
UPDATE: SFP Prisoners update


 Ghassan Najjar

Ghassan_Najjar.jpgGhassan last appeared before Salem Military Court on Sunday 19 April 2015. As with every previous appearance the Military Judge again granted the Prosecutor more time and adjourned the Court hearing until 28 May 2015. By this time Ghassan will have been held for 9 months without trial or charge.

Ghassan was kidnapped from his home in Burin village, just south of Nablus city, on 27 August 2014. The previous day Israeli soldiers had threatened Ghassan after he attempted to prevent them invading and attacking young children in their lessons at Burin High School. A video of the attack and threats to Ghassan can be seen below.

Soldiers invaded Ghassan’s home in the middle of the night, vandalising Ghassan’s home, which he shares with his elderly parents and taking Ghassan away. Ghassan was held in solitary confinement with limited access to legal advice for one month in the notorious Petah Tikva interrogation facility before being transferred to Meggido prison, inside 1948 territories.

Since his internment Ghassan has only been able to see his baby son through a glass petition and his parents are reliant on Israeli security permission to enter ’48 to visit him in prison.

SFP understands that Israeli Apartheid Prosecutors are talking of interning Ghassan for 3 years once he finally is charged. Their claims against him reolve around resistance, all legal under international law. By the time he is released his son will have started school.

Ayman Gharib

Ayman_Gharib.jpgAyman last Court appearance was postponed at the last minute. He is due to appear before a Military Court on 7 May 2015. By this time Ayman will have been interned without trial or charge for 6 months.

Despite being granted permission to visit Ayman, his wife and mother were denied access to see Ayman at the last minute, adding to their torture and distress.

Ayman was kidnapped from his home in Tamon village on 18 December 2014. He had been continually harassed by Israeli soldiers prior to his kidnapping, with threats made against him.

Samer Maklouf

Arrest_in_Qaryut_of_Samer_Maklouf_and_Mohammed_Qaed.jpgSamer Maklouf was attacked and knocked unconscious by Israeli soldiers in Qaryut village while planting olive trees on 15 March 2015. He was then kidnapped and transferred to Meggido prison with Mohammed Qaed. Despite agreement by Ofer Military Court for the release of Mohammed and Samer on 4000NIS fines, this was later rescinded in Samer’s case.

Samer is accused of throwing stones at the Occupation soldiers and following an ‘appeal’ by Prosecutors, the initial agreement to his release was reneged. Samer is due back in Military Court shortly.

SFP is closely in contact with lawyers and providing support to Ghassan, Ayman and Samer’s families. We would like to thank all those that have shown their support around the world for Samer, Ghassan and Ayman and we will continue to keep you updated on their situation and wellbeing. We pass all messages to their families who get great comfort from your support and well wishes.


18/04/15: SFP plant trees in Burin to honour its prisoners

On Saturday 18 April activists from SFP planted olive trees for the 17 prisoners of Burin village, including SFP Committee member Ghassan Najjar. Joined by the prisoners families SFP activists planted symbolic olive trees as a token of their steadfastness on the land and sacrifice for the cause of freedom. SFP organized the action with the villages cultural centre, the Bilal Najjar Centre, and were joined by its volunteers.

The trees were planted on the land of each prisoner and pictures of the prisoners were hung on the tree in their honour. Activists then joined the families in their homes to hear their stories and suffering present them with a token of SFP’s respect for the sacrifice they had made to Palestine’s freedom.

Ghassan Najjar, SFP Committee member, has been interned since 27 August 2014, after defending the local school from attack by marauding Israeli soldiers. Ghassan’s mother and father were visibly distressed at the absence of their youngest son and SFP continues to provide Ghassan’s family with solidarity and support as we work towards the release of all Palestinian Prisoners.

While visiting Zakaria’s home his mother told the heart wrenching story so many Palestinian families endure, of standing at barriers and checkpoints at 5am in the hope of being able to visit her son for just 45 minutes behind a glass partition. In recent months all the requests the family have made for visits has been refused by the Israeli authorities on the pretext of ‘security’, a common torture tactic of the Occupation. When they are able to visit his family, including female members, are subjected to humiliating strip searches.

