Month: September 2014

29/09/14: Israeli Army cuts electricity to Aqraba homes

At approximately 6am on Monday morning, bulldozers accompanied by the Israeli Army demolished 60 electricity pylons, providing electricity to homes in Aqraba village, just south east of Nablus city. The electricity grid was part of an initiative to support the villagers by the Belgium Government in 2004.

Aqraba, which borders the Jordan Valley area of Palestine, is constantly attacked by the Israel Army. Earlier in the year the Army destroyed several homes and the local mosque, claiming they were built without permission.

Much of the Jordan Valley, and bordering villages are designated Area C under the Oslo Accords. This gives Israel full military and civil control. As such Israel as implemented a policy of ethnic cleansing, attempting to force out residents by demolishing their homes, destroying vital infrastructure and constant intimidation and attacks.

اقدمت جرافات وآليات الاحتلال الاسرائيلي  الساعه السادسه صباحا من يوم الاثنين بهدم واقتلاع ما يقارب 60 عامود كهرباء على امتداد 3كم  في منطقة خربة الطويل –عقربا  مما ادى ذلك الى حرمان الاهالي من ابسط الحقوق الانسانيه وهي الكهرباء ,علما بان هذه الشبكه انشئت بدعم من بلجيكا عام 2004 .
الجدير بالذكر ان منطقة خربة الطويل تتعرض دائما لعمليات هدم وتدمير للبيوت وخطوط المياه بهدف تهجير السكان في المنطقه.

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25/09/14: Raising the flag on the mountain of fire

On Thursday evening activists from SFP erected a flag pole and hoisted the Palestinian flag on the northern mountain, overlooking Nablus city. The action formed part of a week-long campaign, which saw activists across the West Bank area of Palestine undertake actions under the auspices of the Palestinian flag, symbolizing freedom.

Nablus city is situated between two mountains, Mount Gerizim and Mount Ebal. They are known, as is Nablus city, as the mountain of fire, named such after the cities fierce resistance over the centuries to invaders. Building, including raising the Palestinian flag, is forbidden by the Israeli Occupation, which maintains Army camps on the mountains, where they regularly use to reign rockets down on the cities residents during the Second Intifada.

SFP activists erected the flag as a symbol of the cities continuing resistance and defiance of the Occupation.

اليوم الخميس -25-9-2014-

قام نشطاء المقاومه الشعبيه من حركة تضامن sfp وتشطاء  المؤسسات الوطنيه بالتوجه الى جبل عيبال (شمال نابلس ) ورفع العلم  الفلسطيني على ساريه طولها 6 امتار وبالقرب من معسكر جنود الاحتلال الاسرائيلي.

ويقام  هذا النشاط في اسبوع العلم الفلسطيني ولما يمثله من رمز الحريه والاستقلال والذي يمثل ايضا الوحده الجغرافيه السياسيه للشعب الفليسطيني وللتعبير عن رفضنا  للاحتلال الذي يقيم  معسكرات  ومستوطنات  له على قمم جبال فلسطين بشكل عام وعلى جبال نابلس  بشكل خاص وياتي هذا النشاط ايضا   تاكيدا على حقنا في الحريه والاستقلال .

يذكر ان جبل عيبال  ممنوع  البناء عليه  بسبب وجود معسكر  عسكري للاحتلال الأسرائيلي على قمته .

نابلس تقع بين جبلين عيبال (الشمالي ) وجرزيم (الجنوبي ) ويقيم الاحتلال على قمه الجبلين معسكرات ومستوطنات للاحتلال الاسرائيلي

23/09/14: Youth under attack – detention and shooting in Burin

At approximately 17:00 on Tuesday afternoon, as Palestinians returned home from their jobs, the Israeli Army detained several young men at a flying checkpoint set up at the entrance to Burin village and opened fire on them, shooting 25 year old Montaser Mansour in the leg.

At the height of rush hour in Palestine, the Israel Army set up a flying checkpoint to disrupt Palestinians journeys home from work to their village in Burin, just south of Nablus city. As the group of young men approached the checkpoint on their way home the soldiers detained them and began to beat them. As the youth tried to get away from the soldiers attack, the soldiers then opened fire, hitting Montaser in the leg.

