Month: August 2014

URGENT: SFP activists kidnapped by the Israeli Army

On 25 August Dr. Yousef Abdul Haq was arrested from his home by the Israeli Army. Dr. Yousef is a retired Professor at An-Najah National University and runs the Tanweer Cultural Forum in Nablus, as well as a member of SFP. A man in his 70s Dr. Yousef has been subjected to years of imprisonment and harassment by Apartheid Israel. To this date SFP have still be unable to track his whereabouts and no lawyer has had any contact with him.

He was arrested from his home in Nablus, where his daughter was the only one at home with him at the time. It was part of a campaign of arrests by the Israeli State to attack the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP). Several other people were arrested across the West Bank, including Abu Keefah, a comrade of SFP, and refugee living in Balata refugee camp. Both men are older and SFP demands their immediate release. We implore people around the world to sign the campaign letter launched by Samidoun organisation and we will be posting further updates as they become available.

Dr. Yousef on the right with SFP in the Jordan Valley


Following Dr. Yousef’s arrest, Ghassan Najjar, SFP Steering Committee member, was arrested from his home in Burin on 27 August. Ghassan is a community leader and has been imprisoned by Apartheid Israel previously. The day before he had defended the children of Burin as they were at school and the Israeli Army attempted to arrest the children.

Ghassan was taken to Huwwara Military camp. While other SFP members were visiting his family, his family received a phone call from soldiers at Huwwara at approximately 17:00 stating he was still at the camp. SFP’s lawyer had been told earlier in the day he was going to be transferred to a prison inside the ’48 territories.

SFP demands and will work tirelessly until Ghassan, Dr. Yousef and all Palestinian prisoners are home free. We ask you to please raise the issue with your local representative, asking them to raise Ghassan and Dr. Yousef’s case with your respective Governments and particularly the European Foreign Representative, Baroness Catherine Ashton. Please also keep checking SFP’s website for further updates on what you can do to help.

Ghassan Najjar SFP Steering Committee


27/08/14: ‘Education’ courtesy of the Israeli Army in Burin

As the school children of Burin returned to school after the Summer holidays they were greeted with tear gas and stun grenades courtesy of the Israeli Army. On Wednesday 27 August soldiers stormed the school in an attempt to arrest students as they undertook lessons, firing indiscriminately. At the time of writing Burin is still declared a closed military zone by the Army.

Burin Boys School is near the main road frequented by settlers and Army. The Army placed a watchtower near the school in an act of provocation. Prior to the Summer holidays the Israeli Army regularly attacked the school during lessons and threatened to arrest the youth.

Surrounded by the illegal colonies of Yitzhar and Bracha, home to some of the most extreme Jewish terrorists, Burin is regularly attacked by the settlers and soldiers. Only yesterday the Army set up checkpoints around the village, restricting access, under the pretext of security.

اقتحمت قوات كبيرة من جيش الاحتلال الاسرائيلي مدرسة بورين الثانوية و دارت اشتباكات عنيف بين الطلاب و جنود الاحتلال حيث قام جنود الاحتلال بطلاق قنابل الصوت و الغاز المسيل لدموع داخل صفوف المدرسة في محاولة لاعتقال عدد من الطلاب لكن تصدي اهالي القرية والطلاب للجنود حاله دون اعتقال اي طلاب و حتى الان تم اغلاق جميع مداخل قرية بورين و اعلانها منطقة عسكرية مغلقه

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25/08/14: Burying a child in Nablus

On Monday 25 August 16 year old Hazem Hassan Ashour succumbed to wounds he sustained after being shot in the head by the Israeli Army at Beit Furik checkpoint the previous week. Hazem had been demonstrating with others at the checkpoint in solidarity with Gaza and calling for an end to the Occupation when the Army indiscriminately opened fire.

Large crowds joined the demonstration, which left from Rafidia hospital in Nablus to his home in the city, before mourners laid Hazem to rest in the cemetery. Hazem adds to the growing total of Palestinian children murdered, wounded and displaced by Apartheid Israel since their latest massacre started. On the 49th day of the Israeli massacre against Gaza (24 August) the total murdered had grown to 2,122 Palestinians: 1,633 of whom are civilians, including 507 children and 292 women, killed; and 10,621 others, mostly civilians, including 3,224 children and 2,056 women, wounded.

SFP encourages activists around the world to continue and step up their efforts against the profiteers and enablers, including Governments, of the Occupation. We would also like to thank all those that have already and continue to take part in actions around the world in support of the Palestinian people and freedom.