SFP also visited the family of Ibraheem Omran, who is sentenced to 11 life sentences plus 90 years. His father told activists of his sons high morale and pride at the duty, despite the sacrifice he had had as a result, for the Palestinian cause. Activists expressed their thanks and respect for Ibraheem’s bravery and sacrifice.

Nasif Asous and Rafat Asous’s father had suffered a stroke since his two sons had been imprisoned and he told SFP how for more than a year the Occupation had denied his request to visit them.

At the end of the action SFP also honored the memory of international activists Vittorio Arrigoni, who was murdered in Gaza.

SFP sincerely thanks all those that have already contributed to our campaign to raise funds for prisoners, their families and the planting of saplings. We kindly request any further donations you could make and encourage you to share our campaign with your friends and colleagues. Please click here for details of how to donate.

السبت -18-4-2015في يوم الأسير الفلسطيني زراعة اشتال زيتون في بورين 

حركه تضامن من اجل فلسطين  حره sfp ومركز  الشهيد بلال النجار و متضامنين دوليين يزرعون اشجار زيتون ويضعون عليها أسماء  أسرى بورين البلغ عددهم 17 أسير فلسطيني, ويقدمون الهدايا الرمزية لأهالي الأسرى  تقديرا لصبرهم وصمودهم وتضحياتهم .

حيث توجه النشطاء  الى الأراضي  التي يمتلكها اهالي الأسرى  وقاموا بزراعة شجر الزيتون ووضعوا عليها أسماء الاسرى وشارك الأهالي  بزراعة الاشتال  ووضعوا عليها صور أبنائهم     وبعد الانتهاء من زراعة أشجار الزيتون  توجه المشاركون الى بيوت الأسرى جميعا وقاموا بتقديم هديه متواضعة لعائلة الأسير  تقديرا لهم 

عائله الأسير غسان النجار عضو sfp زرعوا شجره باسمه قالوا ان غسان تعرض للاعتقال لأنه كان يدافع عن طلاب المدرسة الأطفال أثناء اقتحام جنود الاحتلال الإسرائيلي المدرسة وطالبوا كافة المؤسسات الدولية والحقوقية التدخل للإفراج عن غسان .

وفي زياره لعائلة الاسير زكريا تحدثت والدة الأسير زكريا  عن معاناتها أثناء الزيارة حيث يستعدون للزيارة من الساعه الخامسة صباحا  وينتظرون فترات طويلة على الحواجز  مع العلم انمدة الزيارة 45 دقيقه فقط  ولا يسمح لافراد الاسره جميعهم الزياره بحجة الرفض الأمني  وأحيانايتم حرمان العائلة من الزياره لعدة أشهر ,وذكرت والده الأسير عن المعاناة اثناء وصولهم الى السجن حيث يتم تفتيشهم يطريقه مذله ومهينه تصل الى التفتيش العاري  دون أي سبب .

والد الأسير إبراهيم عمران   والمحكوم 11مؤبد مدى الحياة  و90 سنه  قال ان ابنه يتمتع بمعنويات عاليه  وان ابنه غير نادم  وانه ناضل من اجل حرية وطنه .

والد الاسير ناظم عسعوس   و رأفت عسعوس    والذي تعرض لجلطه  قال ان يتمنى ان يزور ابنائه وان الاحتلال ل يسمح لهم بالزياره تصل الى اكثر من سنه 

في ذكرى الشهيد فيتوريوا اريغوني  قام النشطاء بزراعه شجرة زيتون ورفعوا صورته  تخليدا  له. 

Sfp يشكرون كل من  ساهم في شراء اشجار الزيتون  وسوف نبقى نزرع لنذكر أسماء الشهداء والاسرى ولنحمي الارض والوطن



17/04/15: SFP activists march on Ofer Apartheid prison

On the occassion of Palestinian Prisoners Day, SFP activists joined their fellow Palestinians in marching on Ofer detention facility calling for the release of all Palestinian prisoner. Israeli soldiers opened fire on the demonstrators with many suffering suffocation from tear gas inhalation and Mohammed Nadir being shot in the leg.

