
16/06/15: Israeli Army invade Qaryot and destroy property

In the early hours of Tuesday morning the Israeli Army invaded the village of Qaryot, to the south of Nablus city. The marauding soldiers shut residents into one room of their homes while they vandalised their property and allowed dogs to roam the house.

SFP activist Abdullah Qaryouti explained how a group of soldiers broke down the door of his home, while his younf family were sleeping, at 3am. The soldiers shut Abdullah and his family into one room while they vandalised the rest of the home. Abdullah explained how this was typical behaviour from the Israeli soldiers, who regularly invade, vandalise, steal and kidnap Palestinians late at night. He explained he further suspected this was a revenge attack to try and intimidate the villagers into ceasing their non-violent resistance against the illegal Jewish-only colonies that surround them and continue to steal more of their land.

SFP has been continuing to support the village of Qaryot and their steadfast resistance to the illegal colonisation and occupation of their land.

الثلاثاء -16-6-2015 –قريوت –جنوب نابلس

قوات الاحتلال الاسرائيلي تقوم بعمليات اقتحام و تخريب داخل البيوت

اقتحم عشرات الجنود الاسرائيلييون قريه قريوت –جنوب نابلس وقاموا باقتحام البيوت وعمليات تخريب داخل البيوت حيث قال عبد الله اوهو احد المواطنين الذين تعرض بيته للتفتيش ان الجنود اقتحموا بيته الساعه الثاله صباحا وطلبوا من العائله البقاء في غرفه واحده وقام الجنود بتخريب داخل البيت بطريقه همجيه حيث ادخلوا الكلاب البوليسيه وداسوا على الملابس وقال عبد الله ان الجنود استمروا لساعات داخل البيت وان ما حدث هو انتقام من اهالي قريوت الذين يطالبوم بحقهم في زراعه اراضيهم ورفضهم لعمليات المصادره التي تتم من اجل توسيع المستوطنات.

يذكر ان قريوت تتعرض لعمليات مصادره من اجل توسيع المستوطنات وعزل القرى الفلسطينيه وربط المستوطنات وعزل مدن الضفه الى معازل وكانتونات

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05/06/15: SFP marches with Qaryot to reclaim the land

On Friday 5 June activists from SFP joined the village of Qaryot after noon prayers to march against the colonisation of their land by Apartheid Israel. The Israeli Army opened fire on the demonstrators, firing volleys of tear gas, rubber-coated steel bullets and sound bombs. Many demonstrators suffered suffocation from the toxic gas.

Qaryot is surrounded by no less than 6 illegal Jewish-only colonies. The Israeli Army is constantly issuing the village and its neighbours with confiscation orders, under the pretext of security, which then hands their land to these settlers.

SFP supports the village of Qaryot and has been planting olive trees and thyme with the farmers to reclaim the land. We are very grateful to all those that already have donated to our campaign and would ask if you were able to donate further or share our campaign with your friends and colleagues. Please click here for more details.


نشطاء المقاومه الشعبيه من حركة تضامن من اجل فلسطين حره              sfpيشاركون في المسيره في قريوت –جنوب نابلس

شارك اليوم نشطاء المقاومه الشعبيه من حركة تضامن من اجل فلسطين حره sfp في المسيره التي انطلقت في قريوت- جنوب نابلس – بعد صلاه الظهر   احياء لذكرى النكسه ورفضا لسياسة الاحتلال الاسرائيلي العنصري والذي يهدف الى تنفيذ مشروعه الاستيطاني والذي يهدف الى تقسيم الضفه الغربيه الى كانتونات  وقد توجه المتظاهرون الى الاراضي المهدده بالمصادره مرددين شعارات لا للاستيطان لا للاحتلال ,وقد واجه جنود الاحتلال الاسرائيلي المتظاهرون بقنابل الغاز والرصاص المطاط وقنابل الصوت مما ادى الى اصابه العديد بالغاز المسيل للدموع.

