
16/05/15: SFP says “we ARE returning”, Apartheid Israel attacks

On Saturday 16 May activists from SFP led the march for the right of return for all Palestinian refugees to Huwwara Military checkpoint. The Army opened fire on the activists hitting several, including photographer Nidal Eshtayeh, who was hit directly in the eye. Activists shouted their message loud and clear “we are returning” and were joined by refugees from Balata refugee camp and the main political and civil society groups in Nablus.

SFP calls on the Palestinian disapora around the world to unite and march back to Palestine. SFP also calls on supporters around the world to increase their support and activities to encourage boycott, divestment and sanctions (BDS) against Apartheid Israel. SFP will continue to struggle until all the refugees are home and Palestine is free.

السبت 16/5/2015

نشطاء المقاومة الشعبية من حركة تضامن من أجل فلسطين حرة sfp يشاركون في مسيرة العودة على حاجز حواره –نابلس

شارك نشطاء المقاومة الشعبية من حركة تضامن من أجل فلسطين حرة sfp في مسيرة العودة على حاجز حواره .

حيث توجه المئات من المشاركين بإتجاه حاجز حواره حاملين رايات العودة والأعلام الفلسطينية ورفعوا شعارات عن حق العودة .

وعند الوصول إلى الحاجز أطلق جنود الاحتلال الإسرائيلي العشرات من قنابل الصوت والغاز المسيل للدموع والرصاص المطاط مما أدى إلى إصابة العشرات من ضمنهم صحفيين ومتضامنة إيطاليه وقد تعرض الصحفي مراسل الوكالة الصينيه إلى إصابه مباشره بالعين وقد تم نقل معظم المصابين إلى المستشفيات في نابلس .

حركة تضامن من أجل فلسطين حرة sfp أكدت على حق العوده وقالت إن الشعب الفلسطيني في الوطن المحتل وفي الشتات يتوحد على قضية العودة ولا يمكن التنازل عنها وطالبوا بمزيد من المقاطعه للإحتلال الإسرائيلي BDS والعمل على تقديمه لمحكمة الجنايات الدوليه .

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15/05/15: SFP spread the word that “we will return”

On Friday 15 May activists from SFP went to Huwwara checkpoint and distributed hundreds of Palestinian flags and black ‘right of return’ flags to passing motorists. This is part of a series of activities SFP has been organising to commemorate Al Nakba and reassert the right of return.

SFP stands firmly with the refugees in saying “we will return” and will be organising more actions in the days to come.

اليوم الجمعه – نابلس

نشطاء المقاومه الشعبيه  Sfp يقومون  بتوزيع  الاعلام السوداء والاعلام الفلسطينيه على السيارات

بالقرب من حاجز حواره قام نشطاء المقاومه الشعبيه  من sfp بتوزيع مئات الاعلام الفلسطينيه والرايات السوداء على السيارات الفلسطينيه الداخلة والخارجه من نابلس    وقد اكد النشطاء في الذكرى 67 للنكبه  على ان حق العوده  وان الشعب الفلسطيني لن ينسى  حقه في العوده  الى اراضيه التي تم تهجيره منها

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13/05/15: SFP remembers Al Nakba

As Palestinians around the world, and within Palestine, prepare to commemorate the Nakba (the catastrophe in Arabic) SFP activists put up flags and banners in Nablus’s main square. SFP activists hoisted banners reiterating the right of return for all refugees and their determination to work towards return.

SFP will continue to struggle until Palestine is free and the refugees can come home and in the days to come will be taking part and organising activities around the right of return.