SFP joined the call for the release of all Palestinian prisoners and freedom for Palestine, particularly SFP activists currently interned by Apartheid Israel: Ghassan Najjar; Ayman Ghraib; and Samer Maklouf. Ofer detention facility is located near Ramallah in the centre of the occupied West Bank area of Palestine. Palestinians, including children are held in the facility, and tortured, as well as it housing one of the several kangeroo Military Courts, ‘prosecuting’ Palestinians.

There are currently around 6,500 prisoners languishing in Israeli prisons, with around 480 serving multiple life sentences. The number of children detained is at an unprecdented high and those held under administrative detention orders. SFP joined the call for the end of internment and ultimately the Occupation, bringing all the prisoners home and freedom. We repeat our call for actions around the world in support of Palestinian prisoners, and the further targeting through boycott, divest and sanctions (BDS), of those Government’s, institutions, companies and individuals that support and profit from the Occupation of Palestine.

In addition, SFP will be planting olive trees with prisoner families over the coming weeks. The aim of this is to not only reclaim the land but help families and ex-prisoners have a livelihood to help them rebuild their lives stolen from them by Apartheid Israel. We would be very grateful for your donations to buy as many crops as possible. Please click here to find out how to donate.

 اليوم الجمعه 17\5\2015
شارك نشطاء المقاومة الشعبية من حركة تضامن من أجل فلسطين حرة sfp  مع أهالي وشباب منطقة بيتونيا في رام الله أحياء ذكرى يوم الأسير الفلسطيني وذلك خلال مسيرة إحتجاجية في منطقة عوفر ،
أنطلقت المسيرة بعد صلاة الجمعة من أمام مسجد بيتونيا بإتجاه ما يسمى معسكر عوفر الإحتلالي ،حيث هاجم الجنود الاسرائيليين الشبان بالغاز المسيل للدموع وقنابل الصوت والرصاص المطاطي والحي ،
أسفر هذا الإعتداء عن إعتقال الشاب محمد نادر من بيتونيا ،وعشرات الإصابات بالغاز المسيل للدموع ومن المصابين متضامنيين دوليين وأيضا هناك ثلاث اصابات في الرصاص الحي في منطقة القدم
وأكد نشاط المقاومة الشعبية من حركة تضامن من أجل فلسطين حرةsfp  أنهم مستمرون في مقاومتهم الشعبية حتى نيل حقوقنا وحرية أسرانا وأرضنا ودحر الإحتلال منها

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17/04/15: SFP plant olive trees for prisoners in Burqa

On Friday 17 April SFP planted olive trees in and Massoudia area of Burqa village on behalf of Palestinian prisoners. Joined by villagers and prisoners families activists prayed on the land and then planted saplings in honour of their fellow citizens interned by Apartheid Israel.

Massoudia is an area of outstanding natural beauty and under constant settler and Army attack. Last year the Israeli Army demolition public toilets the local Council of Burqa had erected for visitors to the park. The Army declared areas of the park prohibited from construction limiting the ability of the Council to refurbish the area for visitors. At the same time groups of illegal settlers regularly invade the area attempting to take it over and steal the land.

On the occasion of Palestinian prisoners day SFP reaffirmed their support to all prisoners, their families and the struggle for freedom. By continuing to plant trees and reclaim the land SFP aims to support villages and families remain steadfast in the face of the Occupation. We intend to plant more trees in villages for prisoners and would welcome your continued support and donations. To find out how to donate please click here.