نابلس -الاثنين -25-8-2014-شيعت جماهير غفيرة في مدينة نابلس جثمان الشهيد حسان حازم عاشور16 عاما من مدينة نابلس والذي استشهد اليوم الاثنين متأثرا بجرحه التي اصيب بها يوم الجمعة الماضي في مواجهات اندلعت على حاجز بيت فوريك في اعقاب مسيرة انطلقت من نابلس باتجاه الحاجز نصرة لغزة… وانطلق موكب التشييع من مستشفى رفيديا بنابلس الى منزل ذويه لالقاء نظرة الوداع عليه ومن ثم الى مثواه الاخير…حركة التضامن من اجل فلسطين حره sfp تدعوا المؤسسات الدوليه القانونيه والانسانيه لتوفير الحمايه للشعب الفلسطيني وخاصة الاطفال الذين يتم قتلهم دون اي مبرر كما ترحب حركة تضامنsfp بكافة المتضامنين الدوليين في العالم على دورهم الفعال في حملة المقاطعه ومحاسبه الاحتلال الاسرائيلي على المجازر الوحشيه بحق الشعب الفلسطيني كما ترحب sfpبكافة المتضامنين الدوليين الذين يرغبون بالقدوم الى فلسطين

Photos courtesy of Ahmad Talat Hasan

Photos courtesy of Ahmad Talat Hasan


Photos courtesy of Ahmad Talat Hasan

Photos courtesy of Ahmad Talat Hasan


Photos courtesy of Ahmad Talat Hasan

Photos courtesy of Ahmad Talat Hasan

25/08/14: Israeli Army looting and ransacking in Burin

In the early hours of Monday morning the Israeli Army invaded the village of Burin and ransacked several homes in Burin. This is the second time the Army has ransacked the homes of the village youth in the last week, attempting to intimidate villagers into submission. At the time of writing Burin is still deemed a closed military zone and the Army are preventing exit and entry to the village.

After pulling out and destroying property within several homes the soldiers did not give any indication as to the reasons for today’s harassment, only stating that they would “come everyday”. One youth was detained for over an hour before he was released with no explanation. They also erected checkpoints at the entrances to the village.

On 20 August the Israeli Army invaded the village ransacked 15 homes, again threatening the youth and their families. Burin is subject to constant harassment by the Israeli Army and the illegal colonies of Yitzhar and Bracha that surround the village and are built on stolen village lands. On Saturday the youth of the village launched a campaign to retake land and plant it with grapes near the illegal colonies.

اقتحمت قولت الاحتلال الاسرائيلي قرية بورين و قامت باقتحام عدة منازل و تفتيشها و العبث في محتوياتها حيث ان هذه المرة الثانية خلال اسبوع التي تقوم به قوات الاحتلال من اقتحام للمنازل و تقوم قوات الاحتلال بإغلاق مفرق قرية بوربن و منع اهالي القرية من الخروج من القرية و تشدد الاجراءات عليها و الجدير بالذكر ان قرية بورين تتعرض لاعتداءات مستمر من قبل الجيش الاسرائيلي و المستوطنين و تحيط بقرية بورين مستوطنتان من اسوء المستوطنات في الضفة الغربية وهما براخا و يتسهار

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23/08/14: Taking back the land in Burin

On Saturday morning volunteers from Burin’s Bilal Najjar Cultural Centre and its partners planted grapes on land confiscated from the village by the Israeli Army. The activity was part of a programme of actions to reclaim land that the illegal colonies and Army have stolen from the village.

Since the occupation of the West Bank area of Palestine in 1967, Burin has lost 32,000 dunums (75%) of its land to Israeli Army orders and the two illegal colonies and their infrastructure built on village lands. These confiscations continue to this day with the colonies expanding onto more and more village lands, while Burin is constrained in its growth due to its classification under the Oslo Accords as Areas A, B and C. This means that in areas B and C (usually the outskirts of the village where any expansion would necessarily need to occur) they are limited in their ability to build as they require permission from Israel, which is rarely if ever given.

Burin and other villages are now taking direct action to reclaim their land through planting of crops. In the absence of international action against the illegal actions of Israel, the villagers are taking back their land themselves.