الأربعاء 13/5/2015

نشطاء المقاومة الشعبية من حركة تضامن من أجل فلسطين حرة يستعدون لإحياء ذكرى النكبة في مدينة نابلس

حيث قام النشطاء بتعليق اللافتات المطالبة بحق عودة اللاجئين الفلسطينيين إلى مدنهم وقراهم المهجرة منذ عام 1948 و وقاموا بتعليق أعلام فلسطين والرايات السوداء الخاصة بالنكبة والتي تحمل شعار العودة إلى الأراضي الفلسطينية في الأماكن العامة من مدينة نابلس

وأكد نشطاء المقاومة الشعبية إنهم مستمرون في نضالهم حتى نيل حقوقهم بعودة اللاجئين وإطلاق سراح الأسرى وتحقيق الحرية والعداله للشعب الفلسطيني ،

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31/05/14: SFP states – We are returning

At approximately 11:00am on Saturday 31 May refugees from across the northern West Bank, supported by SFP, attempted to return to their villages and land in 1948 Palestine. SFP led the march of return, which activists stated is the beginning of the end of the Nakba. Activists surprised the Army at a checkpoint to the north of Tulkarem, but the Army attacked with a barrage of tear gas, rubber coated steel bullets and live ammunition. Dozens of activists were treated for suffocation and several were transferred to hospital. But their determination remained strong, that they would continue to return home.

The action comes shortly after Palestinians around the world marked 66 years of the Nakba (known as “the catastrophe” in English), when Palestinians were forcible expelled from their homes by Zionist militia. A policy of ethnic cleansing that continues to this day as Apartheid Israel continues to expel native Palestinians from their land.

Activists stated:
Today marks the end of the Nakba. The refugees are coming home. We have waited 66 years and the implementation of the numerous UN Resolutions by the World to return to our land. No Government or militia can stop us taking our rights. We will return the way we came, on foot with our possessions on our backs.

Activists also went on to say:
We invite Palestinians everywhere, and those that believe in freedom and justice, to join us and head to the Apartheid Wall. It is time to tear down Apartheid.

Approximately 250 Palestinians, accompanied by international supporters, attempted to reach their lands. They came from refugee camps across the Northern West Bank, and varied in gender, age and backgrounds. United in one message “we are returning”.

For more photos and video footage please click here.

21/05/14: Nablus demands justice for Rachel Corrie

On Wednesday 21 May activists from SFP gathered in the centre of Nablus to demand justice for Rachel Corrie, murdered by the Israeli Army in 2003. Rachel’s family were back in an Israeli Apartheid Court on Wednesday, appealing against last years decision to dismiss their civil suit against the State of Israel for death. Activists also added their voices to the growing chorus of people around the world demanding the UN investigate the cold blooded killing of two Palestinian children at Ofer military court on 15 May by the Israeli Army, after CCTV footage was released of the murders.

Cindy and Craig Corrie have been fighting for justice for their daughter since she was murdered by an Israeli Army bulldozer while trying to protect a Palestinian doctors home in Rafah, the Gaza Strip in 2003. Nine years after filing a civil suit against the State of Israel for the wrongful death of Rachel, her family had their appeal heard before the Israeli Supreme Court today. The appeal challenges the Haifa District Court’s August 2012 ruling which concluded that the Israeli military was not responsible for Rachel’s death and that it conducted a credible investigation. This was despite photographic and witness testimonies showing Rachel was clearly visible to the bulldozer driver.

Nadeem Siam Nawara (17 years old) and Mohammad Mahmoud Odeh (16 years old) were murdered while participating in a Nakba commemoration demonstration at Ofer Military Court on Thursday 15 May 2014. CCTV footage, released by the NGO DCI-Palestine, clearly shows the two children posed no immediate threat to the Army and were murdered in cold blood. Since the release of the footage even the US State Department, usually staunchly behind Israel, has demanded that Apartheid Israel undertakes a credible investigation into the murders.

However, as Rachel’s family have discovered with their relative privelege of USA passports, a credible investigation and justice is unlikely based on Apartheid Israel’s record. Even less likely if the person is Palestinian. SFP supports the call by numerous Palestinian associations that the Palestinian Authority seeks the jurisdiction the the International Criminal Court, in order to pursue Apartheid Israel for its war crimes and provide justice for Palestine and the families of martyrs.