 اليوم الجمعه17-4-2015
نابلس- برقه –منطقه المسعوديه
نشطاء المقاومه الشعبيه من حركة تضامن من اجل فلسطين حره SFP واهالي الاسرى ومركز تنوير ولجان المرأة الفلسطينيه ومجلس قروي برقه وحركات فلسطينيه يتوجهون لاحياء يوم الاسير الفلسطيني  وزراعة اشتال زيتون, عليها اسماء الاسرى في السجون الاسرائيليه  من اسرى قريه برقه  وقد اختار النشطاء منطقه المسعوديه  لانها تتعرض بشكل دائم لاعتداءات المستوطنين وهي مهدده بالمصادره  حيث يحاول المستوطنون التواجد فيها بشكل شبه دائم تمهيدا لاقامه مستوطنه عليها في حين جنود الاحتلال الاسرائيلي يمنع البناء وعمل اي نشاط في المنطقه  حيث قام قبل سنه بهدم حمامات وحديقة اطفال , والتي تم بنائها بدعم من المؤسسات الدوليه الصديقه .
بعد الانتهاء من الصلاه على الاراضي المهدده بالمصادره توجه لجميع لزراعة  اشجار الزيتون والتي وضع عليها اسماء الاسرى وصور الاسيره خالد جرار الى  الاراضي المهدده.
SFPيشكرون كل من يدعمنا بشراء  الزعتروالزيتون
ويؤكدون الاستمرار بزراعة اشتال الزعتر والزيتون في كافة المواقع حيث سيتم لتوجه الى المناطق والقرى المهدده .


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16/04/15: Nablus marches for Palestinian prisoner

On Thursday 16 April SFP joined Palestinian political parties, associations and residents in a march of solidarity for Palestinian political prisoners interned by Apartheid Israel. The march comes a day before the annual solidarity day for Palestinians prisoners, with actions taking place across Palestine and the world.

Demonstrators marched to Nablus’s central square, Martyrs Square, with families of prisoners and ex-prisoners to raise awareness and call for an end of internment and freedom for all prisoners. SFP currently has several members in prison.

There are currently around 6,500 prisoners languishing in Israeli prisons, with around 480 serving multiple life sentences. The number of children detained is at an unprecdented high and those held under administrative detention orders. SFP joined the call for the end of internment and ultimately the Occupation, bringing all the prisoners home and freedom. We repeat our call for actions around the world in support of Palestinian prisoners, and the further targeting through boycott, divest and sanctions (BDS), of those Government’s, institutions, companies and individuals that support and profit from the Occupation of Palestine.

In addition, SFP will be planting olive trees with prisoner families over the coming weeks. The aim of this is to not only reclaim the land but help families and ex-prisoners have a livelihood to help them rebuild their lives stolen from them by Apartheid Israel. We would be very grateful for your donations to buy as many crops as possible. Please click here to find out how to donate.

 نابلس –الخميس -16-4-2015

نشطاء المقاومه الشعبيه من حركة تضامن من اجل فلسطين حرة SFPيشاركون في مسيرة التضامن مع الأسرى

بمناسبة السابع عشر من نيسان (يوم الأسير الفلسطيني ) شارك نشطاء المقاومه الشعبيه SFP المسيرة التضامنية مع الأسرى الفلسطينيون حيث انطلقت ألمسيره من المجمع الشرقي باتجاه ميدان الشهداء وسط المدينة وقد رفع المشاركون صور الأسرى وشعارات تطالب بالحرية للأسرى ويذكر أن حركة تضامن من اجل فلسطين حره SFP سوف تقوم بزراعة اشتال زيتون في المناطق المهددة بالمصادره وتضع عليها أسماء الأسرى .

يذكر أن 6500 أسير، ما زالوا قابعين في سجون الاحتلال ومن بين هؤلاء 480 صدر بحقهم أحكاماً بالسجن المؤبد لمرة واحدة أو لمرات عديدة، و24 أسيرة، بينهن قاصرتان، و200 طفل قاصر دون سن الثامنة عشر، و480 معتقلاً إدارياً، و14 نائباً، بالإضافة إلى وزيرين سابقين.

كما ان 1500 أسير يعانون أمراضاً مختلفة، بينهم قرابة “80” أسيراً في حالة صحية خطيرة جداً، و30 أسيراً معتقلين منذ ما قبل أوسلو ومضى على اعتقالهم أكثر من 20 عاماً في السجون، و16 أسيراً من القدامى مضى على اعتقالهم أكثر من ربع قرن، وفي مقدمتهم الأسيران، كريم وماهر يونس مضى على اعتقالهما 33 سنة بشكل متواصل.

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15/04/15: Israeli forces conduct mass kidnapping of Palestinians from Nablus

In the early hours of Wednesday morning the Israeli Army invaded the city of Nablus and conducted mass kidnapping of Palestinians. 31 Palestinians were kidnapped from their homes as Israeli soldiers marauded across the city vandalising and stealing property and money.