بدا متطوعين مركز الشهيد بلال النجار الثقافي و بالتعاون مع مراكز الشراكة من اجل التنمية في عميلية استصلاح للاراضي القريبة من المستوطنات في قرية بورين حيث سوف يتم استصلاح الاراضي و زراعتها بالعنب و ياتي هذا الاستصلاح بعد العمليات الممنهجة من قبل الاحتلال الاسرائيلي في الاستيلاء على الاراضي و مصادرتها حيث تبلغ مساحة قرية بورين 32 الف دونم تم مصادرة اكثر من 75% من الاراضي و تقسم بورين حسب اتفاقية اوسلو الى مناطق ( ب , س, ا ) و تحيط قرية بورين مستوطنتان من اكثر المستوطنات سوء هما براخا و يتسهار

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22/08/14: Road to nowhere….

On Friday 22 August activists from SFP joined the village of Kufr Qaddoum for their weekly demonstration against the closure of the villages main access road. The activists were met with a volley of tear gas, rubber-coated steel bullets and “skunk” water. One SFP activist was hit in the head with a tear gas canister and required hospital treatment.

As the march began, which aims to open the main access route for the village, closed off since the beginning of the Second Intifada, the villagers and activists chanted slogans and waved flags in support of Gaza. As they approached the illegal colony of Qedumim, built on stolen village land, the demonstrators were attacked by the Israeli Army.

Kufr Qaddoum has been demonstrating for 5 years against the illegal closure of the road. Since then scores of villagers have been injured from Army fire and kidnapped, interned in Israeli Apartheid prisons for their non-violent resistance. SFP supports the village of Kufr Qaddoum and also would like to thank all those people around the world that have shown their solidarity and support for Gaza and all of Palestine.

ضمن المسيرات الاسبوعيه التي يشارك بها نشطاء المقاومه الشعبيه من حركة تضامن sfp توجه النشطاء للمشاركه في مسيره كفر قدوم الاسبوعيه ورفعوا شعارات وصور تدعوا لوقف العدوان العسكري على غزه وضروره معاقبه ومقاطعه الكيان الاسرائيلي العنصري واكد النشطاء على ضرورة الاستمرار بالمسيرات بكل مناطق التماس مع الاحتلال الاسرائيلي العنصري وعلى الحواجز ..

جنود الاحتلال الاسرائيلي واجه المتظاهرون بكل اشكال العنف حيث اطلقوا المياه العادمه ذات الرائحه الكريهه وقنابل الغازالمسيل للدموع الرصاص المعدني المغلف بالمطاط الامر الذي ادى الى اصابه العشرات بحالات الاختناق واصابه احد نشطاء حركة تضامن sfp باصابه مباشره في راسه بقنبله غاز المسيل ..

نشطاء حركة تضامن يؤيدون ويقدرون الجهود التي يتم بذلها من احرارا العالم في كل مكان في العالم ويدعون الى المزيد من المسيرات المؤيدة للقضيه الفلسطينيه والمطالبه بوقف الحرب على غزه ويرحبون بكافة المتضامنين الذين يودون القدوم الى فلسطين من اجل المشاركه والاطلاع على واقع ومعاناة الشعب الفلسطيني

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20/08/14: Attempting to silence music in Burin – the Israeli Army attack

On Tuesday night/ early Wednesday morning over a dozen Israeli Army jeeps invaded the village of Burin. The Army overran the village vandalising the homes of 15 residents, including the well known Palestinian singer, Qasim Najjar. The Army threatened the youth and their families, stating that if they did not stop defending the village against attacks by Jewish terrorists they would be arrested.

The Army destroyed property and terrorised villagers for 4 hours before retreating. They also interrogated an elderly grandmother for over 3 hours with relentless questioning.

Qasim had been planning a follow on song to his recent hit for hunger striking prisoners, “Water and Salt”. His latest song is to pay tribute to Gaza and those murdered and under Israeli bombardment in the besieged Strip. Qasim became famous for his track with Shadi Najjar, entitled “Hit Tel Aviv”, an ode to the freedom fighters of Gaza. By providing an anthem for the Palestinian struggle Qasim has been targeted several times by the Occupation, being imprisoned in an attempt to silence his music in 2009.

Burin is surrounded by the illegal colonies of Bracha and Yitzhar, home to some of the most extreme and violent Jewish terrorists. The settlers regularly attack Burin, supported by the Army, shooting at villagers and burning and cutting the villages’ olive trees. As is the case across occupied Palestine, these colonies continue to grow, stealing more Palestinian land, while Palestinians are confined to ever smaller areas (known as “Bantustans” under Apartheid South Africa).