Montaser’s brother Nasr (22 years old) and Baraa Yasi Hussein (19 years old) were detained by the Army and taken to Huwwara Military Camp where they were interrogated before being released later that night. Montaser was taken to Rafidia Hospital, where SFP members met him and he was released later in the evening after treatment for his wounds.

Burin is under constant attack from the Army and illegal colonies, home to some of the most extreme Jewish terrorists. In recent days the Army has been kidnapping several of the village youth, including SFP member Ghassan Najjar, who has been held in isolation for a month in the notorious interrogation facility, Petah Tikva, with no access to a lawyer or his family.

As the olive harvest approaches the village are braced for more Army and settler attacks, as they attempt to access their trees and bring in the harvest, vital for the villages economy. Many of the villagers will be harvesting their trees without important members of their family to help due to their internment by Apartheid Israel. SFP is calling for Palestinian and international volunteers to help families this harvest and accompany us to trees in dangerous areas and with families of prisoners. To find out how to volunteer and more about SFP’s 2014 Olive Harvest campaign please click here.

كما هي بورين التي تتعرض دائما لاعتداءات من قبل المستوطين واغلاقات متكرره كم قبل الجنود الاسرائليين .
قام جنود الاحتلال الاسرائيلي يوم امس الثلاثاء  باغلاق بورين –جنوب نابلس –منذ الصباح   ووضع الحواجز وتوقيف وتفتيش السيارات, اضافة الى المضايقات  والاستفزازات للاهالي  وفي حوالي الساعه الخامسه عصرا اوقف الجنود  منتصرنافع عبد االلطيف منصور 25عام  وشقيقه نصر20 عام و شخص اخر اسمه براء واحتجزتهما وقاموا بتوجيه الاهانات والشتم ومن ثم قاموا بالاعتداء بالضرب عليهم  وبعد ذلك  قاموا باطلاق الرصاص  الحي من مسافه متر على قدم منتصر  واقتادوا شقيقه  نصر والشاب الاخر براء الى معسكر حواره واحتجزوهما لمدة ثلاث ساعات دون توجيه أي تهمه  او سبب الاحتجاز ومن ثم تم اطلاق سراحهما من حواره  .
يذكر ان بورين شهدت في الفتره الاخيره سلسله من الاعتداءات والاعتقالات  وهذا ما يوثر على  موسم الزيتون الذي يستعد المزارعين  لتغطيه نفقاتهم واحتياجاتهم   .


22/09/14: Raising the Palestinian flag – a call to the World

As part of a series of activities planned over the coming week, Palestinians marched around the Old City of Nablus chanting patriotic sound bites and waving the Palestinian flag. Similar events took place across the West Bank area of Palestine organised by the popular resistance, student movements and several Palestinian organisations.

Under the symbol of the Palestinian flag, the events aim at reaffirming the Palestinian national struggle for liberation. A struggle, and flag, which many Palestinians have given their life for, most recently the over 2000 Palestinians massacred by the Occupation in Gaza.

The organisers, which include SFP, are calling for the raising of the Palestinian flag across the world to symbolise the Palestinians right to freedom and justice. SFP asks friends around the world to join in this week and show solidarity with the Palestinian struggle by changing your profile pictures on social media to the Palestinian flag, lobbying your local government and associations to fly the flag over buildings and raise the flag in your own homes and communities.

ضمن نشاطات اسبوع العلم الفلسطيني والتي ينظمها مؤسسات وحركات طلابيه ولجان مقاومه شعبيه  حيث تم اطلاق حمله بدء الفعاليات اليوم الاثنين 22-9-2014-في مدينه نابلس  عبر مسيره من الطلاب والطالبات  والنشطاء انطلقت من البلده القديمه  جابت  شوراع نابلس  تجاه الدوار (مركز المدينه ) وهتفوا للعلم ولفلسطين وتأتي هذه الحمله تعبيرا عن التمسك بالعلم الفلسطيني  وما يمثله من رمزيه وطنيه سيما ان العديد من الشهداء قد سقطوا وهم يدافعون عن العلم  وسوف تستمر الحمله في الكثير من المناطق ومدن وقرى الوطن وطالبوا المنظمون ان يتم رفع العلم في كل مكان في العالم تضامنا مع الشعب الفلسطيني والمطالبة باسترداد حقه وحريته كباقي الشعوب …

flag demo 3 Flag demo flag demo 2

22/09/14: Youth of Burin under attack

In the early hours of Monday morning the Israeli Army invaded the village of Burin and kidnapped 5 young people, taking them to Huwwara Military Camp. The Army ransacked the boys homes at 01:30am terrifying the family.