More than 50 Israeli Military jeeps invaded the city at around 2am, swarming through the Old City, Balata refugee camp to the east and neighbourhoods around the city. The majority of those kidnapped were from the Palestinians party Hamas, with some of those kidnapped being veteren ex-detainees, already having had many years of their life stolen by Apartheid Israel’s internment policies.

The Palestinian Prisoners Club named those kidnapped as: Said Dweikat, Nidal Abu Rmeileh, Wajih Abu Eida, Abdullah al-Aker, Hussam al-Bustami, journalist Amin Abu Wardeh, Omar Abd al-Wahhab, Amjad Abu Ghosh, Muhammad Sawalmeh, Zahi Abu Eida, Samih Eleiwi, Youssef Marshud, Abu Hamzeh al-Jurf, Ziad Mreish, Amjad Zamel, Sami al-Assi, Anan Futouh, Saad Khudrieh, Mona Abu Bakr al-Sayeh, Ahmad Sawalha, Omar Abd al-Wahhab, Omar Issa Atallah, Abu Hamzeh al-Jurf, Ghassan Abu al-Baraa, Fares and Ghanem Sawalmeh, Sheikh Bassem Abu Juneid and Jasser Abu Hamada. Those kidnapped also included one woman, Mona Abu Bakr Al-Sayeh.

SFP activists visited some of the homes of those invaded by Israeli soldiers, witnessing the wanton destruction caused and hearing directly from the families the ordeal they had to endure, awoken from their beds and threatened.

These mass arrests come 2 days before the annual marking of Prisoners Day in Palestine. It is estimated that 40% of men in Palestine have been interned by the Occupation. The number of Palestinians prisoners is at an unprecedented high, and just last week another prisoner was killed at the hand of the Israeli prison authorities and their medical neglect. SFP will continue to support prisoners and their familes and calls for action across the world against Apartheid Israel and those individuals and companies that profit from the Occupation and internment of Palestinians. We call for actions on Friday 17 April to coincide with Palestinian Prisoners day to raise the issue worldwide.


 ليوم الاربعاء -15-4-2015

نابلس –قوات الاحتلال الإسرائيلي تقتحم نابلس وتقوم بأكبر عمليه اعتقالات فيها


جيش الاحتلل الاسرائيلي يقحتك نابلس ويعتقل العشرات بما فيهم سيده فلسطينيه

اقتحمت قوات الاحتلال محافظة نابلس فجر اليوم وقامت بحملة اعتقالات واسعة النطاق بنابلس  طالت 31 شخصا بينهم 20 من نشطاء حركة حماس واسرى قدامى.

وحسب ما قاله المواطنين ان اكثر من 50 دورية عسكرية اسرائيلية اقتحمت نابلس عند الساعة الثانية من فجر اليوم من كافة مداخل نابلس.

ويذكر ان المناطق التي اقتحمتها قوات الاحتلال اقتحمت مخيم بلاطة ومنطقة النمساوي وشارع عصيرة والبلدة القديمة والجبل الشمالي ومنطقة الضاحية العليا وعدة احياء اخرى بالمدينة واعتقلت 30 شخصا  من ضمنهم قيادات من الصف الثاني لحركة حماس.

وأكد نادي الأسير أن عدد المواطنين الذين اعتقلتهم سلطات الاحتلال فجر اليوم الأربعاء في محافظة نابلس وصل إلى (31) مواطناً بينهم سيدة، وهم كل من، فارس سوالمة، عمار رشاد صوالحة، أحمد صوالحة، أحمد كامل حمادنه وجميعهم من عصيرة الشمالية، إضافة إلى يوسف مرشود، إبراهيم مرشود، أبو حمزة الجرف، أمجد ابو غوش، عمر عبد الوهاب، فارس ابو جنيد، غسان الجرف، أحمد توفيق يوسف، عمر شاكر عطالله، غانم سوالمة، أمين أبو وردة، جاسر ابو حمادة، وجميعهم من مخيم بلاطة، ومن المدينة اعتقل كل من وجيه ابو عيده، زياد مريش، أمجد زامل، سامي عاصي، سعيد خضرية، غسان خالد، باسم ابو جنيد، نضال ابو ارميلة، حسام بسطامي، سعيد دويكات، عبد الله العكر، سميح عليوي. ومن مخيم عسكر اعتقل أسامة بدران، إضافة إلى مواطن من قرية المعاجين وهو محمد سوالمة. كما وتم اعتقال سيدة وهي منى ابو بكر السايح.