SFP stand firmly with the resilient villagers of Burin and is determined to support them not only as they defend against these violent terrorist attacks but also in taking back their land. SFP with Burin’s Bilal Najjar Cultural Centre, will be working towards taking back Burin land for Burin farmers in the coming months. If you would like to support and/ or join us please click here.

اقتحمت قوات الاحتلال الاسرائيلي في تمام الساعة الواحدة بعد منتصف الليل باكثر من 20 جيب عسكري قرية بورين جنوب مدينة نابلس وباشرت في عمليات تفتيش واسعة طالت اكثر 15 منزل و عرف من بين المنازل منزل الفنان قاسم النجار صاحب اغنية اضرب اضرب تل ابيب و عاثت في منزله فسادا وخرابا و قامت ايضا بالتحقيق معه و قامت ايضا بتفتيش عدد كبير من البيوت في القرية و التحقيق مع الشبان و امياتهم و تهديدهم بالاعتقال في حال قاموا بالدفاع عن القرية اثناء هجوم المستوطنين و لم يبلغ عن اعتقال أي شاب اثناء هذه الحملة حيث تتعرض قرية بورين لاعتداءات شبه يومية من قبل جيش الاحتلال و مستوطنيه و ان هذه ليست المرة الاولي التي يتم فيها اقتحام المنازل و التحقيق مع ساكنيها حيث ان قبل اكثر من شهر اقتحمت قوات الاحتلال منازل المواطنين في القرية وشنت حملة تفتيش و اعتقال بحق ابنائها والجدير بالذكر ان هناك ما يقارب 10 اسرى في شجون الاحتلال الاسرائيلي من قرية بورين


The destruction caused by the Israeli Army in the home of a Burin villager

17/08/14: The shackles removed but not broken …. the scars are visible

Today activists from SFP visited Muath Dureidi in the Arab Specialist Hospital in Nablus, where he is being treated for a mental breakdown after 30 days in interrogation by the Israeli forces. Muath was released from Israeli Apartheid prison on Thursday 14 August. SFP activists were present at his release at Salem Military Court and witnessed his severe mental and physical state. SFP activists had to help carry him and his belongings to his fathers car, before his father rushed him to hospital.

Muath was arrested after attempting to cross the Allenby Bridge on his way back from Jordan. He was returning home after receiving word that he had been accepted for a job in his native country. Muath is an IT professional and expert in his field.

He was held for 30 days in Israel’s notorious interrogation facility, Al Jalame. He was held and interrogated relentlessly and had no access to a lawyer or family member. He was refused released when finally brought before Israel’s military courts in Ofer. However, his brave Palestinian lawyer persevered and took the case to Salem Military Court, where his release was granted after a hefty payment was made by his family. It is also unclear if Muath received any medical treatment or when his physical and mental condition commenced. The Israeli Apartheid prison authorities are refusing to provide Muath’s family with any details, which would aid his recovery.

Since then Muath has remained largely mute and refusing to eat. When SFP activists visited him today he remained in the bathroom, not wishing to see visitors. Activists just stayed briefly to express their solidarity with him and his family and wish for his speedy recovery.

On the same day Muath was released SFP learnt that Ismail Okal, held in administrative detention for 6 months, had his order renewed for a further 6 months. Ismail was the youngest hunger striking, when administrative detainees undertook a hunger strike in March this year. He now will have to endure another 6 months in prison neither knowing his charge or subject to any form of rule of law. Ismail is only 19 years old. SFP will continue to support his mother during this difficult time.

SFP activists, however, today welcomed home Thaer Najjar who was released from Meggido Prison after being kidnapped by the Israeli Army 2 weeks previously. While celebrating with his family SFP activists reaffirmed their commitment to work towards the freedom of all Palestinian political prisoners held in Apartheid Israeli prisons, an end to the Occupation, and the return of the refugees, so a new generation of children will live in freedom in their land.

This picture is courtesy of Palestinian media. SFP did not wish to take a photo of Muath while he was in such a delicate mental state




15/08/14: Demonstrating for freedom

On Friday 15 August, shortly after the noon prayers, activists from SFP  joined villagers from Kufr Qaddoum at their weekly demonstration against the closure of the villages main access road. Following the demonstration, which was met with tear gas and live ammunition fired directly at peaceful demonstrators, the SFP activists proceeded to Beit Furik checkpoint to join a demonstration with Beit Furik villagers. 5 activists were injured with live ammunition, with one from SFP was shot in the leg and taken to hospital.