 تضامنا مع شهداء الحريه شهداء الانسانيه فقد اعتصم اليوم الاربعاء نشطاء المقاومه الشعبيه من حركة تضامن (sfp) امام خيمة التضامن مع الاسرى المضربين عن الطعام حيث ستنظر اليوم الأربعاء ، في الاستئناف الذي قدمته عائلة ناشطة السلام الأميركية راشيل كوري، على قرار المحكمة المركزية الذي برأ الجيش الإسرائيلي من المسؤولية عن مقتل الناشطة. – ووجه النشطاء رساله الى العالم والى كافة الملؤسسات الدوليه والحقوقيه بضروره محاكمه قتله راشيل وتوم هندورال والقتل اليومي للاطفال الفلسطينيين دون مبرر وطالبوأ بتصعيد حملة المقاطعه الشامله للاحتلال الاسرائيلي (BDS ) ورحب النشطاء بموقف المتضامنين الدوليين في بريطانيا الذين شاركوا في التظاهره ضد زياره وزيره الخارجيه تسيفي لفنني

17/05/14: The refugees mark the Nakba at Mas’oudia Park, Burqa

On Saturday afternoon hundreds of Palestinians came together to commemorate the Nakba (the ‘catastrophe’ in English), riding bikes from Sebastiya village in the north to Mas’oudia Park to symbolise their inalienable right of return to their homes. Joined by members of SFP, refugees across the northern West Bank commemorated the Nakba in a festival held at the park.

The 15 May is commemorated every year by Palestinians around the world marking their forced expulsion from their homes by Zionist militia in what is currently the Apartheid State of Israel. Some 750,000 Palestinians were forcible expelled from their homes, and many who stayed were massacred in terrorist attacks by Zionist forces such as that on the village of Deir Yassin where over one hundred villagers were massacred. The refugees and their descendants now number more than 6 million, many living in poor conditions in refugee camps across Palestine and the Arab world, waiting to return home.

On the 11 December 1948 the UN General Assembly recognised the refugees right to return in Article 11 of Resolution 194, which states:

Resolves that the refugees wishing to return to their homes and live at peace with their neighbours should be permitted to do so at the earliest practicable date, and that compensation should be paid for the property of those choosing not to return and for loss of or damage to property which, under principles of international law or in equity, should be made good by the Governments or authorities responsible.

This was reaffirmed by the UN General Assembly Resolution 3236 on 22 November 1974, which declared the right of return to be an “inalienable right”. Both Resolutions 194 and the latter 242 (“achieving a just settlement of the refugee problem”), along with international and humanitarian law, have been repeatedly reinstated by the UN.

Apartheid Israel and its supporters continue to deny the right of the Palestinians to return to their homes and the Nakba that started in 1948 continues to this day, as Apartheid Israel implements a discriminatory policy to force remaining Palestinians from their land.

SFP will continue the struggle until all refugees are able to go home. We ask people around the world to join that struggle and abide by the request for boycott, divestment and sanctions against Apartheid Israel. To find out how to boycott please click here.


09/05/14: Blood on their hands

On Friday evening activists sprayed red paint, to symbolize Palestinian blood, on Israeli flags that had been placed along roads by Apartheid Israel to mark their so called independence day. Activists also stuck up messages on illegal settler bus stops telling them to leave Palestinian land, that Israel was a terror state and that this is Palestine.

In a direct provocation Apartheid Israel had placed hundreds of Israel flags along major roads across the West Bank area of Palestine, to mark the declaration of the Israeli State on Palestinian lands. This declaration in 1948 came at the cost of hundreds of thousands of Palestinian refugees, forced at gunpoint to leave their homes, the destruction of thousands of Palestinian villages, and the massacre of Palestinians that refused to leave. It was also to mark the beginning of Apartheid against the native Palestinian population and a policy of ethnic cleansing that continues to this day. Many victims, of what Palestinians refer to as the ‘Nakba’ (the castrophe), were either forced outside Palestine altogether, or into refugee camps across the West Bank, close to where these Israeli flags were placed.

Activists were clear that they would not allow the ethnic cleansing and violence against Palestinians to continue. As Palestinians prepare to commerate the Nakba, some 66 years later, nearly 6 million Palestinian refugees are still awaiting to come home, as is their right under international law. Today activists affirmed their commitment to ensure all the Palestinian refugees can come home and Palestine is free from the river to the sea.