SfP اكدوا على الاستمرار بالمسيرات الشعبيه ناشدوا الجميع العمل مقاطعة الاحتلال الاسرائيلي

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04/06/15: Apartheid Israel invades Kafr Qalil and kidnap 3 young men

In the early hours of Thursday morning the Israeli Army invaded the village of Kafr Qalil and ransacked homes of sleeping residents and kidnapped 3 young men. The soldiers offered no explanation to the families for their actions and took the young men away to an unknown location, after destroying property in their homes.

The Israeli Army regularly invade villages and cities across Palestine, kidnapping mainly young men and terrorising their families and neighbourhoods. Kafr Qalil lies at the entrance to Nablus city, just after Huwwara Military checkpoint. The village is also harrassed by the illegal colony of Bracha, to the north, home to some of the most violent Jewish extremists.

SFP activists visited the families of the men kidnapped and vowed to continue to provide the villages, and particularly the farmers support.

جنود الاختلال الاسرائيلي تقتحم قرية كفر قليل -جنوب نابلس وتعتقل عدد من الشباب..اقتحم جنود الاحتلال الاسرائيلي قرية كفر قليل وداهموا البيوت بطريقه وحشيه حيث قاموا بالتفتيش وبتكسير وتخريب اثاث المنازل دون اي سبب وبعدها قاموا باعتقال ثلاثة شبان

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15/05/15: Balata under Israeli attack

In the early hours of Friday morning Israeli forces invaded the area surrounding Balata refugee camp to allow access by Jewish settlers. The soldiers opened fire on the residents of the camp shooting several, including the brother of an SFP member. SFP activists visited those shot and injured in Rafidia hospital the following day and are pleased to report that they are all recovering well.

The Army invade the camp regularly, either to kidnap residents or allow passage of extermist Jewish settlers to Joseph’s Tomb, located just outside the camp. They invade with dozens of jeeps and snipers in the middle of the night, opening fire on Palestinians living nearby.

On the eve of Al Nakba commemorations SFP stand with the refugees of Balata in saying “we will return” and resisting the violent attacks by Apartheid Israel.

الجمعه 15-5—نابلس

نشطاء المقاومه الشعبيه من SFP يقومون بزيارة جرحى مخيم بلاطه

بعد الاحداث التي شهدها مخيم بلاطه ليلة الجمعه اثناء اقتحام مئات المستوطنين بحماية جنود الاحتلال الاسرائيلي قبر يوسف –بالقرب من مخيم بلاطه حيث اطلق جنود الاحتلال الاسرائيلي الرصاص الحي والقنابل المسيل للدموع والرصاص المطاط مما ادى الى اصابة 22 شخص تم نقلهم الى المستشفيات في نابلس ,حيث اتضح ان معظم الجرحى تعرضو لاطلاق الرصاص عليهم في القدم مما ادى الى تفتت العظام وصعوبة ازالة الشظايا كون الرصاص الذي يطلقه جنود الاحتلال هو رصاص متفجر “دمدم”.

نشطاء المقاومه الشعبيه من sfp زاروا الجرحى في المستشفيات واطمئنوا عليهم

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31/03/15: SFP, JVS and the Women’s Union reaffirm their steadfastness on the land in Fasayil

On 31 March 2015 SFP activists joined Jordan Valley Solidarity campaign, the Union of Palestinian Women’s Committees, the Tanweer Centre and villagers to plant olive, citrus and thyme in Fasayil in the Jordan Valley. The action came as part of SFP’s action to commemorate Land Day, reaffirming the right and steadfastness on the land. Activists were accompanied by international activists from the Internation Women’s Peace Service (IWPS).

Fasayil is located in the Jordan Valley, an area designated Area C under the Oslo Accords. This means Apartheid Israel has full civil and military control over the lives of the Palestinian villagers. They are unable to access their water, farm their land, or live without constant harrassment and risk of home demolitions. Activists planted in an area of the village under imminent threat of demolition to assert their right to their land.

Following planting the activists then helped the villages move homemade mud bricks used for building. Building materials, such as concrete, is prohibited by Apartheid Israel, forcing the villagers to improvise, making their own mud bricks for construction, in defiance of the Occupation.

SFP’s sister organisation, JVS, works tirelessly in the Jordan Valley helping Palestinians remain steadfast on the land. SFP reaffirmed their commitment today to further supporting the communities in the Jordan Valley area with more crops and support.