The five young men are: Mohammed Suhail Najjar (21 years old); Mahmoud Nasser Asous (20 years old); Abd al-Rahman (18 years old); Mashhur Muhammad Najjar (19 years old); and Omar Muhammad Ali Qadous (18 years old).

Several of the young men have been arrested several times by the Israeli Army, as their village comes under continued attack from the Occupation and illegal settlers. Several of the village youth are already interned by Apartheid Israel, including SFP member Ghassan Najjar.

As the olive harvest fast approaches the timing of these kidnappings suggest the Occupations determination to make life for the whole village increasingly difficult. Many of the young men are vital to their families in helping collecting in the harvest before settlers from the surrounding illegal colonies steal the crop. SFP is calling for volunteers to help farmers harvest their olives, particularly prisoner families and those with land near and inside the illegal colonies. Please click here to find out how to volunteer this harvest with SFP.

اقتحمت  عشرات الآليات  الاسرائيليه الاثنين 22-9-2014  قريه بورين جنوب نابلس  وقاموا باعتقال  خمسه شبان من القريه  وقال أهالي المعتقلين انالجنود اقتحموا المنازل  الساعه الواحده والنصف  وقاموا باعتقال خمسه شبان  هم: 1-محمد سهيل النجار 21سنه  وهذه هي المره الثالثه ,2-عمر محمد قادوس 21 سنه وكان قد اعتقل في السابق مرتين ,3-محمود ناصر عسعوس20 سنه  وكان ايضا قد اعتقل من قبل مرتين,4-عبد الرحمن مشهور النجار 18 سنه اول اعتقال ,5-رأفت يحيى قادوس 19 سنه اول مره اعتقال , وقد استمرت حملة الاعتقالات في بورين حتى الساعه الرابعه والنصف ..يذكر ان بورين عانت من حملة اعتقالات سابق طالت نشطاء في المقاومه الشعبيه  كما انالاحتلال لا  زال يحتجز الناشط غسان النجار في مركز تحقيق بتاح تكفا  وممنوع من التواصل مع المحامين وكما تتعرض بورين لاعتداءات دائمه من قبل جنود الاحتلال الإسرائيلي وقطعان المستوطنين ..

الاهالي عبروا عن استنكارهم لهذه الاعتقالات  سيما أنهم على ابواب موسم الزيتون جيث انهم بأمس الحاجه الى  آبنائهم لمساعدتهم في قطف الزيتون  

22/09/14: Stay humanized

“If you are neutral in situations of injustice, you have chosen the side of the oppressor. If an elephant has its foot on the tail of a mouse and you say that you are neutral, the mouse will not appreciate your neutrality.” Archbishop Desmond Tutu

On Monday 22 September SFP, Palestinian political parties, organisations and associations united to call on the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) to act in the case of Palestinian political prisoners. Activists  delivered an open letter to the head of the Nablus branch of the ICRC calling of the ICRC to uphold its principle of humanity and act to secure the release of the nearly 7,000 Palestinians interned by Apartheid Israel.

Accompanied by families of prisoners the activists held pictures of the prisoners interned by Apartheid Israel and called on the ICRC to act. The letter called on the ICRC to apply pressure on Israel to cease its mass internment of Palestinians, stop its use of all forms of torture (including psychological) and end the use of administrative detention. It also requested the ICRC ensures proper health care and living conditions for Palestinian detainees, with uninhibited access to legal advice and family visits. A copy of the letter can be found here.

SFP implores the World, not just the ICRC, to act to bring Palestinian held by Apartheid Israel back home to their families. SFP members are also being held by Apartheid Israel and SFP asks people of conscience around the world to help us secure their release: 73 year old Dr. Yousef Abdul Haq and 24 year old Ghassan Najjar. For more details about Dr. Yousef and Ghassan and what you can do to help please click here.