 يوم الجمعة رش النشطاء مساء طلاء أحمر ، ترمز إلى الدم الفلسطيني ، على الأعلام الإسرائيلية التي كانت قد وضعت على طول الطرق من قبل إسرائيل (الفصل العنصري ) بمناسبة ما يسمى يوم استقلالهم. و وضع النشطاء أيضا رسائل على محطات الحافلات المستوطنين غير الشرعيين تقول انه يجب عليكم مغادرة الأراضي الفلسطينية و أن إسرائيل دولة إرهاب وأن هذه فلسطين .

في استفزاز اسرائيلي المباشر قد وضعت المئات من أعلام إسرائيل على طول الطرق الرئيسية في جميع أنحاء منطقة الضفة الغربية من فلسطين ، وذلك بمناسبة إعلان الدولة الإسرائيلية على الأراضي الفلسطينية. وجاء هذا الإعلان في عام 1948 على حساب مئات الآلاف من اللاجئين الفلسطينيين ، واضطر تحت تهديد السلاح اضر الفلسطينيين على مغادرة منازلهم ، وتم تدمير آلاف القرى الفلسطينية ، و مذبحة الفلسطينيين التي رفضت الرحيل. وكان أيضا في تحديد بداية الفصل العنصري ضد السكان الفلسطينيين الأصليين و سياسة التطهير العرقي التي لا تزال حتى يومنا هذا. العديد من الضحايا ، ما يسميه الفلسطينيون باسم ‘ النكبة ‘ (و كارثة)، واضطر إما خارج فلسطين تماما، أو في مخيمات اللاجئين في الضفة الغربية ، على مقربة من حيث وضعت هذه الأعلام الإسرائيلية .

و من الواضح ان ناشطون لن تسمح في سياسة التطهير العرقي والعنف ضد الفلسطينيين و مواصلة اللعب. كما يعد الفلسطينيون إلى أحيا ذكرى النكبة، في وقت لاحق نحو 66 عاما، هناك ما يقارب ال 6 ملايين لاجئ فلسطيني ما زالوا ينتظرون العودة الى الوطن ، كما هو حقه بموجب القانون الدولي. أكد نشطاء اليوم التزامهم لضمان أن جميع اللاجئين الفلسطينيين يمكن العودة الى الوطن وفلسطين حرة من النهر إلى البحر.


16/04/14: Activists tell the Occupation “Abu Jihad is not forgotten”

On the 26th anniversary of the murder of Abu Jihad, activists issued more eviction notices to criminal settlers with the message that Abu Jihad is not forgotten and they will bring his body back to be buried on his land in Al-Ramla. Activists issued the notices in English and Hebrew, which also stated that the settlers should leave Palestinian lands, and left them at the entrances to several illegal settlements, settler Apartheid transport stops and at Huwwara checkpoint, just south of Nablus.

They also declared that Israel is a terror State, as they remembered, on the eve of his murder, Bassem Abu Rahme killed while peacefully demonstrating against the Apartheid Wall and illegal settlements that surround his village of Bilin. Bassem was killed by a direct shot to the chest with a high velocity tear gas canister on 17 April 2009. Despite video footage of the criminal act, terror State Israel did not prosecute any soldiers for his murder.

Khalil Ibrahim al-Wazir, or Abu Jihad as he was more commonly known, along with Yasser Arafat, was one of the founders of the Palestine Liberation Organisation (PLO) and Fatah party. He was born in Al-Ramla and was a refugee after being forcefully expelled during the Nakba in 1948, when Jewish forces declared the State of Israel. He was assassinated by Mossad agents (Israeli external secret service) while in his home in exile in Tunis on 16 April 1988.

Apartheid Israel continues to use assassinations as a terror tool, an example of yet another war crime committed by the Apartheid State. Abu Jihad was buried in the Yarmouk refugee camp, still awaiting his lawful right to return to his homeland. Today activists, 26 years after his murder, affirmed that like the refugees they would ensure Abu Jihad came home to Palestine and there is justice for all the martyrs of the struggle for freedom.