We would like to thank everyone that has already donated to our campaign to raise funds for olive trees and thyme. We would be very grateful if you would consider continuing to donate so we may help more communities and villages. Please share our campaign with your friends and colleagues and encourage donations via our dedicated PayPal account. Please click here for details on how to donate.


اليوم الثلاثاء 31-3 2015

إحياء يوم الأرض في الأغوار

نشطاء المقاومه الشعبيه من حركة تضامن من اجل فلسطين SFP بالتعاون مع المؤسسات الفلسطينيه (المجلس الشعبي لحماية الأغوار واتحاد لجان المراة  الفلسطينية والمنتدى التنويري Tanweerومتضامنين من iwps)
توجه النشطاء الى أراض مهددة بالمصادرة في منطقة فصايل  بالاغوار  وقاموا بزراعتها باشجار الليمون وأشجار الزيتون وقالوا أنهم في ذكرى يوم الأرض  ان يوم الارض سيبقى خالدا في ضمير كل فلسطيني ولن ننسى الشعب الفلسطيني  وسيبقى شاهدا على عنصرية الاحتلال الاسرائيلي  .
وبعد الانتهاء من زراعة الزيتون واشجار الليمون  قام النشطاء بنقل الطوب من اجل بناء احدى غرف المدارس  وهذا الطوب هو عباره عن الطين (تراب +القش ) حيث لا يسمح الاحتلال ببناء الغرف بمواد اسمنتيه .
وقد شكر النشطاء كل من شارك في دعم حملات الزراعه اشتال زعتر وزيتون وحمضيات وقال نشطاء المقاومه الشعبيه من sfpا نهم سوف يستمرون بزراعة الزيتون والزعتر وكافة الاشتال  في كافة المناطق المهددة بالمصادرة  في كافة المناطق الفلسطينية

SfP يشكرون كل من ساهم في دعم جملة زراعة اشجار الزيتون والزعتر ويتمنوا من كل من يرغب في الاستمرار في دعم الحمله من اجل تعزيز صمود الفلسطينيين على الارض وحماية اراضيهم من خلال الزراعة .

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04/03/15: Report from JVS – Ethnic cleansing continues in the Jordan Valley

N.B. This report is courtesy of our brothers and sisters of the Jordan Valley Solidarity Campaign.
At 6am this the morning in Ein Kozilia Jiflic, the homes of three brothers from the Zeti Cottua Cosim family, were demolished along with the shelters for their animals. This is the 9th time their homes have been demolished. They were demolished once in 2008, three times in 2012 and five times since 2013, with the last time being only a month and a half ago. In total 23 family members live in these three homes, the youngest being a two month old baby. Their homes have been targeted because of their close proximity to a natural spring, which the families use for water.
We, from the Jordan Valley, went to give our solidarity to these families this morning after the soldiers had left. Other international volunteers from EAPPI were there already giving their support. We spoke to the father of the brothers about possible legal help, and he told us that through the law it is possible only to freeze a demolition order for a few years, but in no case in the Jordan Valley has a demolition order been removed through the courts. When we asked about what we could do to help, he told us he would like us to help build a shelter for their animals so they do not run away. We will try our best to help the families with this in the near future. On our way out, the international volunteers helped to rebuild the road leading to the houses, which the army had destroyed with a bulldozer in two areas.
We asked the father if he would ever consider moving somewhere else. He said no. As in the rest of the Jordan Valley, and around Palestine, remaining on their native lands, despite all of the tactics the Israeli occupation uses to drive them away, is the strongest form of resistance Palestinians can use against the occupation.

Destruction des habitations de trois familles palestiniennes dans la vallée du Jourdain par les forces israéliennes

A six heures ce matin à Ein Kozilia Jiflick, les maisons de trois frères de la famille Zetti Cottua Cosim, ainsi que les abris de leurs animaux, ont été détruites par l’armée israélienne.

