واقتلاع ما يقارب 60 عامود كهرباء على امتداد 3كم  في منطقة خربة الطويل –عقربا  مما ادى ذلك الى حرمان الاهالي من ابسط الحقوق الانسانيه وهي الكهرباء ,علما بان هذه الشبكه انشئت بدعم من بلجيكا عام 2004 .
الجدير بالذكر ان منطقة خربة الطويل تتعرض دائما لعمليات هدم وتدمير للبيوت وخطوط المياه بهدف تهجير السكان في المنطقه.

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25/07/14: The Jordan Valley rises and Nablus mourns

At noon on Friday SFP activists joined the youth of Tamon and Khirbet Atuf as they marched towards their land which is used as a training zone for the Army. As they marched they were met by 5 Army jeeps and a lorry used to fire toxic water at Palestinians, known as “skunk water”. The Army fired live ammunition and rubber coated steel bullets hitting two of the youth. They also fired volleys of tear gas and sprayed the activists with the skunk water. 4 young people were arrested and SFP and Tamons cameras were stolen by the Army.

Since the massacre on Gaza began, the West Bank and ’48 areas of Palestine have been rising up against the illegal Occupation. Today 3 Palestinians were murdered in Beit Ummar and 2 in Huwwara village, just south of Nablus. As the killing by a blood thirsty Israel continues, the total of those murdered in Gaza has risen to over 800.

SFP implores Palestinians and the world to hear the cries from Gaza and rise up to end the illegal and murderous Occupation of Palestine.

SFP also kindly asks if anyone could urgently donate towards a new camera for SFP. This is the only weapon we have to report and document the crimes committed against us as we continue to demonstrate for the liberation of our land and people. To donate please click here.

Please note we are having some problems with linking to the PayPal button. If the link above does not work please cut and paste the following code into your browser:

An archive photo of the firing zone on Khirbet Atuf land (all our pictures were lost when SFP’s camera was stolen by the Israeli Army)

Water Apartheid in the Jordan Valley

This video, made by activists from the Jordan Valley Solidarity Campaign, details the difficulties faced by Palestinians in the Jordan Valley as they try to survive on their land.

As Apartheid Israel proclaims in its recounting of history that “it made the desert bloom”, the truth is that this ‘blooming’ came by stealing Palestinian water resources and redirecting them to illegal settlements, while systematically denying Palestinians their right to their resources and land.

This policy is a continuation of the Nakba of 1948, when Jewish terrorists forced Palestinians from their land at gun point. As Apartheid Israel continues to steal water it hopes to empty the land of the native Palestinian population.

Jordan Valley Solidarity Campaign supports and works with the Palestinian native inhabitants of the Jordan Valley area. To help them in their work we encourage you all to make a donation, so Palestinians remain steadfast on the land for generations to come and defy Israeli terrorism. To find out how to donate please click here.

02/04/14: Attempting to establish Karameh village – report from SFP members

On Saturday 29 March, a day before Palestinians commemorated Land Day, activists from SFP Nablus, Qaryut and Hebron, joined other members of the popular resistance to attempt to reestablish a Palestinian presence in an old Ottoman ear building on the outskirts of Jiflik, Jordan Valley.

The building, which had formally been used by the Turks, British, Jordanian and then most recently by the Israelis as a prison camp, had been evacuated shortly after the Gulf War. However, the Army still used the larger building and it’s grounds to conduct Army training. Activists retook the building on Saturday, hoisting the Palestinian flag and asserting the Palestinian nature of the area. The activists named the building ‘Karameh’ after the victorious battle, where Palestinian and Jordanian forces prevented an attack by the Israeli Army in 1968.

The Army then blocked all roads to the area and prevented supplies and food from reaching the activists. They also prevented access to press and medical personnel. The Army then broke into the building the following day and arrested those present and declared the area a closed military zone. The following were arrested:

  • Salah Tayeh – Tulkarem
  • Akram Ka’adan – Tulkarem
  • Ayman Bani Odeh – Tammoun
  • Dia Bani Odeh – Tammoun
  • Amin Bani Odeh – Tammoun
  • Muhammad Rashid Bisharat – Tammoun
  • Mahmoud Bisharat – Tammoun

The majority if the Jordan Valley, which makes up 29% of the West Bank area of Palestine, is designated area C under the failed Oslo Accords. This means Apartheid Israel has full civil and military control. Apartheid Israel in negotiations with the Palestinian Authority, overseen by the USA, demanded the annexation of the Jordan Valley area, maintaining a military presence and effective control. The Jordan Valley is rich in arable land and natural resources, particularly water resources, which Apartheid Israel has been stealing from Palestinians and rerouting to their illegal settlements. Many of these illegal settlements then use this stolen water to produce vegetables and fruit, sold to mainly European markets. While denying the right to Palestinians to exist, let alone make a living themselves.

SFP asks all those that believe in justice to join the Palestinians call for boycott, divestment and sanctions against Apartheid Israel. To find out how to boycott and join the campaign please click here.

قام مجموعة من نشطاء المقاومة الشعبية بإعادة الإستيلاء على بناء قديم كان يستعمله الأتراك في فترة حكم الدولة العثمانية , ومن بعدهم الإنتداب البريطاني على فلسطين , ومن ثُم قام الأردنيون بإستخدامه في وقت الولاية الأردنية على الأراضي الفلسطينية , وبعد الإحتلال الإسرائيلي للضفة الغربية بعد حرب 1967 تم الإستيلاء على البناء من قبل جيش الإحتلال الإسرائيلي وتحويله لمعسكر وسجن ومراكز للتحقيق .. ومن بعدها تَم إخلاء البناء من قبل الإحتلال بعد حرب الخليج وأصبح المكانُ مهجوراً منذ ذلك الحين إلا من تدريبات عسكرية يجريها الجيش الاسرائيلي بداخله كل فترة وذلك لأن المبنى قديم وضخم جِدا , وقد قام الإحتلال بمنع أي شخص يقترب من ذلك المبنى منذُ الإحتلال .. يقع هذا المبنى في مناطق الأغوار الفلسطينية المُحتلة , وهي تعتبر السلة الغذائية الاولى في فلسطين , وذلك لخصوبة أرضها وتسيطر القوات الإسرائيلي على مُعظم آبار المياه هُناك وجاءت هذهِ الخُطوة لإيصال رسالة للإحتلال الاسرائيلي أن هذهِ الأرض فلسطينية وكل ما عليها هو جزء لا يتجزء من فلسطين وقام النشطاء أيضاً بإغلاق الطريق المؤدي لتلك المنطقة وقاموا بتعليق الأعلام على المبنى , وقوبل ذلك بإجراءات تعسفية من الإحتلال حيث أنهم قاموا بقطع جميع الطرق المُؤدية للمبنى الذي تحصن فيه النشطاء , ومنعوا وصول المياه والطعام للمنطقة , كما وأنهم منعوا الطواقم الطبية والصحفية من الإقتراب من المنطقة .. وبعد يوم واحد على وجود النشطاء قام الجيش الإسرائيلي بإقتحام المبنى واعتقال جميع من تواجد فيه واعلان المنطقة بأنها منطقة عسكرية مغلقة .
الاسير البطل : صلاح التايه – طولكرم الاسير البطل : اكرم قعدان – طولكرم الاسير البطل : ايمن بني عوده – طمون الاسير البطل : ضياء بني عوده- طمون الاسير البطل : امين بني عوده – طمون الاسير البطل : محمد رشيد بشارات – طمون الاسير البطل : محمود بشارات – طمو