اليوم الاثنين 22-9-2014 ضمن نشاطات التضامن مع الاسرى نظمت لجان المقاومه الشعبيه sfp والاحزاب والمؤسسات الوطنيه وقفه تضامنيه امام الصليب الأحمر الدولي في نابلس حيث ردد المشاركون الشعارات الداعمه للأسرى والمطالبه بحريتهم مطالبين الصليب الأحمر ان يقف مع الحق ضد الانتهاكات الاسرائيليه بحق الأسرى الفلسطينيين خاصة ان الاحتلال يحتجز قرابه السبعه آلاف أسير فلسطيني من ضمنهم خمسمائه أسير يخضعون للاعتقال الاداري , وقد قام الاحتلال بسحب الانجازات التي حققها الاسرى بدمائهم وتضحياتهم واضرابهم عن الطعام ..كما اكد المشاركون دعمهم لكافه الاسرى وللاسير الدكتور يوسف عبد الحق73سنه , منسق اللجنه الثقافيه في المنتدى التنويري ,وللاسير غسان النجار من بورين المحتجز في مركز تحقيق بتاح تكفا والذي يمنع من التواصل مع المحامي لغايه الان, وبعد الانتهاء قام المنظمون بتسليم رساله الى ممثل الصليب الأحمر في نابلس أكدت فيه ضرورة التحرك بشكل سريع وجدي لإنقاذ الأسرى والعمل على حريتهم


“Si eres neutral en situaciones de injusticia, has elegido el lado del opresor. Si un elefante tiene su pie en la cola de un ratón y tú dices que eres neutral, el ratón no apreciará Tu neutralidad” Archbishop Desmond Tutu

El lunes 22 de septiembre SFP (Movimiento Solidaridad por Palestina N de T), partidos políticos palestinos, organizaciones y asociaciones se unieron para pedir al Comité Internacional de la Cruz Roja (CICR) para actuar en el caso de los presos políticos palestinos. Los activistas entregaron una carta abierta al jefe de la sucursal de Nablus llamando al Comité Internacional de la Cruz Roja (CICR) a defender su principio de humanidad y que actue para lograr la liberación de los casi 7.000 palestinos recluidos por Israel apartheid.

Acompañado por familiares de los presos, los activistas tenian fotografías de los presos internados por el Apartheid de Israel y pidieron al CICR actuar. La carta llamó al CICR a ejercer presión sobre Israel para que ponga fin a su encarcelamiento en masa de los palestinos, detener su uso de cualquier forma de tortura (incluida la psicológica) y poner fin al uso de la detención administrativa. También pidió al CICR garantizar una atención médica adecuada y las condiciones de vida de los detenidos palestinos, con acceso sin restricciones a las visitas familiares y de asesoramiento legal. Una copia de la carta se puede encontrar aquí.

SFP le pide al mundo, no sólo a CICR, a actuar para que los palestinos tomados por el Apartheid Israel regresen a sus casas con sus familias. Miembros de SFP también están en manos del Apartheid Israeli y SFP pide al pueblo con conciencia de todo el mundo ayudar a asegurar su liberación: Dr. Yousef Abdul Haq de 73 años y Ghassan Najjar de 24 años de edad.

21/09/14: Ghassan Najjar detention renewed for a fourth time

Today SFP member and community activist Ghassan Najjar again had his interrogation order renewed by an Israeli Military Judge inside Petah Tikva interrogation facility. This is the fourth renewal of Ghassan’s interrogation order since his kidnapping on 27 August 2014. To date he has had no access to proper legal advice, other than a short conference with his lawyer in the few minutes in which he appears in Court.

Ghassan’s detention comes as SFP, Nablus popular resistance, organisations and associations are united in their condemnation of the detention on nearly 7,000 Palestinians in Israeli Apartheid Prisons. Tomorrow SFP will join other groups, including Palestinian political parties, in calling on the International Committee of the Red Cross to fulfill their obligations to Palestinian detainees and apply pressure to Apartheid Israel for their immediate and unconditional release.

In the meantime we ask you to continue to email the British Consulate in Jerusalem asking them to use their diplomatic wait to ensure Ghassan has unfettered access to his lawyer and is ultimately released. You can email the Consulate via Suha Zeidan –


14/09/14: ACTION ALERT: Ghassan’s detention order renewed for 3rd time

On Sunday 14 September Ghassan Najjar, community activist and SFP Steering Committee member, appeared before Petah Tikva interrogation facility court where a military Judge renewed Ghassan’s detention order for another 7 days. This is the third renewal following his kidnapping on 27 August.