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08/04/15: SFP and Nablus join the call for the immediate release of Khalida Jarrar

On Wednesday 8 April SFP joined other Nablus activists calling for the immediate release of Palestinian law maker Khalida Jarrar, participating in a sit-in in front of the International Committee for the Red Cross in Nablus. Khalida was kidnapped from her home in Ramallah in the early hours of Thursday 4 April. She has since been sentenced by an Israeli Apartheid Military Court to be held for 6 months without trial or charge, commonly known as administrative detention.

52 year old Khalida, a member of the Palestinian Legislative Council, has been constantly harassed by Apartheid Israel. Last year she was sentenced to exile from Ramallah to Jericho for a number of months. She refused to leave, setting up protests tents until the order was rescinded. Prior to that, Khalida who also suffers from serious health conditions, had been denied exit from the West Bank to receive treatment in Jordan. Since the imposition of her administrative detention order and the huge worldwide condemnation, an Apartheid Israeli Military Judge postponed the order pending a further Court appearance. All the time Khalida remains interned by the Occupation.

According to the Palestinian Prisoner’s Center for Studies Israeli authorities have issued 319 administrative detention orders for Palestinians since the beginning of 2015, six times as many as they did in the same period the previous year. Adaministrative detention as practised by Apartheid Israel is illegal under international law.

SFP joins the call for international support for the release of Khalida and all Palestinian prisoners, particularly administrative detainees interned by Apartheid Israel. Please sign and share the petition and take action in your State, to call for the release of Khalida and the other prisoners.

 نابلس –8-4-2015-وقفات تضامن مع الاسيره عضو المجلس التشريعي خالده جرار ومع الأسيرات و الأسرى

ضمن حملات التضامن مع الأسيرات والأسرى الفلسطينيين داخل سجون الاحتلال الإسرائيلي وتضامنا مع الاسيره النائب في المجلس التشريعي والناشطة النسويه خالدة جرار قام العديد من النشطاء والمؤسسات والفصائل الفلسطينية بعمل اعتصام تضامني أمام مقر الصليب الأحمر الدولي طالبوا فيها المؤسسات الدولية والبرلمانات الدولية بالتدخل للإفراج عن الاسيره خالد جرار . كما دعا المشاركون في الاعتصام كافة المناضلات في كافة أنحاء العالم القيام بحملات تضامن مع خالد جرار .

وكانت النائب خالدة جرار (52 عاماً) قد اعتقلت يوم الخميس 2-4-2015 من منزلها في رام الله، وأصدر القائد العسكري لقوات الإحلال يوم الأحد 5-4-2015 أمر اعتقال إداري بحقها لمدة 6 شهور.

ومن الجدير ذكره ان اليوم الأربعاء قرر قاضي محكمة عوفر العسكرية تأجيل جلسة تثبيت أمر الاعتقال الإداري بحق النائب في المجلس التشريعي الفلسطيني ونائب رئيس مجلس إدارة مؤسسة الضمير خالدة جرار حتى يوم الثلاثاء الموافق 14-4-2015، حسب ما أفاد مدير الوحدة القانونية في مؤسسة الضمير المحامي محمود حسان.

وقال المحامي حسان أن النيابة العسكرية تقدمت خلال الجلسة اليوم بمواد علنية تحوي 34 بينة، مما دفعه لطلب تأجيل الجلسة لمراجعة هذه المواد.

وأضاف المحامي حسان أن النيابة العسكرية إدعت أنه على الرغم من توفر بينات علنية بحق النائب خالدة جرار إلا انها لن تقدم لائحة اتهام ضدها، لان هذه البينات العلنية غير كافية لاعتقال النائب خالدة جرار حتى نهاية الإجراءات القانونية.