C’est la neuvième fois qu’elles sont détruites de la sorte : la première fois en 2008, puis à trois reprises en 2012, et cinq fois depuis 2013. La dernière démolition par l’armée israélienne date d’il y a à peine un mois et demi. Au total vingt-trois membres de la famille vivaient dans ces trois maisons, dont des enfants en bas âge, le plus jeune ayant seulement deux mois.

Ces maisons sont la cible répétée de l’armée d’occupation israélienne car elles se trouvent proches d’une source d’eau naturelle, où la famille Cosim s’approvisionne en eau potable, et que les forces d’occupation veulent confisquer.

En tant qu’habitants de la vallée du Jourdain, nous nous sommes rendus auprès de ces familles ce matin après le départ des soldats. D’autres volontaires internationaux d’EAPPI étaient déjà présents pour apporter leur soutien.

Nous avons évoqué avec le père des trois frères dont les maisons ont été démolies la possibilité de demander une aide judiciaire. Mais il nous a répondu qu’il est, selon la loi israelienne, uniquement possible de geler temporairement un ordre de démolition. Jusqu’à présent, concernant les habitations situées dans la vallée du Jourdain, il n’a jamais été possible de faire annuler ces décisions par la Cour de justice.

Lorsque nous lui avons demandé la façon la plus adéquate de les soutenir, il nous a répondu qu’ils auraient besoin d’aide pour reconstruire un abri pour les animaux, afin qu’ils ne puissent pas se disperser, et pour les protéger du soleil. Nous ferons de notre mieux pour aider ces familles dans les semaines qui viennent.

Avant de repartir, des volontaires internationaux ont aidé à reconstruire la route menant aux maisons de la famille Casim, que l’armée israélienne avait détruite au bulldozer à deux reprises.

Nous avons enfin demandé au père de famille s’il considérait la possibilité de partir. Mais, malgré de telles conditions de vie, et la récurrence des attaques et harcèlements de la part des forces d’occupation, il nous a assuré qu’ils ne bougeraient pas.

A l’instar des autres communautés de la vallée du Jourdain, et de la Palestine dans son ensemble, rester vivre sur ses terres, en dépit de toutes les stratégies mises en œuvre par l’armée israélienne pour les faire fuir, est l’action la plus ferme pour les habitants palestiniens de résistance par la non violence à l’occupation.

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25/12/14: Happy Christmas from the Israeli Army: Army invades Nablus on Christmas morning, kidnapping youth

As Christians around the world were celebrating Christmas, the homeland of Christianity, Palestine, the Israeli Army invaded the city of Nablus kidnapping 7 young men from their homes. The Army attacked the Old City, Al Ein refugee camp and the predominantly Christian area in the west of the city, Rafidia.

Ahmed Alhbeira whose home was invaded in the early hours of Christmas Day, explained to SFP members how the soldiers vandalised his home, stole 7000 Shekels in cash and kidnapped his son, taking him to an unknown location. The soldiers remained in the city, firing tear gas and stun grenades at residents who sought to resist the invasion. They did not leave the city until approximately 04:30am.

As Christmas morning broke around the world and Christians everywhere celebrated, SFP members visited the homes of those harassed by the Israeli Army. In the homeland of Jesus and Christianity, Palestine is under attack. SFP asks those around the world to join the struggle for freedom for Palestine in 2015, whether by getting involve in the movement to Boycott, Divest and Sanction (BDS) Apartheid Israel or assisting those on the ground in their resistance.

From SFP we wish all our Christian friends a very Merry Christmas and everyone a very Happy New Year. Help us make 2015 the year of a free Palestine, from the river to the sea.

جنود الاحتلال الإسرائيلي يقتحمون نابلس ويقوموا بعمليات تخريب داخل البيوت وخاصة في البلده القديمه وينفذون حملة اعتقال طالت سبعه شبان .
حيث اقتحم عشرات من جنود الاحتلال الإسرائيلي البيوت وقاموا بعمليات تخريب همجيه داخل البيوت بحجه البحث عن سلاح” حسب ادعائهم”  وقال احد أصحاب البيوت ان جنود الاحتلال دخلوا الساعة الثانية فجرا واستمروا بالبحث حتى الساعه الرابعه والنصف ,وطالبوا أصحاب البيوت بالبقاء داخل غرفه واحده .كما ادعي احد اصحاب البيوت “احمد الشبيري  أن الجنود سرقوا مبلغ 70 سبعون الف شيكل  اثناء اقتحام  بيته واعتقال ابنه  .
نشطاء المقاومه الشعبيه SFP  زاروا البيوت  التي تم اقتحامها  وقالوا في الليله التي يحتفل العالم بعيد الميلاد المجيد ويصلي الناس من اجل السلام ,يقوم الاحتلال يقتل أحلام الاطفال و بزرع الكراهيه والحقد في نفوس الأطفال الذين ينتظرون هدايا سانا كلوز .