Ghassan’s family are extremely concerned for Ghassan’s health. As previously reported by SFP Ghassan has an underlying knee injury, which he was due to have surgery on and in the meantime was receiving daily painkilling injections. Ghassan is also suffering back pain from the stress positions he is being held in during interrogation. He is receiving medication but typically this is only aspirin and Israeli prison doctors have been accused on many occasions of turning a blind eye to evidence of torture of detainees and inadequate care.

Ghassan was kidnapped from his home on 27 August and since then he has only been able to briefly call his parents once. His lawyer is only able to see him in court for the few minutes he appears and the Israeli Military Judge renews the order under which the Israeli Security Services can continue to hold Ghassan. Ghassan has had no legal advice and his lawyer has not had access to the ‘evidence’ against him. He is also not able to be present with Ghassan while he is being interrogated, which can typically last for hours each day, before detainees are returned to isolation.

Petah Tikva is a notorious interrogation facility inside historical Palestine (‘Israel’), in violation of international law, which states that prisoners must not be transferred out of the territory they are detained within by the occupying force. This also prevents many families from being able to visit their loved ones, as Palestinians are regularly denied permits to travel inside ’48 (historical Palestine, ‘Israel’). Many Gazan families are permanently denied, with their loved one often not seeing their family for many years.

Human rights organisations have repeatedly documented cases of torture, with Palestinians held for weeks on end in tiny cells, subjected to extreme temperatures and constant artificial light. They are then interrogated by the Israeli Security Services for hours on end, shackled with their hands behind their back to metal chairs. Many Palestinians also report beatings and threats against them and their families if they do not ‘confess’. Lawyers are not able to access or accompany their clients during these weeks of interrogation.

On Tuesday 9 September 35 year old Raed al-Jabari died while in Israeli custody. Raed was due for release on bail but was pronounced dead, with the Israeli Prison Service claiming he hung himself. However, following an autopsy, which showed no marks around his neck you’d expect to see if someone hung themselves, the cause of death was established as internal bleeding from multiple blows. It is clear Raed was murdered by the Israeli prison authorities, following his torture. In a similar case a week prior to Raed’s murder, 33 year old Muhammad Hussein Rabee was hospitalised after being tortured for 35 days inside another notorious Israeli interrogation facility in Jerusalem, known as the ‘Russian Compound’.

As of 31 July there were 6,578 Palestinians illegally held by Apartheid Israel, this includes 446 Palestinians held under what is known as administrative detention orders. These detainees receive no trial and are not charged, and their lawyer has no access to any ‘evidence’ against them. They are held under secret orders authorised by an Israeli Military Judge, which can be renewed indefinitely. 73 year old Dr. Yousef Abdul Haq, a community leader and SFP member, is currently being held under a 4 month administrative detention order after he was kidnapped in the middle of night by the Israeli Army on 26 August.

The number of detainees held by Apartheid Israel has already rapidly grown with many Palestinians kidnapped during Israel’s war on the people of Gaza not included in the above figure. The Palestinian Prisoner’s Society also released a statement that in the last week alone a further 174 Palestinians had been kidnapped across the West Bank area of Palestine.

SFP urgently asks all friends around the world to sign and share our petition calling for the immediate release of Dr. Yousef and Ghassan.To sign the petition and share with your friends and colleagues please click here.

Please also see our campaign, with suggested letters for your respective representatives, regarding he illegal detention of Dr. Yousef.

In addition, we would ask that you kindly continue to email the British Consulate in Jerusalem asking them to intervene in the case of Ghassan. Ghassan’s one year old son is half British and both his son and British wife are understandably distraught. Please email Suha Zeidan ( at the Consulate and ask them to visit Ghassan in Petah Tikva and raise the matter of his immediate release with the Israeli Government.

Your help does make a difference and we understand was the reason Ghassan was able to finally, briefly, call home. We kindly ask you keep up that pressure until Ghassan and Dr. Yousef are both safely home with their families, along with all Palestinian political detainees. Dr. Yousef and Ghassan both tirelessly campaigned for Palestinian prisoners, suffering harassment and imprisonment from the Occupation as a result. Ghassan is due back in Court on Sunday 21 September, where is interrogation could be renewed again, please keep up the pressure and demand his unconditional release.