On Friday demonstrations against the illegal Occupation are a regular occurrence across the West Bank. They are met with brutal force by the Israeli Army and recently the Army has been firing live rounds at demonstrators injuring dozens and killing several.

اليوم الجمعه 15-8-توجه نشطاء المقاومه الشعبيه من حركة تضامن sfpللمشاركة في المسيره الاسبوعيه في كفر قدوم حيث شارك المئات من اهالي البلده مسيرتهم الاسبوعيه تحت شعار( لا بقاء مع الاحتلال والاستيطان ) حيث يذكر ان المقاومه الشعبيه والمسيرات الاسبوعيه في كفر قدوم تدخل السنه الرابعه مطالبين بفتح الشارع الذي يفصلهم عن مدينه نابلس وقد حضر العشرات من الحيبات العسكريه والجنود الذين اطلقوا الغاز المسيل للدموع على المتظاهرين وقد اكد نشطاء حركة تضامن sfp وقوفهم ومساندتهم لاخوانهم من كفر قدوم الذين طالبوا واكدوا على اهميه العمل المشترك كما نوهوا الى ضروره وجود متضامنين دوليين للمشاركه في المسيره سيما ان الاحتلال بات يستخدم الرصاص الحي تجاه المشاركين في المسيرة السلميه.

بيت فوريك–نابلس -اليوم الجمعه 15-8 توجه نشطاء المقاومه الشعبيه من حركه تضامن sfp للمشاركه في المسيره عند حاجز بيت فوريك  شرق نابلس حيث انطلق المتظاهرين بعد صلاه الجمعه من مخيم بلاطه ومن مدينه نابلس  تجاه حاجز بيت فوريك وقد قام جنود الاحتلال باطلاق الاعيره الناريه والرصاص المغلف بالمطاط تجاه المشاركين الامر الذي ادى الى اصابه خمسه مواطنين  نقلوا  الى مشفى رفيديا  …يذكر ان حركة تضامن sfp والقوى والمؤسسات هم من اعلنوا عن بدء  المسيرات الى  بيت فوريك الاسبوع الماضي   وسيعمل نشطاء المقاومه الشعبيه من sfp  على ان تكون مسيرات اسبوعيه على حاجز بيت فوريك وكافه الحواجز للتعبير عن رفض كافه اشكال الفصل العنصري  وانهاء الاحتلال وعوده اللاجئين الى ديارهم التي هجروا منها

Kufr Qaddoum

Kufr Qaddoum

Kufr Qaddoum

Kufr Qaddoum

Kufr Qaddoum

Kufr Qaddoum

Injured from Beit Furik

Injured from Beit Furik

Kufr Qaddoum

Kufr Qaddoum

Injured from Beit Furik

Injured from Beit Furik

Beit Furik

Beit Furik

Injured from Beit Furik

Kufr Qaddoum

12/08/14: Burin attacked….. again

The village of Burin, south of Nablus city, was attacked for the second time in a week by settlers from the illegal colony of Bracha. Three young men were wounded as a result of rubber-coated steel bullets fired at them by the Israeli Army, who regularly support the attacks of the settlers.

The villages around Nablus are surrounded by dozens of illegal colonies, built on stolen Palestinian land. They are home to some of the most violent and fanatical Jewish terrorists. SFP is steadfast in its opposition to these colonies and will continue to work until they are all removed from Palestinian land and Palestinians from the river to the sea can live in safety and security on their land.

اصيب ثلاث شبان من قرية بورين جنوب نابلس برصاص المطاط اثناء تصديهم لقطعان المستوطنين التي هاجمت الجهة الشرقية من القرية حيث دارت اشتباكات عنيفه بين الشبان و قوات الاحتلال استمرت لمدت اربع ساعات متواصله و تعاني قرية بورين من اعتداءات مستمرة من قبل المستوطنين و جيش الاحتلال الاسرائيلي

Soldiers and settlers attacking the eastern area of the village of Burin

Soldiers and settlers attacking the eastern area of the village of Burin

Tear gas fired towards Palestinian homes

Tear gas fired towards Palestinian homes

Soldiers and settlers stood together as they both attack the village of Burin

Soldiers and settlers stood together as they both attack the village of Burin

Tear gas clouds over the village

Tear gas clouds over the village

Soldiers bringing orange boxes of tear gas to use against the civilian population of Burin

Soldiers bringing orange boxes of tear gas to use against the civilian population of Burin