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15/12/14: Israeli Army attacked children while they are in School

On Monday 15 December the Israeli Army stormed Burin village, just south of Nablus, and attacked the school children as they were in lessons at Burin Boys High School. They fired volley’s of tear gas and bullets as they stormed the school, searching the bags of the terrified children.

The School principal, Mr. Ibrahim Imran, reported to SFP that this is not the first time this has happened. The Army regularly storm the school, disrupting the learning of the children and leaving indelible psychological damage. He further added that the soldiers have erected daily checkpoints at the western and eastern entrance to Burin, to hinder access to the School, where many nearby villages children attend.

SFP attended Burin offering unwavering support to the students and the village. In August SFP Committee member, Ghassan Najjjar, was arrested by the Army after he protected the School from another invasion. He is still being held in Israeli Prisons. Please sign our petition and demand his immediate release. To sign and share with your friends please click here.

اليوم الاثنين 15-12- 2014 الساعه العاشره صباحا
وسط إطلاق الأعيره النارية والغاز المسيل للدموع اقتحم جنود الاحتلال الإسرائيلي مدرسه بورين الثانويه  وقاموا  بتفتيش الطلاب وحقائبهم   وتعطيل العمليه التعليميه  .وقال مدير المدرسه الاستاذ ابراهيم عمران ,أن هذا الاقتحام ليس الأول , بل ان المدرسة تتعرض شبه يوميا لاعتداءات جنود الاحتلال وهذا يؤدي الى تراجع في العمليه التعليميه اضافة الى  الجانب النفسي الذي يتركه هذا الاعتداء على الطلاب .
واضاف ان جنود الاحتلال يقيمون يوميا الحواجز على مدخل بورين الغربي  المدخل الشرقي من قريه مادما  مما يعيق الوصول الى المدرسه .
نشطاء المقاومه الشعبيه من حركه تضامن sfp توجهوا الى المدرسه من اجل تقديم المساعده والوقوف مع  الطلاب المحاصرين , وطالبوا المؤسسات الدوليه والحقوقيه التدخل لحمايه طلاب بورين .


School children outside Burin Boys High School after the Israeli Army attack

School children outside Burin Boys High School after the Israeli Army attack


Burin Boys High School

Burin Boys High School


A selection of the tear gas canisters fired at the children while they were in lessons

A selection of the tear gas canisters fired at the children while they were in lessons


Mr. Ibrahim Imran, School Principal

Mr. Ibrahim Imran, School Principal


Israeli Army just outside the School

Israeli Army just outside the School

03/11/14: Israeli Army continues its policy of ethnic cleansing in Khirbet al-Tawil

On Monday 3 November a large force of the Israeli Army entered Khirbet al-Tawil, just south of Nablus, and demolished homes and agricultural buildings. This is not the first time the Army has targeted the ancient village, home to Palestinians for hundreds of years. In recent months the Army has consistently attacked and demolished homes and structures in the village trying to force villagers from their ancestral lands.

The homes, belonging to Bahaa Maroof, Bani Fadil and Osama Bani Fadil, and shelters for animals were vital for the stability of the village. The villagers had recently raised money renovate the homes and structures. Last month the Army destroyed electricity pylons, and with Winter months approaching the safety of the villagers is in peril.

SFP is working to support villages such as Khirbet al-Tawil remain steadfast on their land and rebuild where the Occupation demolishes. If you would like to donate to SFP to help us support more villages please click here.