تؤكد مؤسسة الضمير لرعاية الأسير وحقوق الإنسان ان تصرف النيابة العسكرية يثبت ان اعتقال النائب خالدة جرار هو اعتقال لأسباب سياسية انتقامية، ويشكل خرقاً جسيماً للمعاير الدولية بموجب اتفاقية جنيف الرابعة.


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27/03/15: SFP prisoners update

Following on from our update earlier in the week, Samer Maklouf and Mohammed Qaed appeared again before Ofer Military Court on Thursday 26 March. The Judge allowed the Prosecutor more time, intern the boys without trial or charge again, until Sunday 29 March. We hope that the original decision to release them both on 4000NIS fines will stand and they can come home to their worried families.

Thank you again to all those that have already donated to help us raise the money for the fines. We would be ever so grateful for your continued donations as we await the outcome of the Apartheid Court hearing on Sunday.

Ayman Gharib has been interned without trial or charge since December 2014. On 16 March his mother and wife went to visit him at Meggido prison but the prison authorities rescinded their permits and refused to allow them to see him. Ayman’s next Coirt appearance has also be postponed until 6 May 2015. By then he will have spent nearly 6 months away from his young family without any trial or charge brought against him by Apartheid Israel.

Ghassan Najjar has been held by Apartheid Israel since August 2014. He still has not received any trial or charge. Fortunately his father and sisters have also now been given visiting permits to visit him. His wife and baby son have also seen him. Ghassan has only met his son 3 times since he was born, 2 of those through prison glass. He is due back in Apartheid Military Court on 19 April 2015. By then he will have spent over 7 and half months in prison. His wife asks everyone around the world to please help bring Ghassan home, so he can hold his son again:

I know how frustrating it is, being back in our home countries and feeling helpless about what we can do to support the struggle, but contacting your MPs or other appropriate people and applying pressure is a massive thing we can do. If no one stands up to say it’s not right, if we become complacent then it looks like we are accepting this. I cannot accept that this will continue. I can just about handle visiting my husband in prison, I don’t want to have to visit our son in prison in 17 years time.

We would like to thank everyone around the world for their continued support. Please hear Ghassan’s wife’s call and write to your respective representatives and demand Ghassan and the other prisoners are released. For more details about SFP’s campaign to release Ghassan and contact details for letters please click here.

Thank you.



25/03/15: UPDATE – Arrest and attack of Samer Maklouf and Mohammed Qaed

UPDATE: SFP would like to thank all those that kindly contributed towards our fund to pay for the fines to release Samer Maklouf and Mohammed Qaed. After agreeing to their release at Ofer Military Court and setting a fine of 4000NIS each on Tuesday 24 March, the Prosecutor has appealed the decision of the Israeli Apartheid Judge.

Samer and Mohammed are due back at Ofer Military Court tomorrow, Thursday 26 March at 08:30am. We are hoping the  decision will stand and we can pay the fine and secure their safe release to their families. We will keep you all updated and thank you again for your kind contributions.

We are still collecting funds for the fines if you were able to contribute SFP and their families would be very grateful. Please click here to donate.

In addition, if any internationals are present in the Ramallah area tomorrow morning we encourage them to attend Samer and Mohammed’s Court to provide an international presence.

For further details on the events leading to Samer and Mohammed’s arrest and attack by the Israeli Army please click here.

Thank you again for your kind donations and messages.


 بعد قرار الافراج عن الاسير سامر مخلوف والاسير محمد قعد   مقابل 4000 شيكل لكل شخص ,قرر  الادعاء الاسرائيلي استئناف الحكم ورفض قرار الافراج  وتاجيل المحاكمه الى يوم غدا الخميس ..تشكر كل من وقف معهم وساعدهم وتامل  من الجميع المساهمه في تغطية الغرامه الماليه

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06/03/15: SFP prisoners update – Dr. Yousef released

SFP is delighted to report that Dr. Yousef Abdul Haq, kidnapped from his home in Nablus on 26 August, has been released. He returned to his family on 15 February 2015 after spending 6 months in Israeli Apartheid prisons without charge or trial, known as administrative detention. SFP were there to welcome him home.