قام نشطاء من المقاومة الشعبية و في ذكرى استشهاد خليل الوزير ابو جهاد و استشهاد باسم ابو رحمة من قرية بلعين بوضع ملسقات على جوانب شوارع المستوطنين تدعوهم لرحيل عن ارضهم و يرسلون للاحتلال رساله واضحة انهم لم ولن يقبلوا هذا الاحتلال وسوف يستمرون في هدم لفصل العنصري من البحر الى النهر

خليل الوزير ابو جهاد مواليد عام ١٩٣٥ ولد في مدينة الرملة و غادرها آلى غزة اثر حرب ١٩٤٨ مع أفراد عائلته هو احد قيادات المقاومة الفلسطينية و احد مؤسسي حركة التحرير الوطني الفلسطيني فتح استشهد بتاريخ ١٦/٤/١٩٨٨ في تونس بعد ان اقتحمت وحدة خاصة من الموساد الاسرائيلي منزله في تونس
باسم ابراهيم ابو رحمة، المعروف بـ (الفيل)، الذي روى بدمه الزكي ارض قرية الكفاح السلمي البطلة، وهو الشهيد الاول منذ بدأت القرية تشق طريقها دفاعا عن اراضيها واراضي القرى والبلدات الفلسطينية ضد جدار الفصل العنصري والضم والتهويد.

Khalil Ibrahim Al-Wazir or “Abu Jihad”

Bassem Abu Rahme after he was shot

Water Apartheid in the Jordan Valley

This video, made by activists from the Jordan Valley Solidarity Campaign, details the difficulties faced by Palestinians in the Jordan Valley as they try to survive on their land.

As Apartheid Israel proclaims in its recounting of history that “it made the desert bloom”, the truth is that this ‘blooming’ came by stealing Palestinian water resources and redirecting them to illegal settlements, while systematically denying Palestinians their right to their resources and land.

This policy is a continuation of the Nakba of 1948, when Jewish terrorists forced Palestinians from their land at gun point. As Apartheid Israel continues to steal water it hopes to empty the land of the native Palestinian population.

Jordan Valley Solidarity Campaign supports and works with the Palestinian native inhabitants of the Jordan Valley area. To help them in their work we encourage you all to make a donation, so Palestinians remain steadfast on the land for generations to come and defy Israeli terrorism. To find out how to donate please click here.

09/04/14: Activists demand settlers leave their land as they remember the Deir Yassin massacre

On the 66th anniversary of the massacre by Jewish Irgun forces (the precursor to the Israeli Army) against the defenseless Palestinian villagers of Deir Yassin, activists put up posters and Palestinian flags near illegal settlements and along roads frequented by settlers and Army, demanding they leave their land. In Hebrew, Arabic and English the posters stated:

This is Apartheid (English)

Boycott Apartheid Israeli Occupation (Arabic)

It’s time to get out of our land (Hebrew)

After 66 years of Occupation, murder and oppression activists were clear in their message that they would no longer allow it to continue and settlers should leave Palestine.

Deir Yassin is a Palestinian village located to the west of Jerusalem. On 9 April 1948 Irgun terrorists attacked the village, massacring the residents. News of the massacre quickly spread and many terrified Palestinians fled their villages for fear of suffering a similar fate. These events are known as the ‘Nakba’ or ‘Catastrophe’.

6 million Palestinian refugees of Nakba are still awaiting to return to their homes they were terrorised from by what was to become the Israeli Army. Their right to return is defined in international law and reaffirmed every year since the Nakba by dozens of UN resolutions.

Just as activists issued eviction orders to the illegal settlers today, SFP believes in the right of return for all Palestinian refugees, and their right to assert their right. SFP is working with groups to begin the return of refugees to their homeland, Palestine.

We ask you to support Palestinians as they continue their struggle and take back their land by abiding by their request for boycott, divestment and sanctions against Apartheid Israel. To find out how to boycott please click here.

Also, if you would like to help support SFP in their activities we welcome donations. Please click here for details on how to donate.

Eviction notice for settlers

Eviction notice for settlers




Remembering Deir Yassin

Remembering Deir Yassin

Blood on your hands Apartheid Israel

Blood on your hands Apartheid Israel

Reclaiming the land

Reclaiming the land

This is Palestine

This is Palestine

From the river to the sea, this is Palestine

From the river to the sea, this is Palestine