اليوم الاثنين 3-11-2014  : قامت  آليات الاحتلال الاسرائيلي  بهدم ابنية وشبكة المياه  في خربة الطويل شرق نابلس يزيد عمرها عن مائة عام. حيث حضرت قوه كبيره من جيش الاحتلال  الاسرائيلي ترافقها  الاليات الضخمة حيث قامت  بعمليات الهدم للبيوت ولشبكة المياه في منطقة تقع وسط خربة الطويل . يذكر ان هذه البيوت القديمة تعود للمزارعين بهاء معروف بني فضل مسكن ,واسامه انس بني فضل وهي  عبارة عن منازل عمرها اكثر من مائة عام  وتتكون  من غرفة واحدة يستخدمها الرعاة والمزارعين المتواجدين في خربة الطويل, وتم مؤخرا جمع اموال لترميمها. ونحن اليوم على ابواب فصل الشتاء حيث لا  يوجد اماكن بديله لهم  مما يعني  مزيدا من المعاناة للأهالي الذين تم هدم بيوتهم

Pictures courtesy of SFP contacts in Aqraba local Council

Pictures courtesy of SFP contacts in Aqraba local Council

Pictures courtesy of SFP contacts in Aqraba local Council

Pictures courtesy of SFP contacts in Aqraba local Council

Pictures courtesy of SFP contacts in Aqraba local Council

Pictures courtesy of SFP contacts in Aqraba local Council

Pictures courtesy of SFP contacts in Aqraba local Council

Pictures courtesy of SFP contacts in Aqraba local Council

01/10/14: Refugees of Al Fara’ camp under attack

In the early hours of Wednesday morning the Israeli Army attacked Al Fara’ Refugee camp as the residents slept. The soldiers broke into home, ransacking and destroying property. They also kidnapped 25 year old Zakaria Mahmoud Abadi, after shooting towards him and beating him on his back and head. He was taken away in an Army ambulance with his head bleeding severely, and his condition is unknown.
The Army broke into the home of Zakaria’s father, Abu Qasim, arresting and attacking his son while also destroying the contents of their home. They also desotroyed the car of Jamal Al Zaidan.
The brave youth of the camp tried to defend against the attack and were met with volleys of tear gas, rubber coated steel bullets and sound bombs. As the invading soldiers withdrew the camp was strewn with debri from their attack and the blood of Zakaria.
The Army regularly attack the camp, destroying property and kidnapping residents. There is currently near 7,000 Palestinians being held in Israeli Apartheid prisons in violation of international law. SFP asks people around the world to stand with the Palestinian people and join their struggle to end the Occupation and free Palestinian political prisoners. SFP members Ghassan Najjar and Dr. Yousef Abdul Haq are just two being held without charge by Apartheid Israel. To find out how you can help, please click here.
N.B. This report and pictures were provided by Al Fara Refugee Camp Committee.
قوات اسرائليه معززه تقتحم مخيم الفارعه فجر يوم الاربعاء الموافق 1 / 10 / 2014 حيث قام الجنود باقتحام بعض المنازل عرف منها منزل السيد فاروق ابو الحسن حيث خلفوا ورائهم دمار كبير وتخريب في محتويات واثاث المنزل وكذلك تم اقتحام منزل السيد محمود العبادي ابو قاسم واعتقال الشاب ( زكريا محمود العبادي 25 عام ) بعد ان قاموا باطلاق الرصاص المعدني عليه حيث اصيب باصابت في ظهره وراسه وبعدها قاموا بالاعتداء عليه بالضرب المبرح مما تسبب بحدوث نزيف في وجهه واقتادوه بمركبة اسعاف تابعه للجيش الى جه غير معروفه كما تم تحطيم زجاج سيارة السيد جمال الزيدان وقد دارت مواجهات عنيفه بين شبان المخيم والجنود الاسرائلين الذين قاموا بالرد على الحجاره باطلاق الاعيره الناريه والمطاطيه وقنابل الغاز والقنابل الصوتيه الحريه للمعتقلين والاحتلال حتما الى زوال صور لبعض الدمار الذي احدثه الجنود في بوت المخيم والدماء التي نزفت من الشاب المعتقل
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