Dr. Yousef was emphatic in his request that we continue to work for the release of all Palestinian prisoners, not least the 463 (December 2014 figure) currently still being held under administrative detention in violation of international law.

Dr. Yousef said:

Everyday Apartheid Israel kidnaps many Palestinians from their family, Ghassan, Ayman, the boys of Hares are some of the 7,000 Palestinian detainees, sentenced by Apartheid Israeli military courts from one month to life sentence, just because they defended their right to freedom, justice and equality.

Unfortunately, we, as humanized humans do little for them. In Palestine, Arab countries and all over the world we must continue and increase our efforts and be more creative in our activities. For example, I suggest the establishment of a group of distinguished lawyers to call for an international conference to discuss Administrative detainees, or “political prisoners”, so as to find the best way to support them.

It is first step then we can go on. I feel extremely grateful to all of you, my humanized humans over all the world.

Stay humanized.

SFP would like to thank all those friends and supporters who sent messages to Dr. Yousef and his family during his detention. However, we ask you all to maintain pressure and step up your activities to support the release of all Palestine’ prisoners from Apartheid Israeli prisons.

SFP members Ghassan Najjar and Ayman Gharib still remain in Israeli prisons. We would ask that you continue to write to your respective representatives calling for their immediate release and undertake actions to target the profiteers of Israel’s brutal internment system.

Ghassan Najjar

Ghassan.JPGGhassan has been interned by Apartheid Israel since 27 August 2014 after being kidnapped from his home in Burin, just south of Nablus. Ghassan was held in Jalame interrogation facility for 1 month. The facility is notorious for torture.

He has now been transferred to Meggido prison, in violation of international law (Meggido lays within the UN ’48 Green line). His mother has been able to visit him twice and we are pleased to report that his wife and young son were also able to visit him in January. They hope to also attend his next Court appearance.

During the visit Ghassan was not able to hold his son, only the second time he had seen him since his birth, being divided by glass. He was only able to speak to his wife and son through a telephone connection. His mother and sister are due to visit him again this week and we will provide further updates on his well-being.

Ghassan is due to appear in Court again on 12 March 2015. He will have already been held for 7 months without trial or charge. The Israeli intelligence is seeking to imprison him for 2-3 years. His son will be 5 by the time his father is released.

Ayman Gharib

Ayman_Gharib.JPGAyman was kidnapped on 11 December 2014. He was held for 1 month at Jalame interrogation facility where he suffered ill health and was refused medical treatment. He has since been transferred to Meggido prison, in violation of international law.

His mother and wife were able to visit but were not able to hug or touch Ayman, who was separated by a glass divider. Ayman was also shackled in both his legs and wrists.

His mother is very concerned for his health and is keen for his immediate return to his young children and wife.

Ayman is due in Court on 19 March 2015. He will have already spent 4 months in prison without charge or trail. The Israeli intelligence is seeking 1-2 year imprisonment. We hope this will be 1 year and are liaising with lawyers and his family for constant updates.

Hares Boys

Mohammad Suleiman, Ammar Souf, Mohammed Kleib, Tamer Souf, and Ali Shamlawi are being held in Israeli Apartheid prison charged with 20 counts of attempted murder each for alleged stone-throwing, with no evidence whatsoever. On 16 March 2015 the boys will have spent 2 years in prison awaiting ‘trail’.

SFP will be visiting the village of Hares to show our support for the family. You can get more details about the case at the boys dedicated website here.

We implore you to continue to raise the issue of the 5 boys with your respective representatives and particularly consider actions and demonstrations you may be able to organise in your own countries on the 2 year anniversary of their internment.

The campaign is also asking for those holding international passports that are in Palestine to attend the next Court dates to show your support for the boys.

The boys are due in Salem Military Court (near Jenin, northern West Bank area of Palestine) on:

  • Tamer Souf: 25 February & 11 March 2015
  • Ali Shamlawi: 12 March 2015
  • Mohammed K., Mohammed S. & Ammar Souf: 16 March 2015