اليوم الاحد -2014-09-14 ..قررت المحكمه الاسرائيليه في مركز تحقيق بتاح تكفا  تمديد توقيف  الاسيرغسان النجار ثمانية ايام اخرى,و يذكر ان غسان معتقل  منذ حوالي 18 يوم  يوما مع العلم ان هذا التمديد هو الثالث في ظل ظروف صحيه  صعبه يعيشها غسان النجار حيث لازال ممنوعا من التواصل مع المحامي ومع عائلته, وقالت والدته انها تشعر بالقلق على صحة ابنها غسان الذي يعاني من اوجاع في الظهر والقدم  والذي يعيش ظروفا نفسيه صعبه وقاسيه وناشدت الهيئات الدوليه التدخل من اجل اطلاق سراح ابنها غسان  وتامين العلاج له كما طالبت من كافه الهيئات الانسانيه والحقوقيه  التدخل من اجل السماح للمحامي زيارة غسان


10/09/14: Thank you – Ghassan able to telephone home

Yesterday Ghassan Najjar was able to telephone his parents from Petah Tikva interrogation facility, where he has been held in isolation since 31 August. He confirmed that bar his back pain, that he is now receiving medication for, he was doing well.

SFP would like to thank all those that wrote to the British Consulate and signed our online petition. We urge you to continue to email the Consulate (details below) and sign and share our petition as Ghassan is due back in Court, where a Judge could extend his detention again, on Sunday.

This demonstrates your solidarity and action really does make a difference. The Red Cross contacted the Israeli Prison Authorities and shortly afterwards Ghassan was able to make a short phone call home. We hope with your continued help, Ghassan will have full access to his lawyer and return home soon.

Please continue to write to the British Consulate in Jerusalem urging them to maintain pressure on the Israeli Authorities to release Ghassan safely to his family. Ghassan’s one year old, half British son, is very much looking forward to seeing his father.

You can email Suha Zeidan at the British Consulate in Jerusalem at

Please also sign and share our petition calling for the immediate release of Dr. Yousef Abdul Haq and Ghassan.

UPDATE (07/09/14): Detention of Ghassan Najjar – lawyer denied access

Yesterday, Sunday 7 September, Ghassan Najjar, kidnapped from his home in Burin nearly 2 weeks ago, appeared again before Petah Tikva Military Court. His detention for interrogation was again extended for a further 7 days. The lawyer was not able to speak to Ghassan as the Shabak (Israeli internal intelligence) denied him access.

In addition, we have learned that Ghassan is suffering from back pain and the Israeli prison service has denied him medical care. The lawyer managed to get this information from the Prosecutor yesterday as he was unable to see Ghassan. Ghassan also has a previous knee injury for which he was due to have surgery. He was on pain killing injections and we assume these have not been administered either. Palestinian prisoners are often held in stress positions for hours at a time during interrogation. The pain Ghassan is suffering is only likely to increase due to this torture.

Ghassan was transferred to Petah Tikva from Huwwara Military Camp on Sunday 31 August. Since then he has been held in isolation and interrogated without the presence of a lawyer or contact with any family member. Petah Tikva interrogation facility is inside historical Palestine (Israel) and therefore Ghassan’s lawyer is unable to attend and we are reliant on temporary Palestinian lawyers inside ’48 to attend Court. Normally lawyers are allowed access to their clients, however Ghassan has been denied access to his lawyer.

Ghassan’s family are distraught. The olive harvest is due to start shortly and Ghassan played a key role helping his elderly mother and father harvest their trees, which are in the most dangerous areas of his village, near the illegal colonies of Bracha and Yitzhar. SFP is supporting Ghassan’s family and in regular contact. We have launched a petition and we kindly as that you all sign and share the petition widely. Please click here to sign.

We are particularly asking that people write to the British authorities and the British Consulate in Jerusalem as Ghassan’s wife and child are British citizens. Please write and call the British Consulate and demand they visit Ghassan in Petah Tikva. Details are below:

British Consulate General
15 Nashashibi Street
Sheikh Jarrah Quarter

East Jerusalem 97200
P O Box 19690
The Occupied Palestinian Territories

In addition, SFP is urgently requesting volunteers to assist farmers in harvesting their olives in the dangerous areas. If you would like to join us this harvest please click here for more details.
